Chapter 230 The Turkic Royal Court!Sweep it all away!
You little thief, you're still a little far off.

Li Fei didn't know whether Yuchi Baolin was really stupid or pretending to be naive. Can a mortal understand this kind of power that is clearly a trick?

While walking in the direction of the Turkic Royal Court.

After a while, Li Fei said: "Lin Bao, what weapons are you good at?"

Yuchi Baolin was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Of course it's Ma Shu. My father is the one who uses Ma Shu, and he learned the moves from my father."

"Although they are far behind you, Brother Fei, but when it comes to playing tricks, they may not be my opponents!"

Hearing this, Li Fei couldn't help but look at Yuchi Baolin twice.

Ma Cha, as soon as you look at the name, you will know that it is inseparable from the war horse. This is a cold weapon that can exert its greatest power on horseback.

Generally speaking, the horse spear is equivalent to a normal spear. Except for the slightly different shape and length, the rest is almost the same.

"When I get back, I'll teach you a few tricks and see if you can learn them."

Spear skills and this horse have something in common. After Li Fei saw Yuchi Baolin's appearance, he also wanted to teach him some martial arts.

Not long after, everyone came to a plain area.

Not far ahead, there are several thick trees, surrounded by mountains and rocks.

After looking in a certain direction, Li Fei hurriedly led people there, and soon found Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde.

Seeing that Cheng Chumo, Yuchi Baolin and Qin Huaidao were all safe, they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, Cheng Yaojin pointed not far ahead and said in a low voice: "Young doctor, the information is correct, the Turkic Royal Court is just ahead!"

In the hazy night, a relatively tall building stood not far away, with some figures patrolling around it.

Because Jieli gathered troops and horses, the number of Turkic soldiers and horses stationed at the Turkic Royal Court at this time was pitiful. It was estimated that there were only about 300 people.

What's more, Jie Li would never have thought that someone would be so bold as to touch his base camp!

Li Fei looked at it, then nodded calmly: "What a great opportunity, go in and grab it!"

"You can take as much as you can, leave the killing to me!"

"Got it!"


On the endless grassland.

The sound of galloping war horses roared past, and Jieli was rushing back with his troops and horses in a hurry!

"Damn, there won't be only two or thirty people!"

"These Tang people have an ambush, and their food and grass are in danger!"

Judging from the traces left at the scene and the undisguised footprints of Li Fei and others before leaving, these people were obviously heading in the direction of the grain and grass stronghold!
This is a big deal!

Jieli's expression was gloomy, his face was covered with a layer of frost, and you can imagine the impatience in his heart!

A few hours later, he finally saw the dim light of fire appearing in front of him. Jieli returned with his troops and horses, and subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

There seems to be someone else.

Then maybe the food and grass are fine, or maybe I'm overthinking.


When they came closer, they saw more than 2000 people guarding the entrance of the valley. They were all trembling with fear. The noise of the wind and the roar of the cranes and the appearance of soldiers all over the grass and trees made Jieli frown immediately.


"do not come!"

Several guards were already nervous. They didn't see clearly at first glance that it was their own Khan who had returned, and they immediately asked warily.

When they saw the faces of the visitors clearly, the more than 2000 Turkic soldiers and horses burst into tears from top to bottom.

"Khan, you are back!"

"We were almost killed by that demon...Khan, we must kill him!"

"kill him!"

More than 2000 Turkic soldiers and horses ran forward one after another and arrived at Jie Li's side.

Jie Li frowned and didn't know what happened for a while, so he asked: "What's going on?" "There's nothing wrong with the food and grass, right?"

Upon hearing this, several Turkic generals suddenly turned pale and fell to their knees, daring not to speak.

"what happened?!"

"What's the use of kneeling? Say it!"

With an extremely bad premonition welling up in his heart, Jieli stared, feeling his heartbeat speeding up, and shouted angrily. ,

"Khan...the food and grass were set on fire and burned...most of it was burned..."

"That man is too powerful, almost like a demon. We can't stop him at all..."

"One person killed more than 1000 of our troops, Khan..."

Several Turkic generals were trembling, their bodies shaking like chaff, and they stammered.

Hearing this, Jie Li was stunned for a moment.

In the blink of an eye, his face became furious: "That's ridiculous! Do you really think I'm a fool?"

"Can one person come here and kill 1000 people?"

Outrageous, simply outrageous!
At this time, the sound of horse hooves suddenly sounded not far away, and it quickly arrived here from far away.

I saw a few Turkic cavalry looking panicked. They stopped in front of Jieli and almost rolled off their horses!
Suddenly he knelt down in front of Jieli. The Turkic soldier turned pale and said in panic: "Khan, something bad is going to happen!"

"Those Tang troops have invaded the royal court and are looting it!"


Jieli's eyes were about to burst, and his face was almost the color of pig liver with anger. He quickly turned his horse's head and said, "Come here, follow me back to the royal court!"

"Kill these ignorant Tang troops! Kill Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde!"


Turkic royal court.

Rivers of blood flowed, and all the Turkic soldiers and horses who were still resisting were swept away by Li Fei.

At this moment, a group of people entered the royal court.

Some women were so frightened that they screamed. Cheng Yaojin and others did not mean to be cruel and simply knocked out those who were close.

Li Fei had no intention of killing them all.

This trip was not to cause trouble for the Turks, but to rescue Cheng Yaojin, Cheng Mo and the others!

Killed the Turks easily?

Then what else does Li Er do?
Unless absolutely necessary, Li Fei just wants to be happy. This kind of interference in the development of the main line of history is not something he likes.

To put it bluntly, he himself is an extreme egoist.

Unless there are enough bargaining chips and benefits,...there is no need to discuss anything!
"Little doctor, we found all the medicinal materials we are missing here!"

"There are still a lot of gold and silver treasures, but it's a pity that there are few of us... we can't carry them..."

Cheng Yaojin came out with two large packages on his body and uncontrollable excitement on his face.

It's not because he is greedy for money, but these are all valuable properties. This feeling of draining money from the bottom of the cauldron is simply too satisfying!

"...Well, you go first."

"I'll catch up later. Jieli should be back soon."

Hearing this, Cheng Yaojin and others packed their bags and hurriedly left in one direction.

Li Fei arrived inside the royal court, looked around, and couldn't help but praise: "What a hero... I don't know, I thought it was the story of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves..."

"Give me the storage space!"

After a while, Li Fei walked out of the royal court and turned to leave.

In the entire Turkic Royal Court, apart from the four empty walls, there is nothing else!

(End of this chapter)

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