Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 257: Marry my brother and become your mother-in-law!

Chapter 257: Marry my brother and become your mother-in-law!

Man Lao San's face suddenly turned red from suppressing his emotions.

A few days ago, after the robbery was successful, he prepared to return to Liangzhou City without any trace of concealing his whereabouts.

Because what was being robbed was not the goods of the Tang Dynasty, most people could only accept it as bad luck in this kind of area where there was no care.

Therefore, when he suddenly met that woman, Man Laosan didn't take it to heart at all.

So, he was severely punished!
If he hadn't been quick-witted and told his brothers to run when the situation was bad, he would have been completely destroyed!
The third man outside Liangzhou City is also a well-known bandit leader.

The female devil seemed to know about such a person. After learning that he was Man Lao San, she only said, "It's rare for bandits not to do anything harmful to nature and justice." She was merciful.

It was also because of this that Man Lao San was able to sneak back.

Of course, after he came back, he became more and more angry and did not return the stolen supplies at all.

That's why there's a follow-up, the endless pursuit from the female devil!

At this moment, Man Lao San stared at the soldier: "Stop talking nonsense, grandpa, call that woman out quickly, my brother will fight her for [-] rounds today!"

"If you lose, didn't that woman say that she will just wait to be my brother's mother-in-law?"

As if he felt proud to say this, Man Laosan spoke so loudly that even the Xiliang soldiers training over there heard him.

Immediately, people rushed over and surrounded him and Li Fei.

"What, are you going to start a group fight?"

"Young people don't talk about martial arts!"

Man Lao San was a little weak. He looked at the circle of Xiliang soldiers around him with wary eyes, regretting in his heart that he had not brought his brothers over.

At this time-

"Young old man, why don't you come and fight me?!"

"Hurry up and return the food and grass, and I will spare your life, otherwise I will count the head on your neck!"

A loud and energetic female voice came from behind the tent.

Immediately afterwards, the Xiliang soldiers who were surrounding them took the initiative to move out of the way, and Li Fei also looked up at this time.

Not far away, a woman with a silver helmet and a silver armor, beautiful appearance and a bit of heroic spirit, holding a spear, was heading here.

Xiliang female general, Fan Lihua!

At this moment, her eyes were filled with anger. When she saw Man Lao San, she remembered what happened a few days ago.

This guy who doesn't know how to live or die actually dares to come out!

At that time, I kindly let him go. As long as he returned the food and grass in full, the matter would be over.

Unexpectedly, this guy not only refused to return the food and grass, but also swaggered around, looking lawless!

"Brother Fei, it's her!"

"what do you think?"

"She is very heroic and looks like a woman. She is indeed a beauty!"

"No...I'm not talking about this...I'm talking about are you sure you can beat her?"

Cold sweat broke out on Man Lao San's forehead. After listening to Li Fei's few words, he suddenly felt a little regretful.

Now this is not a no-care zone outside the city, this is their home field, the Molan City of Xiliang Kingdom!

If one of them is bad, both brothers will end up here!

He was anxious in his heart and had already begun to think about how he could escape and take revenge if Brother Fei died, when he was suddenly tapped on the shoulder.

When he looked up, he saw Li Fei's relaxed expression and said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, I'll discuss something with her."

At this time, Fan Lihua had already arrived in front of the two of them.

He turned over and dismounted, and performed a set of movements smoothly. At first glance, he looked like a trainer who had been on horseback for many years.

"Who are you, report your name!"

"Are you the helper that the third man is looking for?" Looking at Li Fei's small body, Fan Lihua looked with some disdain and asked.

She had seen many young masters like this in Xiliang Kingdom, and none of them were her rivals.

Over in Datang, the quality is said to be even worse.

"Are you the female devil of Xiliang Kingdom?"

Li Fei smiled softly, with a natural expression on his face: "The contest will naturally count, but before that, I have some news about the safety of your Xiliang Kingdom. Do you want to know?"

Hearing this, Fan Lihua's face turned slightly cold, and she hesitated for a moment: "It's shameless to say anything, what news is it? Let me hear it!"

It's Molan City right now. No matter how good these two guys are, they can't make a big splash.

It was this news about the safety of Xiliang that made Fan Lihua a little curious.

"The alliance between Tibet and the Turks intends to attack the Tang Dynasty and cause trouble. Do you, the Xiliang Kingdom, know this news?"

Li Fei smiled lightly, stared at Fan Lihua, and said with a smile.

"Xiliang Kingdom has known about this for a long time. If you want me to sell you a favor because of this, don't even think about it!"

Fan Lihua frowned slightly and said coldly.

"Then, I wonder if you in Xiliang Kingdom have ever thought that the Tibetan and Turkic alliance did nothing else before attacking the Tang Dynasty?"

Li Fei ignored the woman's attitude and went straight to the point, giving a hint intentionally or unintentionally.

Before attacking the Tang Dynasty?

Fan Lihua was stunned for a moment, and the recent news kept rolling in her mind.

Gradually, her face suddenly darkened, and she said coldly: "The thieves are so ambitious, how dare they?!"

"Why don't you dare?"

"Although Western Turk Tuli has different intentions, at this time, once Jieli promises him benefits, he will naturally turn against him at the critical moment."

"When the time comes, there will be a Xiliang Kingdom between the Turks and Tibet. Don't you feel uncomfortable?"

Li Fei smiled slightly, but what he said made Fan Lihua's face completely darken!

This possibility is not impossible!
Previously, the Xiliang Kingdom had secretly contacted Tuli. The two parties were mutually beneficial and helped each other, and were always ready to deal with sudden attacks from Jieli and Songtsen Gampo!
"Moreover, Tuli has always had a bad reputation. Although the Turks are divided into two, in the final analysis they still come from the same branch."

"If Jieli promised Tuli that he could get Xiliang's territory, what would Tuli do?"

Li Fei continued to fan the flames, causing Fan Lihua's expression to keep changing.

"What do you want to say?"

"Without a reason that satisfies this general, you two will never leave this dark blue city today!"

Fan Lihua's eyes were fixed on Li Fei, with hesitation and vigilance in her eyes. She didn't know what this sharp-tongued guy had planned.

"It's simple. I have a grudge against Tubo."

"I came here today partly because I want to compete with you, Man Lao San, to make you convinced."

"Second, if I lose, let me do whatever I want; of course, if I win, I need the help of Xiliang Kingdom to conquer Tubo!"

"what do you think?"

Li Fei's expression remained unchanged, as if he was talking about an insignificant matter, his expression was relaxed and casual.

"My brother is right!"

"Also, you devil, you also said that if you lose, you will have to marry my brother and become your mother-in-law!"

Next to him, Man Lao San suddenly added something.


"You're so young, I'll let you know why the flowers are so red first!"

(End of this chapter)

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