Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 275: Using the blood of thieves, the queen ascends the throne!

Chapter 275: Using the blood of thieves, the queen ascends the throne!

"Is this really good?"

Li Wan looked hesitant and couldn't make up his mind for a moment.

"Don't worry. If I don't leave a message for my father, my father will be unable to do anything to me. What are you afraid of?"

"For such an important matter as the crusade against Tubo, you just said that you would go to Liangzhou to find out the news first. Isn't that enough?"

Li Xueyan was making suggestions nearby, looking like someone who had come before, which stunned both Changle and Li Wan.

Finally, Li Xueyan looked at Changle again and said, "Sister, where did you get the news about Master and Persimmon in Liangzhou? Is it reliable?"

Originally, Li Xueyan was still busy in the Ministry of Punishment, searching everywhere for what happened in Chang'an City recently.

Unexpectedly, Chang Le came to her door and secretly told her that she knew where Li Fei and Persimmon were, which immediately made Li Xueyan overjoyed.

After some discussion, they decided to drag Li Wan along and go to Liangzhou to find someone together!

So, under Li Xueyan's clever planning, the two women ran to the Duke Wei's mansion.

Without any explanation, Li Xueyan successfully aroused Li Wan's anger, and the two had a fierce battle!
Not surprisingly, Li Xueyan, who had greatly improved her strength, crushed Li Wan in just a few breaths and forced her to agree to his unequal conditions!

"I don't know. The guard sent it here, saying that someone wanted to give me this thing."

"I didn't believe it at first, but my father suddenly stopped blocking Chang'an. He must have learned that Persimmon is safe. I don't think this person is so boring."

Changle frowned and spoke slowly.

An incomprehensible letter that only said "Li Fei and the little princess are in Liangzhou City" and no other content.

"That's all, no matter whose letter it is, we have to take a look."

"Based on my guess, the master is probably in Liangzhou City. Otherwise, where else could he go and not come back?"

Li Xueyan heard this and no longer pursued it, but said quickly.

On the other side, Li Wan had already drafted a letter, put it on the table and looked at the two women: "Are we leaving now?"

"It's not too late, let's go!"

"It won't be too late to talk in detail after we get out of Chang'an City!"

Li Xueyan made a quick decision, and the three women nodded at the same time and secretly left Duke Wei's mansion.

All the way out, after the three women left Chang'an City, under the leadership of Chang Le, they quickly arrived at a forest on the outskirts.

A guard was waiting there with a frown on his face. When he saw the three girls coming over, he quickly packed his luggage and said, "I'm here to see you, princess!"

"Princess... why don't you send the horse back?"

"If His Majesty learns of this, I'm afraid even my life will be saved!"

Behind the guards, three exceptionally handsome horses were grazing with their heads down, and their coats were shiny. At first glance, they were no ordinary horses.

"These are His Majesty's horses!"

"I'm lucky this time. I heard that His Majesty has six fine horses. I usually can't bear to ride them. Sister, you are so generous!"

Li Xueyan had already excitedly ran to a fine horse with white hoofs and looked at it carefully. The more she looked at it, the more excited she became.

Teller fat, white hoofed black, Shivachi!

Three of the Zhaoling Six Horses, which are famous in later generations, have appeared now, and people from Changle secretly led them out!
"Don't go back for the next two days. When I come back, I will make the decision for you."

"Okay, you can go, but don't tell anyone else, okay?"

Changle also made a prompt decision and seriously warned the guards.

The three women got on their horses and left immediately! …

Xiliang Kingdom, Molan City.

At this moment, outside the city gate, a dark army gathered here, with a total of 20 soldiers and horses!

The entire Xiliang Kingdom seems to be out in force, all in black armor, including [-] elite cavalry, all here!

It is said that the Turkic cavalry is invincible, but Xiliang Kingdom has always kept a low profile, but it also has Xiliang cavalry with extremely lethal power!
At this moment, all the Xiliang troops were waiting in full formation, looking solemnly at the top of the city wall and a figure above.

"Welcome Your Majesty!"

With a loud shout, all the soldiers outside the city knelt on one knee and shouted loudly: "Welcome to the king!"

On the city wall, the King of Xiliang looked at the army below, his face filled with heroism: "This battle is to defeat Tubo. Do you have the confidence to defeat the Tubo Palace?!"

"The Tubo thieves are deliberately trying to betray us. Today our army from Xiliang is going out. Not only will we destroy Tubo, but we will also expand our territory of Xiliang tenfold. Do you have confidence?"

"Follow the king's orders!"

The sound of the 20-strong army was like thunder exploding outside the city, soaring into the sky!
At this moment, the blood in their bones burned!
Xiliang is not timid, but it is just silent and a blockbuster!
After years of cultivation and recuperation, the strength of the entire Xiliang Kingdom has long been no less than that of Tubo, and is even a bit stronger!

"In this battle, everything is subject to the orders of the regent and the general, do you understand?"

The King of Xiliang looked pleased, looked at the two figures in front of the army below, and spoke again: "After this great victory in this battle, I will celebrate my Queen of Xiliang's accession to the throne with the blood of the Tibetan traitors!"

"With the blood of a thief, I celebrate the Queen's accession to the throne!"

"With the blood of a thief, I celebrate the Queen's accession to the throne!"


Below the city gate, Li Fei was also affected by this scene, and his heart was racing for a while and he could not calm down.

At this moment, he felt that his trip was worthwhile!

How many opportunities do people have in their lifetime to experience such a majestic scene, and how many emperors and generals can respond so easily?
At this moment, Li Fei felt in his heart that these soldiers had completely entrusted their lives to the entire Xiliang Kingdom!

Xiliang is alive and people are alive, Xiliang is dead and people are dead!
Beside Li Fei, Man Laosan's eyes were already red, and he quickly wiped them with his hands, fearing that others would see them.

However, Li Fei happened to turn around and saw this scene, and couldn't help laughing and scolding: "Looking at your little potential, it's nothing. Why are you so stupid and you start crying?"

"If your brothers saw this, wouldn't they laugh out loud?"

At this moment, Man Lao San is already Fan Lihua's deputy general. He wears armor, so majestic!

Even Man Lao San has a deputy around him!
At this moment, the deputy who was originally a bandit with Man Lao San also had red eyes and smiled unnaturally after hearing this: "Brother Fei, you probably only know that we are all bandits, right?"

This man is similar in age to Man Laosan, both in their thirties.

But with a vicissitudes of life on his face and a long scar on his forehead, he seemed to be a man with a story.

Li Fei nodded: "Yes, when I met Man Laosan before, he was a famous bandit outside Liangzhou City. He robbed the rich and gave to the poor without killing anyone. This is pretty good."

If this were not the case, Li Fei would definitely not have any friendship with him.

"Brother Fei, thank you for looking up to us. In fact, we are not so embarrassing in the first place."

"When Tuyuhun invaded the border, General Man led two thousand of our brothers through life and death, and drove Tuyuhun back to the depths of the Western Regions. Who knows?"

"But in the end, when it comes to rewards for merit, why is there no General Barbarian?"


Li Fei was suddenly stunned and didn't know how to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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