Chapter 25 Lard recipe?How dare you tease me!
The two of them looked at each other, and then looked at the noodles in the bowl that were just like the oily noodles made by Li Fei.

Unbelieving, they took another bite. The two of them covered their mouths and couldn't help but spat it out with a "wow" sound.

"Bah, it tastes worse than the noodles I've eaten before!"

"Come here, call the cook in the imperial kitchen. I want to ask what's going on!"

Changsun Wuji's face was twisted. He was expecting a delicious meal, but he ended up with a fishy taste in his mouth, not to mention how unpalatable it was!
Is this the young man's oily noodles?

The taste is like heaven and earth. What went wrong?

Seeing the sullen look on His Majesty's face, Changsun Wuji also put down his chopsticks, wanting to see who made the noodles.


"Young man, please see your majesty, please see Zhao Guogong!"

The chef from the imperial dining room rushed over in a hurry. As soon as he entered the imperial study, he knelt down and saluted Li Er and Changsun Wuji.

Li Er's face was gloomy. He glanced at the bowl in front of him and then at the chef: "Did you make this oily noodles?"

The imperial chef had already observed his words, and now he looked panic-stricken, and said quickly: "To tell you back to Your Majesty, this oily noodles are indeed made in small sizes. According to the recipe of oily noodles given by your majesty, I made two large bowls..."

Is the recipe wrong?
This is not my fault!

The chef kept complaining in his heart. He clearly followed the steps above to make the oil-splashed noodles, boiled the oil to cook the noodles, and then poured it on. Is it okay?

"Fart, come and try the fried noodles you made. Is this something for people to eat?" Li Er was furious.

The delicious food he was looking forward to turned out to be like this. You can imagine the anger in his heart.

The imperial chef didn't dare to answer the question and knelt on the ground shivering, secretly cursing the person who gave the recipe for his wickedness.

I don’t know what kind of evil your Majesty believes in. The oil in the formula states that pig fat is used to cook the oil.

Is pork like this for His Majesty to eat?
But there was nothing he could do. His Majesty solemnly told him to follow the recipe. The imperial chef had no choice but to go to the market in person, pick a pig that was still fat, and kill it to get the fat.

You must know that throughout the Tang Dynasty, except for Xiaoqin Village where Li Fei was located, the method of raising pigs was still the same as that of the previous dynasty.

Without castration technology, pigs gave birth to few piglets, and the pork was smelly, did not gain fat, and had a strong taste.

Even the boiled lard tastes like this.

"Why, you still don't believe it?"

Seeing that the imperial chef didn't speak, Li Er became even more angry and ordered the bold guy to be pulled out and beaten with a hundred sticks.

"Your Majesty, this may not be the fault of the imperial chef." At this time, Changsun Wuji suddenly said, and then looked at the imperial chef: "Where is the recipe that your majesty gave you, bring it to me and see."

The imperial chef bowed with tears of gratitude and hurried back to the imperial dining room. He quickly brought a piece of paper over and handed it to Changsun Wuji.

"Four, chopped green onions, fresh rape leaves, lard made from pig fat..."

After a few glances, Changsun Wuji's eyes felt something was wrong, and he asked curiously: "Your Majesty, the oil noodles we ate before were... made of lard?"

Hearing this, Li Er was also stunned.

After getting the formula from Li Fei, he didn't even look at it and sent someone directly to the imperial dining room.

At this moment, when I suddenly heard that there was "lard" in the formula, my expression suddenly changed: "Bring it to me and see!"

After seeing the handwriting clearly, Li Er's face darkened: "You little doctor, I just want a formula from you. I give you money and you pretend you don't want it. You use this method to tease me. It's really unreasonable!"

Pork was a food for poor people in the Tang Dynasty.

People with a little bit of status all stay away from pork and disdain to eat it.

And this recipe actually uses pork to make oil, but it is just for yourself to eat, which is simply baffling!

Seeing that Li Er was angry, Changsun Wuji quickly said: "Your Majesty, maybe the young man made a mistake in writing it. It's not necessarily that we go there again tomorrow. Then we can bring the imperial cook over and ask him, how about it?"

Below, the imperial chef was also smart and bowed quickly: "Your Majesty, I am willing to go with Your Majesty. This person actually teased Your Majesty with such a clumsy recipe. I will definitely expose his true colors!"

"Go down and we'll talk tomorrow." Li Er waved his hand and dismissed the imperial chef.

Just kidding, he was angry because he was angry, but Li Er had no intention of raising an army to hold him accountable.

Not to mention where Xiao Sizi was, Li Fei's words alone were a great achievement in awakening a group of confidants as to the true nature of the Tibetan mission to Tang Dynasty.

"Forget it, the young man doesn't seem to be teasing me. I'll ask about the lard in this recipe tomorrow."

Li Er said slowly.

Hearing this, Changsun Wuji immediately laughed and said: "That's very good. I have a small request. When I go with Your Majesty tomorrow, can I bring a cook from my residence with me..."

Li Er was stunned for a moment, came back to his senses and said with a smile: "You old cunning guy, you even thought of this, you are worthy of it!"

"It's all small things, I'm sure!"

(End of this chapter)

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