Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 242 Si Zi enters the imperial city, and Li Er holds a banquet!

Chapter 242 Si Zi enters the imperial city, and Li Er holds a banquet!

This time out, the process was surprisingly smooth, and no accidents occurred.

Apart from taking more care of Hou Junji and letting the Duke of the Tang Dynasty know why the flowers are so red, the Dukes of Lu and E were just here to help.

Just to complete the task, with Li Fei's force attributes, he could naturally be dealt with in just a few or two moves.

Back in the house, Li Fei made a pot of tea by himself, filled a cup and drank it happily.

Then, turn on the system.

Then, there was silence, and no sound came out.

Li Fei, who was quietly waiting for the prompt sound to sound, put down his tea cup after a few minutes and frowned tightly, feeling that something was wrong.


"Host, please command."

"Are you still alive? Where is my reward?"

"The host has not completed any tasks, and no rewards have been issued yet."

After hearing this, Li Fei was stunned.

Just kidding, I went out specifically to do a mission this time. My butt is still hot from sitting on my front legs. Which one are you playing with?
After calling out his attribute panel, Li Fei's eyes fell directly on the bottom row, the attribute bar that belonged to the task.

"Mission: Defeat three generals of the Tang Dynasty and reward Chi You's war spirit. Mission completion: 1/3"


This result made Li Fei's eyes widen: "System, did you make a mistake?"

"We just went to clean up the Duke of Lu, and then beat up Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde. Aren't these three generals of the Tang Dynasty?"

"Why am I only a third of the way done now?"


The system was silent for a moment: "Maybe... some of them are fake, and they are not included in the calculation."

Li Fei:? ? ?
This reply made Li Fei feel a little bit Muggle-like for a moment, and he couldn't help but wonder: "Are you kidding me?"

"It doesn't matter if it's fake or something, but does this person have fake stuff?"

"What good is that?"

"do not know."

Regarding Li Fei's doubts, the system chose to ignore it and replied coldly.

Li Fei was left sitting on the chair dumbly, feeling like his mind was full of questions and he didn't know what was going on.

Hou Junji should be right.

The problem lies with Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde!
Why would these two fools find someone to pretend to be themselves?
Could it be that he knew that he was very capable and was afraid of being abused, so he ran away?

Or is there some conspiracy?
For a moment, Li Fei thought hard and couldn't figure it out. After a long time, he sighed helplessly.

Damn it, we didn't succeed at the beginning, it seems we can only choose two more targets.

There were indeed many famous generals in the Tang Dynasty, just like the crucian carp crossing the river, but not many stayed in Chang'an City.

In addition to Cheng Yaojin, Yuchi Jingde and Qin Qiong, Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and Wei Zheng, according to the system plan, are already civil servants and do not count.

"That's it, Jiangxia King Li Daozong counts as one!"

"The other one, I heard that there is Li Junxian next to the eldest grandson of the Empress of the Tang Dynasty, Wugou!"

"It's just the two of them!"

After thinking about it, Li Fei quickly locked his target, with an excited look in his eyes.

It's already late today, let's go to Li Daozong and try tomorrow!

The Imperial City, where the Imperial Garden is located.

Changle sneaked out to play, but when he came back, he was caught by Changsun Wugou.

After asking with a straight face, she found out that she had actually brought Du Mingyue and Xiao Shizi into the imperial city. They were now in her bedroom, and she was suddenly shocked.

"Mother, Si Zi is so pitiful outside. I want to take her to play in the imperial city."

"My son really didn't want to go out and play by himself, really!" Facing the lame excuses that Changle made up with his eyes wide open, Changsun Wugao couldn't help but be speechless: "Do you think your mother is so easy to deceive? ?”

"But Sizi is back, and the queen mother doesn't blame you. There will be a banquet in the imperial garden tonight, and I will go to your father to discuss it!"

"This matter must not be made public. You can only call Xue Yan over, and at most Li Wan, you know?"

Although Changsun Wugou was pleasantly surprised, he also knew that now was not the time to make any noise, so he quickly warned him.

"My son understands!"

"The queen mother is the best!"

"I'm going to find Xue Yan and Li Wan right now!"

Changle was immediately pleasantly surprised and ran out happily.

Changsun Wuguo, on the other hand, hurriedly went to the Imperial Study Room.

"Second brother, Sizi is back!"

"Sizi has returned to the imperial city!"

As soon as he entered the imperial study room, only Li Er was reviewing the memorials, and Changsun Wuguo spoke.


Li Er was stunned for a moment and was shocked: "Guanyin maid, what did you say, Si Zi returned to the imperial city?"

"You have a showdown with the young doctor?"

Although I also want Sizi to come back to me as soon as possible, now is obviously not the time!

Concealing one's identity has gradually become the norm from the beginning to now. Hearing the news suddenly caught Li Er off guard.

"No, it's Lizhi who came back with Sizi."

"Second brother, Sizi is finally able to come back. Let's hold a banquet in the imperial garden tonight. How about it?"

Knowing that Li Erhui had made a mistake, Changsun Wugou smiled slightly and hurriedly explained.

"So that's it. Guanyin, you really shocked me."

Li Er, who knew that Si Zi could only stay in the imperial city for one night, was relieved but also a little regretful. He nodded and said: "This is a big deal, come here!"

"Go down and have a dinner party in the Royal Garden!"

The guard was about to take the order and leave. Changsun Wugou looked at him: "The scale should not be too big, just moderate."

"As ordered!"

The guard hurried out.

"Second brother, you promised to be my concubine before. When can we, mother and daughter, recognize each other?"

"Seeing now, the young doctor is more and more convinced that the second brother is a businessman. If this continues, I don't know how long it will take..."

After the joy, Changsun Wugou also had a hint of sadness on his brows.

Concealing your identity is no different than telling a lie.

After one lie, there must be thousands of lies to cover it, and the cycle is endless, and the scriptures are endless.

So much so that now, if we really want to reveal our identity and be honest, there are too many things to explain!

"Oh, I don't want to do this?"

"It's all because I was too busy and didn't take it to heart."


Suddenly, an idea flashed in Li Er's mind, and he whispered a few words to his eldest grandson Wugou: "Guanyin, I suddenly have an idea. During the dinner..."

After whispering, Changsun Wugou's eyes became brighter and brighter.

But there was some hesitation, and he said: "Second brother, there is no problem with this, but can you convince others?"

I have to say, this is a good strategy.

Boil the frog in warm water. If the young man doesn't like it, then just give it to your sister!
(End of this chapter)

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