Chapter 24 Send troops to protect Xiaoqin Village!

"Your Majesty, the military training matter cannot be underestimated. It is now presided over by Lu Guogong and E Guogong."

"As for the specific military training plan, according to His Majesty's wishes, it is currently being formulated by Duke Yi."

Li Jing said quickly.

The Duke of Lu was Cheng Yaojin, and the Duke of E was Yuchi Jingde. These two were famous generals in the Tang Dynasty, and their reputations spread far and wide.

Li Jing was relatively relieved that the military training was left to these two people.

If we can pick out a few good seedlings and cultivate them, we might be able to add a few more generals to Datang in the future.

The formulation of the military training plan was left to the Duke of Yi, Qin Qiong.

Originally, Qin Qiong had gradually begun to stay away from the court and was preparing to live a retired life, but when the decree came down, he had to continue his career.

Fortunately, it was just a plan. Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde had the final say in supervising the training.

"Oh, Yaojin and Jingde are indeed more suitable for this matter. Medicine Master, I have something important to tell you."

Li Er nodded and looked at Li Jing.

"Your Majesty please order!"

Li Jing's face became solemn. It was the first time he heard such a formal arrangement and he quickly replied.

"Well... you select about twenty good soldiers from these soldiers, and then select two or three centurions, and send them to a place called Xiao Qin Village to protect the safety of the village!"

"Remember, this matter must be carried out secretly. Just ask Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde directly for the person they want. There is no need to select or anything, you know?"

After organizing his words in his mind, Li Er said with a serious face.

Li Jing subconsciously meant that he heard wrongly.

Send troops to protect the safety of a village?

Moreover, I seem to have heard the name of this village earlier. It is the Xiao Qin Village where His Majesty asked the road to be built?
Isn't there something important in this village?

"The minister obeys the order!"

"Your Majesty, I have something unclear. If we want to protect Xiao Qin Village, twenty or so people...are enough?"

Li Jing hurriedly agreed to the matter first, and then asked about the doubts in his heart.

What he was thinking about at the moment was, could it be that some strange object had been discovered in Xiaoqin Village and His Majesty wanted to send someone to protect it?
"Ahem, that's all for now. When the road over there is repaired, I plan to build another big military training ground."

"When the time comes, let Cheng Yaojin and the others go there to train troops. What do you think?"

After all, Chang'an City is a prosperous place. The place where Li Jing arranged for Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde to train troops is also outside Chang'an City, in the open space between several villages.

Anyway, it's all about military training. It just so happens that the area near Xiaoqin Village is desolate and there are large tracts of land that can be used.

One is to train troops, and the other is to protect the safety of Si Zi. "ah?"

Li Jing was stunned for a moment, then thought about it, and said: "This... there is no problem. I just heard from Duan Lun, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, that Xiaoqin Village is still some distance from Chang'an. When we wait for the army to move over, it will inevitably cause trouble. Attention from those who care..."

Hearing this, Changsun Wuji beside him had already understood what Li Er meant and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Lord Wei. There is no need to bring them all at once. You can also bring them in batches for training."

Li Jing looked hesitant and still wanted to speak.

But Li Er waved his hand and said, "Okay, this has been decided in advance. Medicine Master, you first select twenty skilled people and let them go there early tomorrow morning."

"We'll talk about other things after the road is repaired."

Seeing that the matter had been finalized, Li Jing still had doubts in his heart, but still said respectfully: "I obey the order!"

Not long after, Li Jing also left.

Looking at the sky, it was already dinner time.

Glancing at Changsun Wuji, Li Er had a strange expression: "Auxiliary machine, if you don't go home for dinner, do you have anything else to say?"

Next to him, Changsun Wuji said "uh", looked at no one around him, and sneered: "Your Majesty, when I came back from the young doctor today, did the young doctor give your majesty the trick of pouring oil on your face?"

Good guy!
Li Er cursed in his heart, this old guy turned out to have the idea of ​​pouring oil on his noodles!

"Well, you have a sharp eye. Yes, the recipe for the fried noodles has been handed over to the imperial chef. What do you think?"

Li Er snorted and looked at Changsun Wuji with interest.

"Then... I will have a good time with Your Majesty. If Your Majesty can give me the recipe for making noodles with oil, I will..."

Changsun Wuji said a little embarrassed.

I can’t help it, the fried noodles are so fragrant!

Even though he had just finished eating at noon, looking back now, Changsun Wuji still drools with greed, and many of the delicacies he usually eats no longer taste good.

"Haha, you are so cunning. If that's the case, let's stay and eat together. Later, let the chef copy the recipe and you can take it back to study!"

Li Er laughed and said nothing more.

Not long after, a palace maid brought two nights of steaming noodles.

The tender green green onions, emerald green rapeseed, and the oil flowers floating in the bowl exude a burst of fragrance.

There were only two people in the Imperial Study Room at the moment. Li Er and Changsun Wuji didn't care about their image, so they picked up their chopsticks and started working.

However, after taking only a small bite, they both stopped at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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