Chapter 241 It’s late at night, are you sick?

At night, Duke Lu's residence.

Hou Junji has been very quiet recently.

Because of what happened not long ago, Li Er and the others were unhappy, and it happened again after they came back, and it was hard to stop thinking about it.

In addition to interacting with the prince Li Chengqian, he usually drinks tea and watches movies at home, and his life is very comfortable.

At this moment, Hou Junji was a little tired and was just about to go to bed.

"Where is Hou Junji?"

Suddenly, there was a movement outside the house, which made Hou Junji, who was about to undress and go to sleep, suddenly startled.

"Who's outside?"

Hou Junji suddenly frowned.

The voice sounded like that of a young man, but it was so late, why did someone suddenly come out?
"I heard that the Duke and Lord of Lu State have great martial arts skills and have come all the way to ask for advice!"

"I hope you can teach me a lesson!"

Outside the house, Li Fei, who had a different look, stared at Hou Junji's house, snickering in his heart.

This old guy is probably still in a state of confusion.

Not long after, there was a soft knock on the door of the house, and then an acquaintance was seen coming out.

Hou Junji was wearing single clothes. As soon as he went out, he saw two guards lying in front. There seemed to be no blood.

It looked like he was knocked unconscious.

Frowning and looking at the man in black in front of him, Hou Junji's face became serious: "Who are you and why do you come to see me?"

Isn't it unhealthy to come to see someone for discussion in the middle of the night?
With the bad intention of the visitor, Hou Junji looked at Li Fei: "Since you are here to discuss with me, why did you cover up your appearance? Don't you dare to reveal your true face?"

"A lot of nonsense."

"Look at the gun!"

There was not so much nonsense with Hou Junji. Li Fei stood up in a blink of an eye, drew the spear from behind, and swept towards Hou Junji with a sweep!

This set of spear techniques is exactly the fire dragon spear technique that Li Fei taught Li Xueyan!
Produced by the system, it never disappoints!

In the quiet courtyard, a strong wind suddenly blew, and Li Fei's spear swept past, which immediately surprised Hou Junji!
Good marksmanship!
Who is this man? !
Danger after danger, Hou Junji jumped to avoid it, and then hurriedly took several steps back.

Only then did he avoid the range of this move!

The gun is originally the king among soldiers!
Compared with swords, guns have a wider attack range. A skilled shooter can defeat swords of the same level!
"What a guy! He actually made a sneak attack!"

"For your despicable act, I will kill you!"

Being swept away by this sudden gunshot, Hou Junji almost overturned in the ditch, but when he reacted, he drew out his sword and killed him!
"Ding ding ding dong..."


In the blink of an eye, the two men met with swords. The spear in Li Fei's hand was just an ordinary thing, but with the blessing of the fire dragon spear technique, its power was naturally extraordinary!

Just three moves of horizontal and vertical slashes directly forced Hou Junji into a corner.


"Look at the gun!"

Looking at Hou Junji with cold eyes, Li Fei made another sweeping move, like lightning piercing the night sky, and slapped Hou Junji hard!

Hou Junji immediately flew out, drew a graceful arc in mid-air, and landed in the bushes ahead.

"With this little ability, you are still a dignified prince?"

"It's really embarrassing that you can't even take my three moves."

"It's really boring. How do you practice at your age?"

Invisibly, Li Fei started the mindless spraying mode again, which made Hou Jun want to vomit blood and his face was aggrieved.

Just as he was about to retort, he saw a spear coming towards him again and quickly retreated.

So, Li Fei started a unilateral dog abuse mode!


"Boy, you are deceiving people too much!"




"Puff puff……"

Not long after, looking at Hou Junji with a bruised nose and swollen face in front of him, Li Fei put away his gun and stood up, his eyes full of ridicule when he looked at him.

"Remember, be a good person in the future." After saying that, in the eyes of Hou Junji and the guards who did not move at all, Li Fei skillfully climbed over the wall and disappeared.

At this time, the guards dared to go up to thousands of people and hurriedly helped Hou Junji up.

"Master, are you all right?"

"The thief has escaped. Do you want to call the police to arrest him?"


"roll roll roll!"

"Go away!"

"No one is allowed to leak what happened tonight, otherwise we will deal with it according to the family law, you know?"

Hou Junji covered his chest, his face was ashen, and he almost shouted in a roaring voice.

What a shame, what a shame!
This damn thief not only sneaked into his mansion without any law, but also carried out such a heavy blow!

However, Hou Junji couldn't figure out why there was such a powerful person in martial arts. When did the Tang Dynasty have such a person?

Fortunately, this person did not intend to kill.


Thinking of this, Hou Junji's heart was full of anger, and he was filled with fear and joy, and he looked at the wall blankly.

Who is this person?

On the other side, Li Fei moved quietly in the city, avoiding patrolling soldiers one after another.

It was already curfew time and the streets and alleys were deserted.

And all this is naturally difficult for Li Fei to cheat.

After a while, the number of small houses on both sides became fewer and fewer, and a mansion appeared in front, and the plaque above could be vaguely seen——

"The Duke Lu's Mansion is right here!"

After looking around a few times, Li Fei continued to climb over the wall from the other side.

There was no one in the yard, and the dignified Lu Guogong Cheng Yaojin didn't need anyone to stand guard at night.

"Where is Duke Lu?"

"I want to compete with Duke Lu!"

The same words came into the house from outside.

Cheng Yaojin, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly sat up with excitement and looked out the window.

"It's here?"

"It's late at night. Is this child sick?"

After muttering in confusion, Cheng Yaojin turned over, pretended not to hear, and continued to sleep.

In the yard, Li Fei frowned.

Didn't you hear me?
Not right either.

If the vigilance was so small, it wouldn't be...

"I am Cheng Yaojin, who are you?"

At this time, a figure came out from the other side.

He had a tall and thick appearance, and it was difficult to see his face in the dark night, but in Li Fei's opinion, this figure could not deceive him.

"Stop talking nonsense, look at the gun!"

Without intending to waste any more time, Li Fei attacked directly!
After three breaths, "Cheng Yaojin" flew backwards and fell into the grass in a panic: "Your Excellency, your marksmanship is so amazing!"

"Cheng is ashamed of himself!"

"Thank you!"

Li Fei thanked him. He had nothing to do with Cheng Yaojin, so he just put away his gun and left.

The next target is the Duke's Mansion of E State!


Half an hour later, Li Fei came out of the Duke's Mansion and clapped his hands.

“It’s so relaxing beyond expectations!”

"Let's go home!"

A black shadow flashed past, and Li Fei walked straight to his mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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