Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 249 A jade pendant broken into two halves?Persimmon’s identity is confirmed!

Chapter 249 A jade pendant broken in half?Persimmon’s identity is confirmed!

"Persimmon, good boy, your brother is just going out to do errands and will be back in a few days. Don't worry, okay?"

"Sister, wait for the young master to come back with you, okay?"

After a long time, Du Mingyue coaxed Persimmon into good health, and then he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw her playing alone in the yard.

In the room, everyone looked at each other with frowns and sighs.

"With Xiao Feizi's strength, almost nothing can trouble him. I don't think there is anything to worry about."

"The most important thing now is that the Imperial Capital Conference is about to start, and we all have to participate, otherwise all the efforts made by Xiao Feizi will be in vain."

"When the conference is over, let's discuss how to find Xiao Feizi!"

Sun Simiao was the only person familiar with the matter. He remembered Li Fei's explanation before leaving last night and spoke.

"That's right, Brother Fei won't leave just like that. Maybe he encountered something important."

"There is still more than a day, so we should prepare quickly. We must not embarrass Brother Fei!"

Song Jiang clenched his fists and said firmly.

After a while, only Li Xueyan and Du Mingyue were left in the room.

"I think I should report this matter to Your Majesty and the Queen first, and then make any plans."

"Given the relationship between Young Master and Persimmon, it would be too irresponsible to leave without saying goodbye. Mingyue, I will go back to the palace first!"

Li Xueyan thought for a while and decided to go to the Imperial City to discuss it with Changle.

However, outside the yard, the gate opened.

Cheng Yaojin, Yuchi Jingde and Qin Qiong, who had not seen each other for a few days, came at this time. When they saw Persimmon nodded slightly, they entered the house.

"Hey, what are you two doing?"

"Where's the young doctor?"

Seeing that the two people had different expressions, Cheng Yaojin didn't know what happened and asked strangely.

Du Mingyue spread out the piece of paper and told Li Fei's departure again. The three of them were suddenly stunned.

"This guy...actually ran away?"

"Isn't it?"

"Isn't it just to let Persimmon recognize his biological father and mother? What about the young doctor?"

Cheng Yaojin was astonished, and he didn't understand what Li Fei was doing!
and many more!

Suddenly, Cheng Yaojin was stunned and asked stutteringly: "Wait a minute, girl Mingyue, what did you just say?"

"Is the little persimmon the lost son of Your Majesty and the Queen? Is he the little princess today?"

"real or fake?"

Suddenly realizing something was wrong, Cheng Yaojin turned his head and looked at each other, Yuchi Jingde and Qin Qiong, and both saw the surprise in each other's eyes!
Are you right?

Shouldn't it be... the young man is the crown prince who was lost by His Majesty more than ten years ago?

Actually, the little girl is the little princess that the queen lost a year ago?

What is this all about?

Li Xueyan and Du Mingyue couldn't help but be stunned, and then Li Xueyan said: "That's right, Uncle Cheng, Persimmon is indeed the little princess that the Queen Empress lost before. Otherwise, why would the Queen Empress come here so often?"

"It was so obvious at yesterday's dinner that His Majesty personally granted the title. How could there be a mistake?"

Qin Qiong was startled for a moment, then looked confused: "This... is it really that we made a mistake?"

At this moment, Qin Qiong's mood was ups and downs.

You know, the three of them had followed Li Feiyan's advice before, thinking that he was the real prince of the dynasty and the future heir apparent!
But in the end, what I didn't expect was that the little girl's identity turned out to be the princess of the dynasty?
"Hey hey..."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."


When everyone was confused, Persimmon ran back into the house at some point and came to the big box again.

Tired of playing in the yard, Persimmon's joy returned when he thought of the pile of shiny things.

A box full of "toys", how nice of me!So, gold, silver, jade...

The things Li Fei left in the box were taken out one by one by Persimmon, then put aside and began to be classified into categories.

Indeed, when Li Fei left these things behind, he regarded them as "toys".

Persimmon likes shiny things, and this has not been corrected until now.

As for the money, there was another box under the bed, which was full of gold and silver. Du Mingyue had already been told about it on paper.

"Hey, why is there another bad one?"

After a while, Little Persimmon took out all the treasures in the box and divided them into several small piles next to them.

Piles of gold.

Heaps of silver.

Heap of emeralds.

Heap of sapphires.


Inside the box, at the bottom, there were two pieces that looked like jade. Persimmon bent down and reached in and took out the two jade pieces.

"What is this?"

Little Persimmon showed a puzzled expression and spliced ​​two pieces of jade together!
It seems like this is a jade pendant that has been broken for a long time?
After being spliced ​​together, on the surface of the jade pendant, a lifelike green dragon opens its teeth and dances its claws. The carving is very exquisite!
"Persimmon, what are you doing?"

Du Mingyue happened to look over at this time. Just as he asked, his eyes fell on the two broken jade fragments in Xiao Persimmon's hand!
"what is this?"

"Persimmon doesn't know either. It was left by my brother. It seems to be broken!"

Persimmon held up two pieces of broken jade in front of Du Mingyue like a treasure: "Sister Mingyue, this jade pendant is so beautiful. Can you help me fix it?"

Persimmon's eyes flashed with anticipation, and he said with a smile.


"This is?!"

"Girl Mingyue, show me! Quick, show me!"

At this time, Cheng Yaojin also looked over, and suddenly saw the two pieces of jade pendant that Du Mingyue had obtained, and he felt like he was struck by lightning!
"Ah? Yes!"

Du Mingyue was startled by Cheng Yaojin's expression, and hurriedly handed over the two halves of the jade pendant that looked somewhat familiar, with a confused look on her face.

"Uncle, is there something wrong with this...?"

Du Mingyue also asked curiously.

At the table, Cheng Yaojin's face was very solemn.

Full of surprises, astonishments, exclamations and doubts, not only Cheng Yaojin, but also Yuchi Jingde and Qin Qiong gathered around.

"This is it!"

"Blue Dragon Jade Pendant!"

"Wait a minute...this doesn't seem to be the same one?"

Qin Qiong's eyes were sharp. He was always careful and stared at the edges of the two halves of the jade pendant. He could already see yellowish signs of wear.

Li Xueyan looked at it with a determined expression: "Three uncles, this green dragon jade pendant definitely belongs to Xiao Persimmon. Can her identity be confirmed now?"

The three of them looked at each other, and Cheng Yaojin connected the two jade pendants together, immediately revealing the complete appearance of the jade pendants.

"It's exactly the same..."

"Persimmon's identity... is actually a little princess..."


The three of them seemed to be dumbfounded, each muttering in their mouths, not knowing what to say.

A few days ago, I saw the jade pendant on the young man's body, and it was exactly the same as this one!
The princess and prince were all lost, and then they didn’t go home, so they lived a pleasant life outside?

(End of this chapter)

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