Chapter 244 Aunt Sun, don’t waste food!


Changsun Wugou's expression was astonished. He was amused by Shizi's innocent words, and then the smile on his face became brighter: "Well, that's right, my aunt is filming!"

I was originally thinking about how to find an excuse to explain this matter, but I didn't expect that the little guy sent me an excuse himself.

"Okay, you all should sit down quickly!"

"Don't be restrained, everyone sits down."

As the eldest grandson Wugou spoke, Changle, Li Wan, Li Xueyan and Du Mingyue also bowed and then sat at the table nearby.

The dinner party officially begins.

The music was playing, and the exquisite dishes were steaming hot and were placed on the table one after another.

Below, except for Changsun Wuji and Cheng Yaojin, the other four people looked stunned.

It was the first time for Wei Zheng, Fang Du and Li Jing to see Changsun Wugou in such a "people-friendly" manner.

Who is this little girl?
Only Li Jing heard Li Wan mention something, and suddenly woke up and whispered to Chang Sun Wuji next to him: "Old fox, could this little girl be the little princess who was lost back then?"

When Xiao Sizi was lost, Lei Lei was furious after Li Er returned to the imperial city and mobilized almost all his troops to search for him.

The empress's eldest grandson, Wugao, had a recurrence of his qi disease and was bedridden. He almost gave up and died. This was all what happened at that time.

The current situation reminded Li Jing of what happened back then.

Changsun Wuji nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, God bless us in the Tang Dynasty. The little princess has been wandering for more than a year and has finally been found."

Wei Zheng and Fang Du were also nearby. They all heard the whispers between the two, and their eyes were suddenly shocked!

Immediately, the three people's eyes fell upward.

The expression is enlightened!

That's it!

No wonder His Majesty would hold a sudden banquet. It turned out that the little princess had been found!
For a moment, several people's faces became extremely happy.

Fang Xuanling held the wine glass high, looked at Du Ruhui beside him, stood up and bowed in the direction of Li Er: "I congratulate your majesty on finding the little princess, and congratulations to the empress!"

Li Er looked happy, raised his glass and said with a smile: "My dear, no courtesy, today is a big day, so there is no need to be so polite, haha!"

"Come, come, let's have a taste of how the imperial kitchen's cooking is lately, especially this oily noodles!"

After the initial misfortune, Li Er had already begun ordering several villages around Chang'an City to start raising pigs.

The skill of raising pigs was naturally learned from the villagers of Xiaoqin Village, and the method of castrating pigs that Li Fei taught before has begun to bear fruit.

At present, the first batch of piglets have just grown up and are not very big yet, but this does not affect Li Er's desire to kill pigs for meat.

If Li Fei were here, he would be quite speechless.

Who has organized a banquet and let the guests eat the staple food as soon as it is served?

At this moment, a bowl of steaming noodles was placed on the small table in front of the ministers. The aroma was so fragrant that it made people want to eat.

"Try them all, they taste good!"

Changsun Wuji and Cheng Yaojin had already eaten it, so it was not that novel.

This was the first time for Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and Wei Zheng to meet, as well as Li Jing. The four of them stared at the noodles in front of them and couldn't help but pick up their chopsticks, pick up the noodles and put them into their mouths.

"Really delicious!"

"What kind of meat is this? Why is it so fragrant?"

"Is this a new technique in the Imperial Kitchen?"

The four people's eyes lit up, but they couldn't stop moving, putting noodles into their mouths one after another.

"It's pork."

At this time, Changsun Wuji, who was standing next to him, glanced above and saw that His Majesty was winking at him, and he immediately understood that the time had come.

He said something to Wei Zheng next to him, and Wei Zheng's expression suddenly froze.

If you hold a mouthful of noodles in your mouth, you won't be able to spit it out or swallow it.After a long while, he finally swallowed the mouthful of noodles with difficulty and said with an ugly face: "Old Fox Changsun, what did you just say?"

"Is this pork?"

"Fart it, can pork be so delicious?"

How could such a smelly thing be made into something so fragrant?
Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui also looked incredulous. They glanced at Changsun Wuji with expressions of disbelief.

"This is indeed pork."

"But it's not ordinary pork, but pigs raised using the latest improved methods."

At this time, Li Er looked at the people whose expressions changed with a smile and said.

"Is it really pork?"

"Is it improved?"

Several people looked puzzled and stopped using their chopsticks at the same time, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Indeed, if Changsun Wuji and His Majesty had not spoken, they would still not know what kind of meat they had in their mouths!

"Don't panic, there's something else!"

Li Er smiled and looked at everyone.

Another maid came over, each holding a large plate, and two more steaming dishes were served, making everyone stunned.

Yellow filaments, steaming, I don’t know what they are.

There is also a small bowl next to it, with food piled up like mud in the bowl.

potato floss!
Mashed potatoes!
"Try these again, how do they taste?"

Seeing the doubtful expressions on their faces, Changsun Wuji, Cheng Yaojin and others had already started eating, with expressions of satisfaction on their faces.

"What kind of food is this?"

"Is it bamboo shoots?"

"It doesn't look like it. Are the bamboo shoots so yellow?"

A few people were a little messy, but they couldn't resist the aroma and the curiosity in their hearts, so they continued to use their chopsticks.

It didn’t take long for several people to be impressed by the delicious food at the same time.

At the same time, they also knew the origin of these ingredients, and everyone looked shocked.

"Is this invented by that young doctor?"

"The yield per mu is four to five thousand catties?"

"Talent, this is simply talent!"

After listening to Changsun Wuji's explanation, Wei Zheng and Fang Du both had expressions of astonishment on their faces and spoke one after another.

Only Li Jing, with a confused expression at the moment, said: "Is this young doctor the same Li Fei?"

"Not only is this person very capable, he is also good at military strategy. When I came back this time, I was knocked over by this kid..."

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the same person. This shocked Li Jing, and at the same time, he became even more determined to win over him.

"It's a pity that this person is not greedy for fame. I wanted to grant this person an official position, but was rejected."

"It would be a pity if such a talent cannot be used by Datang!"

Li Er showed a pityful expression, patted his thigh and sighed repeatedly, as if he had encountered a huge difficulty.

At this time, beside Changsun Wugu, Xiao Shizi suddenly pointed at the plate: "Aunt Sun, you haven't finished your noodles yet!"

"Brother said that growing food is not easy and cannot be wasted. He also taught Persimmon a poem!"

This sound made Changsun Wujia blush slightly and also attracted the attention of others.

Li Er looked over with a smile and said, "Persimmon, what kind of poetry did your brother teach you?"

(End of this chapter)

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