Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 256 What about the female devil?I'm calling someone!

Chapter 256 What about the female devil?I'm calling someone!
That night, Li Fei stayed at Yunlai Restaurant.

Man Lao San and Song Lao San were very drunk and did not go back. They directly found a room to rest upstairs.

In the room, Li Fei restored his original appearance.

So far, the only thing that surprised him was the "wanted order" issued by Li Er again.

No need to think too much, Persimmon must have discovered that he left, so what happened later happened.

But he could never imagine that the real reason that made Li Er do this was because of the green dragon jade pendant he was wearing at the waist!

The real eldest son has been living among the people for ten years!
Li Er and Changsun Wugou were shocked when they heard the news, far more violently than when they were about to find Persimmon!

Ten years, Li Er had not yet proclaimed himself emperor!
At that time, Li Er was still fighting in the north and south, and he was the famous King of Qin!

At that time, the eldest grandson Wugu was already pregnant and gave birth to Li Fei!

During that period of time, there was less gathering and more separation, which made Li Er and Changsun Wugou feel even more guilty about this child, and even felt worried for a time!
And now, after frequent contact with Li Fei.

Knowing his medical skills, military strategies, and talent, it would be difficult to find such an outstanding talent in almost the entire Tang Dynasty!
And this person turned out to be his eldest son who had been lost for ten years!

How could this not make Li Er excited?Not in a hurry?
Even the eldest grandson Wugu was worried. The joy of meeting Persimmon was washed away a lot. Li Fei was always on his mind!

In the room, Li Fei lay on the bed holding the back of his head, not feeling sleepy for a while.

The liquor content was not low, but he didn't drink much.

Most of them were drunk by Man Lao San, a greedy drunkard. He was already drunk and unconscious. He didn't know which girl he was thinking about.

After washing his face, his mind suddenly cleared.

The reason why Li Fei came to Liangzhou was to solve the Tubo issue!

Lu Dongzan's importance to Tubo really surprised him.

One person can make the whole of Tubo go crazy, and can make Songtsan Gampo do this. This Ludongzan really died without regrets.

"Although there are not many Tubo soldiers and horses, I can't kill them by myself. Now I need a helping hand, and Xiliang Kingdom is a good choice!"

"If what Man Lao San said just now is true, this Xiliang female general Fan Lihua should be the soul of Xiliang Kingdom!"

"As long as we promise Xiliang Kingdom benefits, we won't be afraid of Xiliang Kingdom not cooperating. How about a Tubo territory?"

After thinking clearly in his mind, Li Fei's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Among all the forces in the Western Region, Xiliang Kingdom is the only one that is more "peace-loving".

The rest, including Tubo, Western Turks, Tuyuhun and others, have always been eyeing the territory of the Tang Dynasty, eager to seize the opportunity to march eastward to the Central Plains.

Right now is an excellent opportunity!
Cooperate for mutual benefit and use the help of the Xiliang Kingdom to get rid of Tubo!
By then, the alliance between Tibet and the Turks would naturally fall apart, and Jieli, who was short of food and grass, would never rush into the Tang Dynasty!
"But you still need some little tricks..."

After thinking about it, Li Fei smiled slightly.

It’s a long night, let’s get some sleep before we talk!


Early the next morning, there was a knock on the door outside.

Li Fei had also woken up and saw Man Lao San pushing open the door and entering: "Brother Fei, how are you doing?"

"Does what we finalized last night still count?"

After drinking a lot last night, it was rare for Man Lao San to wake up early this morning and still remember what happened last night.

"Of course it counts. Let's pack up and set off."

Li Fei smiled, and then began to wash up in front of the hot water basin brought by the servant.

"Hey, that's no problem. These days of hiding in Tibet are so frustrating. I've really had enough."

"I'm going to the city to greet my brothers. Let's go there together!"

Man Lao San chuckled, looking extremely happy, as if he had already seen the dawn of victory.

Although the Xiliang Kingdom's army could not enter, the female devil had entered Liangzhou City in disguise several times in the past few days.

Fortunately, Man Lao San was still smart enough to break them into pieces and let the bandits pretend to be ordinary people and pay close attention to the movements of suspicious people in the city. "No need, just the two of us will go today."

Li Fei smiled and had already finished washing and tidying up his clothes while he was talking.

"Let's go, there should be horses at Lao Wang's place."

Man Lao San was stunned for a moment and said dullly: "Just...just the two of us?"

"Brother Fei, this matter is not a child's play!"

"I know you are very strong, but that woman's reputation is not just a boast. If we can't defeat her, we won't be able to come back!"

Man Lao San had a sad face and lost a little confidence.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything, let's go!"

Li Fei laughed dumbly.

With both hands weighing heavily in stone locks, Man Lao San had only seen this before. He usually looked like a handsome young man, and it was hard to imagine what kind of fighting power he would have.

If he were told what Li Fei was doing in Turks, killing thousands of elite soldiers by one person, I don't know what his expression would be.

After taking the horse, the two of them left Liangzhou City and headed towards Xiliang Kingdom.

About an hour later, the towering black city wall ahead was close at hand.

Not long after, the two arrived at the city gate.

After a brief interrogation, the guard let the two people into the city without asking any questions.

Normally, there are many Tang Dynasty businessmen coming here from Liangzhou, and guards are already commonplace.

Walking on the streets of Molan City, Li Fei asked: "Man Lao San, where is that woman?"

"Further forward is the City Lord's Mansion. That woman is usually not at the City Lord's Mansion, but at the Mo Lan Barracks behind the City Lord's Mansion."

"Let's just go there like this?"

Man Lao San showed confusion on his face.

At this moment, he put on the human skin mask again, covering his appearance.

When he entered the city just now, his portrait was on the wanted notice on the top of the city wall.

"Well, let's go then."

Man Lao San led the way, and the two of them walked all the way.

There were fewer and fewer pedestrians on both sides, and after a while, they came to an open place.

There were temporary tents all around, and in front of them was a place similar to a modern military exercise battlefield, where many Xiliang sergeants were training.

Seeing someone coming, a Xiliang soldier who was guarding outside suddenly ran over.


"Who are you?"

Seeing the wary look on the soldier's face, Man Lao San looked at Li Fei, and when the latter nodded slightly, he became heartbroken.

do my best!

He touched his face and lifted the human skin mask. The third man revealed his true face and grinned, "Where's the female devil? I've called for someone!"

This face has been widely circulated in the past few days!
The soldier was stunned for a moment, then shouted: "Come quickly!"

"The fool who was defeated by the general was found!"

When Li Fei heard this, he made a "pop" sound and couldn't help but spurt it out.


(End of this chapter)

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