Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 274: After stealing the horse, they all go to Liangzhou!

Chapter 274: After stealing the horse, they all go to Liangzhou!
Song Jiang ran to open the door.

Then, a little fat man walked in from outside, with a shrewd expression in his little eyes.

Sun Simiao didn't recognize him. He looked at Du Mingyue and Song Jiang in confusion and said, "Who is this young master?"

Song Jiang also shook his head, and Du Mingyue explained: "This is the owner of Pingkangfang Antique Tai, called Gu Tai."

"The huge cauldron that the young master used to boil the medicinal liquid last time was the clue given by Mr. Gutai."

Gu Tai walked in with a smile, looked around with a sly look, and said with a smile: "Is this Mr. Li's mansion?"

"Sure enough, it is quiet and elegant. It is not a geomantic treasure that ordinary people can see. Miss Mingyue is frowning and seems to be in trouble?"

Du Mingyue looked at Gu Tai and told the news that Persimmon suddenly disappeared.

With the skills and methods of this Gutai master, almost everything in Chang'an City cannot be hidden from his eyes and ears, so he can tell the truth.

"Miss Mingyue is really kind. I have also heard about the disappearance of the little princess."

Gu Tai nodded when he heard the words. Seeing that Du Mingyue was telling the truth, he also said seriously: "Young master, I came here today to tell you about this matter."

"Although the little princess is not in Chang'an City, everything is safe and sound. You can rest assured."

Gu Tai spoke slowly.

Although you, a poor old guy, seem unreliable, Gu Tai knows that he has some real abilities.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t spend 50 taels of silver to calculate my fate at such a high price~
However, after he finished speaking, Du Mingyue, Song Jiang and Sun Simiao all had calm expressions on their faces, as if they had known about this for a long time.

Gu Tai, who was waiting to show off a little, couldn't help scratching his head when he saw this, feeling a little embarrassed for a moment: "You...are all calm?"

"Thank you Mr. Gutai for informing us. We have just received the news that Persimmon is safe and sound."

Du Mingyue spoke in time, resolving Gu Tai's embarrassment.

"How did you know?"

"Oh...I forgot, Mr. Li has raised a strange beast, a giant insect. Is that the guy who sent the news?"

Gu Tai was startled for a moment, then slapped the back of his head to react, and said with an annoyed expression.

Damn it, how could you forget such a dangerous thing?

Looking somewhere, Gutai looked back without any trace, feeling a chill rising in his heart.

Not to be provoked!

Otherwise, all my fatness will be in vain!
"Forget it, none of this matters. The little princess is safe and sound. That's the best thing."

"The little princess and Mr. Li are in Liangzhou City now. I came here to ask if you want to go together?"

Gutai stated his purpose.

"Young Master and Persimmon are in Liangzhou City?"

The news sent back by Xiaobai did not say where Li Fei was, but Gu Tai got the news from Li Chunfeng.

"That's right, I happen to have something urgent. I need to discuss it with Mr. Li. Do you want to go?"

Gu Tai encouraged him one after another.

Originally, he could just go by himself.

However, Li Fei's various methods made Gu Tai completely confused and unpredictable. This time, his whereabouts were predicted again, which was not good.

To be on the safe side, it might be better to take someone familiar with him along with him.

"I won't go, you can go."

Sun Simiao smiled and said, "Song Jiang, don't you, mother and son, also plan to go back to Liangzhou City?"

"It looks like this imperial capital meeting will be delayed for who knows how long. I heard that His Majesty has decided to start war against Tibet. There is nothing else to do at the moment. You can just go back."

Sun Simiao volunteered to stay and look after the house.

Du Mingyue and Song Jiang looked at each other and nodded: "Then let's go to Liangzhou!"

However, in the blink of an eye, Du Mingyue remembered something again and said: "Chang'an City has been sealed off for the past few days, and no one is allowed in or out. How are we going to leave Chang'an City?" Gu Tai smiled easily: "Don't worry, the mountain people have a clever plan!"

"This morning, Your Majesty has lifted the blockade order in Chang'an City, and you can now come and go freely."

Du Mingyue and Song Jiang: "..."

Not long after, Song Jiang's mother and son and Du Mingyue got on a carriage, and the two carriages left Chang'an City and headed towards Liangzhou City.

Not far behind the carriage, a white shadow followed, also heading in the direction of Liangzhou.


Duke Wei's Mansion, in a room.

Li Jing looked at the girl in front of him with a headache, and said with a sad expression: "Wan'er, what exactly are you going to do?"

"Dad, I will lead the troops to conquer Tubo this time!"

Opposite Li Jing, Li Wan looked firm and unquestionable as she spoke fiercely to her father.

Hearing this, Li Jing couldn't help but roll his eyelids: "Although Tubo is weak, it has poor mountains and rivers and a poor geographical location. What are you going to do?"

"My father can tell. Are you planning to go to Liangzhou to find that boy Li Fei?"

"Why are you so sure that he will be in Liangzhou?"

Li Jing, who had already seen through Li Wan's thoughts, couldn't help but frowned and said seriously.

In the crusade against Tubo, Li Jing was the commander-in-chief this time.

However, there really aren’t many available people at the moment.

Except for one Hou Junji, whom Li Jing really didn't want to offend, there was also Li Junxian, but that was the queen's personal bodyguard, and Li Jing was too embarrassed to dispatch him.

After thinking about it, Li Wan came over and volunteered when no one was around.

"My daughter feels that he is in Liangzhou, so he must be there!"

"Dad didn't let me go, so the daughter had to go by herself!"

After saying that, Li Wan turned around and left, already reaching the gate.

"Hey, come back, come back, why don't I agree with your father?"

"What a bad luck. Why did I give birth to such a restless daughter like you? I'm so angry..."

Li Jing puffed his beard and glared angrily, dumbfounded that he had no choice but to hold back his anger and agree.

"Then my daughter is going to prepare. When will daddy leave?"

"Tomorrow morning, let's go to Liangzhou City first!"

Not long after, Li Wan returned to her room.

In the room, there were two other women.

Seeing Li Wan come back, Li Xueyan hurriedly ran over: "How are you doing?"

"Did Duke Wei agree?"

Seeing the eager look on her face, Li Wan snorted: "How can my father not agree to this girl's action?"

"Do you think my dad is as difficult to talk to as your dad?"

Hearing this, Li Xueyan's eyebrows suddenly stood up and her eyes widened: "Li Wan, you are a defeated general. This is obviously the condition you agreed to after losing to me, and now you are still teasing me?"

Seeing that the two were about to fight again, Changle quickly advised: "Stop the quarrel, stop the quarrel, let's leave quickly!"

"If it's any later, my father will know that I stole his good horse, and then I won't be able to leave!"

Li Wan nodded, wondering: "But my father said that the army will set off early tomorrow morning. Now..."

Li Xueyan waved her hand indifferently: "Isn't it just one night? If it's not important, why don't you just leave a letter?"

(End of this chapter)

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