Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 248 Leaving without saying goodbye!Where is my brother?

Chapter 248 Leaving without saying goodbye!Where is my brother?
Silver, toys, books...

Li Fei thought about it and finally kept a lot of extra money. Most of the other things were of no use.

If you leave it, no one will use it.

After Shizi and Du Mingyue went to the imperial city, Li Fei already felt something was wrong.

In such a hierarchical feudal era, how could a place like the Imperial City be accessible to ordinary people?

Even with Li Xueyan, the most he could do was take others to his own mansion, forget it to the imperial city, and he actually attended the dinner party where Li Er appeared. Isn't this nonsense?
After thinking about it, Li Fei had a lot of insights and guesses in his mind.

Taking a deep breath, the feeling of being tricked disappeared after seeing the sleeping Persimmon.

After all, it all seems to be related to persimmons.

Regarding things related to Persimmon, even if there were no tricks, Li Fei was willing to pamper her.

After turning around and leaving the room, Li Fei took another look at the familiar courtyard.

A white shadow jumped out from behind the tree. In the blink of an eye, Xiaobai ran to Li Fei's side, with a look of reluctance in his big human eyes.

"Be good, Xiaobai, you need to stay."

"When I go out this time, I promise to find you a tigress who is worthy of you. I swear to God, I will never forget it again!"

Touching Xiao Bai's head, Li Fei smiled slightly and said confidently.

Last time I told Xiaobai to get out of singles, but then I forgot about it when I got busy.

With Persimmon's identity and Xiaobai by his side, he is absolutely foolproof!
for a long time.

"King of Medicine, come out."

As he finished speaking, there was a soft creak in the room next to him, and Sun Simiao's figure appeared in the yard.

"Got to go?"

Sun Simiao frowned and sighed helplessly.

"I'm afraid the King of Medicine already knew their identities and never told me, right?" Li Fei smiled slightly, "That Old Li, is Li Er, right?"

"Old Cheng and the others are Cheng Yaojin, Yuchi Jingde and Qin Qiong, right?"

All the previous events, after Persimmon's identity was confirmed, Li Fei understood everything at once.

Originally, he was wondering why a Chang'an businessman came to visit him while he was staying in Xiaoqin Village.
Xiaoqin Village has high mountains and long roads, so why was a road suddenly built and connected directly to the official road?
Including later, the wanted order became more like a joke. Where is the wanted order?

It's clearly protection in disguise.

Li Fei finally understood these doubts.

"Hey, young man, it's not a bad thing to enter the court. Why do you want to leave?"

"Your Majesty is also a wise king today. It is a time when you are thirsty for talents. With your talents, wouldn't it be very easy to get an official position casually?"

"Besides, there is a relationship like the little princess. No matter what happens in the future, it will have nothing to do with you..."

Sun Simiao also felt a little melancholy and advised.

Although he had expected it, he still felt a little uncomfortable when the incident came to light and Li Fei was leaving.

During this period of time together, the courtyard was bustling, and Sun Simiao was used to this kind of retirement life.


Li Fei chuckled, shook his head and said, "You will never be an official in this life. Take care of yourself, Medicine King!"

In Sun Simiao's eyes, Li Fei crossed the courtyard wall lightly and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Avoiding the curfew guards, Li Fei headed all the way outside Chang'an City.

After leaving the city, I looked for a house outside the city and found a horse.

After leaving some money, Li Fei took his horse and fled.

"Songtsen Gampo, I heard you are looking for me?"

Smiling, Li Fei squeezed the horse's belly with his legs, and the horse's speed suddenly became faster!
"Go to Liangzhou first and see how Song Laosan is doing!"...

In the early morning, Du Mingyue was still awake.

Little Persimmon has gotten up alone. She slept soundly last night, and now she is messing around in the house alone.

At first glance, I saw the box on the table. When I opened it, I suddenly showed a look of shock and excitement!

"Wow, a lot of silver!"

"And gold!"

"There are also beautiful gems!"

Inside the box were all shiny things, which were obviously left by Li Fei specially for Persimmon.

Nothing else.

The Mohist organ technique has been given to Du Mingyue, Song Jiang has also received a lot of teaching materials, Li Xueyan also has the fire dragon spear technique to practice, and Sun Simiao has several volumes of medical works.

These things are enough for them to digest and study for a long time.

Not long after, Du Mingyue was woken up by Shizi: "Sister, get up soon, brother has written a lot of words, and Shizi doesn't recognize a lot of them!"

"I don't know where my brother is. Sister, can you read it to Persimmon?"

Many words?
Du Mingyue woke up in a daze. She had had a bad dream just now. The young master was gone!

At this moment, Du Mingyue got up, followed Persimmon to the outer room, and saw the things on the table at a glance.

Picking up the piece of paper and unfolding it, it turned out to be Li Fei's handwriting.

After a few breaths, Du Mingyue's face suddenly turned pale, and she was stunned.

"Persimmon, where has the young master gone?"

Her tone was urgent, and she was already anxious.

Little Persimmon shook his head quickly, blinked his eyes and said innocently: "I don't know, maybe my brother is busy again, and Persimmon doesn't know either."

"Sister, look, there is a big box here with a lot of shiny things in it!"

Du Mingyue lowered her head and saw the box again. The gold and silver inside shone brightly.


The young master must have guessed what happened yesterday, so he left without saying goodbye!

On the paper, it was written how to take care of persimmons, and what to do if something happened.

Not long after, Li Xueyan, Song Jiang, and Sun Simiao came to the house after hearing the news.

"Master is gone?"

Li Xueyan was stunned for a moment, and then said blankly: "That's not right, why did master leave?"

"No normal person would miss this opportunity to rise to prominence. Master, what is going on?"

Du Mingyue shook his head and said: "Young Master doesn't like officialdom in the first place. Your Majesty asked him to be the magistrate of Chang'an County before, but he refused."

"Now, the young master seems to have known the identity of Persimmon, so he chose to leave."

"what should I do now?"

Li Fei has always been the backbone of this group of people, and it's because of him that everyone got together.

But now, Li Fei is gone.

Sun Simiao stroked his beard and sighed: "Hey, I don't know what to say about this matter."

Everyone was talking, and Little Persimmon was listening, and her face gradually changed: "Sister Mingyue, Sister Xueyan, where is my brother?"

"Does he not want persimmons anymore?"

(End of this chapter)

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