Chapter 245: Titled Jinyang, with [-] households in the city!

Being looked at by everyone, Persimmon didn't show any stage fright. Changsun Wuga grabbed her arm with a smile.

"Persimmon, tell me quickly, what poems did your brother teach you?"

When Li Fei was mentioned, everyone was also curious.

This mysterious character, from the beginning to the present, has too many unique skills, right?
Is it possible that you can also compose poetry?
Under the gaze of everyone, Persimmon raised his little head and spoke:

"At noon on the day of hoeing, the sweat drips down to the soil."

"Who knows dishes on the menu, A Journey."

Persimmon's childish voice rang out, and the noise of the entire dinner party also fell silent, including the busy palace maids and guards.

Li Er, who originally planned to ask casually, was suddenly stunned after hearing these four sentences.

Who knows dishes on the menu, A Journey!
Coupled with the descriptions in the first two sentences, everyone seemed to have a picture in front of their eyes!
The hard-working farmers cultivated in the fields under the sun, sweat dripping down their cheeks and falling into the soil drop by drop.

Yes, isn’t the delicious delicacy in front of you the result of hard work and hard work?
"Your Majesty, this boy is a great talent!"

"Not only that, only those who have experienced the sufferings of the world and have truly devoted themselves to cultivating the fields can write such popular yet extraordinary poems!"

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui spoke one after another, and their hearts were already filled with shock!

The more I think about it, the more profound these four lines of poetry are!
Li Er was silent for a long time before sighing: "This poem not only tells the hard work of the people, this poem also reminds me of myself!"

"The people are working so hard, but there are still people in many places who don't have enough to eat or wear or keep warm. All this is because of my incompetence!"

For a moment, Li Er was filled with emotions and looked guilty.

He wanted to be an emperor through the ages, and he wanted to be on par with Emperor Qin and Han Wu with the same name.

But Li Er also knew that given the current situation of the Tang Dynasty and what he had done to ascend to the throne of God, it would probably take a long time for this goal to be achieved!

"Your Majesty is kind-hearted. Now our Tang Dynasty is peaceful and developing steadily. It will be fine in a few years."

"Your Majesty has already taken enough care of you due to internal and external troubles. This is not your Majesty's fault. It's because we, as ministers, failed to perform our duties."

Changsun Wuji quickly spoke and consoled him.

There was something wrong with the atmosphere. Changsun Wugou smiled slightly and said: "Your Majesty, today is a happy time, why are you talking about these things?"

"The young man has such a big heart. Although he has no intention of becoming an official, Persimmon has brought such an alarming poem. Shouldn't he be rewarded?"

Hearing this, Li Er's expression suddenly turned around.

He glanced at Persimmon and couldn't help laughing: "Yes, Guanyin, you have reminded me that this matter indeed deserves a reward!"

"With this poem, I will notify the Ministry of Household Affairs tomorrow and ask Dai Zhou to print and distribute it. I want everyone in the world to know that the common people are not easy, I already know it in my heart!"

"Haha, you have great achievements, Persimmon, what do you want?"

Li Er looked excited, looked at Persimmon with a smile, and asked.

Persimmon shook his head and said, "Brother said, you can't just ask for other people's things. Persimmon doesn't want anything."

Seeing this, Li Er and Changsun Wugou looked at each other and smiled knowingly at the same time.

Although Persimmon's life was not as carefree as in the Imperial City, following the young doctor, this kind of education also surprised them.

Compared to those pampered young ladies and gentlemen, he is simply a thousand times stronger.

"Persimmon, the poem you just wrote is not simple. Was it written by your brother?"

Changsun Wugou was still curious and asked.

"Yes, my brother has written a lot of poems, but Persimmon doesn't know those words yet. My brother only taught Persimmon a few poems."

Little Persimmon blinked and thought again: "There is also a poem about the hard work of the farmer uncle, and Persimmon also remembered it."

“One grain of millet is planted in spring, and ten thousand grains are harvested in autumn.” “There is no idle land in the world, and farmers still starve to death.”


Another poem.

However, as soon as this poem came out, all the officials, including Li Er and Changsun Wugao, fell silent.

If the previous poem was a warning, then this poem, which also talks about the hard work of the people, is a naked mockery!

There are no idle fields in the world, and the farmers are still starving to death!
Li Er was stunned as if he had been struck by lightning.

Below, Changsun Wuji and Fang Du also frowned, and their faces gradually revealed a look of shame.

After a long while, I heard Wei Zheng sigh and say, "This young man should be on the same level as the old minister. He is awesome, awesome!"

"If I had never seen the real situation, I would never have written such an unforgettable poem. I am not as good as him!"

Changsun Wugou didn't expect that things would turn out like this.

At this moment, she pulled Li Er's sleeves and said with some worry: "Your Majesty, the young man may have composed the poem impromptu and did not mean anything. Your Majesty, there is no need to do this..."


"He's right!"

"This is my negligence!"

Suddenly, Li Er looked at the ministers below with deep eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Now our Tang Dynasty has a vast territory, but as he said, the farmers are still starving to death!"

"Is there no idle land in the world? Not yet. Many places are deserted, but I didn't consider this situation. I only think about how to deal with the outside world all day long, but ignore the inside!"

"The young doctor once told me that before going outside, you must first settle down at home. Now I finally understand!"

Changsun Wuji quickly raised his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I think this matter needs long-term consideration!"

"Not bad!"

Li Er had a smile on his face, and then looked down: "I won't hide it anymore. To be honest, the reason why I called you all here today is to discuss the matters concerning this young man."

"He has no interest in officialdom, and he only cares about the people around him. It would be a pity to have such a great talent!"

"I have decided to give Little Persimmon the title of 'Jinyang', and he will enjoy the title of [-] households in the county for ten thousand years. What do you think, dear friends?"


Damn, isn't this an honor only reserved for princesses and princes?
However, no one had any objections, including Wei Zheng, who nodded repeatedly: "This is a very good thing, your Majesty is wise!"

"I have something to ask of you. If your Majesty goes to meet this person again, I beg you to take me with you..."

After Wei Zheng finished speaking, Fang and Du also nodded quickly: "I also have this intention!"

"Come one by one, what will it look like?"

Seeing that no one had any objections, Li Er smiled slightly and excused himself.

With so many people looking for a young doctor, it’s really strange that they don’t suspect it!

But today, the sealing of Xiaoshizi’s food and title can be regarded as the first step towards boiling the frog in warm water!
With Xiao Langzhong's character, he can ignore other things, but can he still ignore the persimmon thing?

"Persimmon, what do you think?"

"Hehe, I don't know what persimmon means, but thank you Aunt Sun and Uncle Li!"

"Isn't the little girl too cute?!"

(End of this chapter)

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