Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 279: The prince of the Tang Dynasty is inappropriate and Xiliang becomes the regent?

Chapter 279: The prince of the Tang Dynasty is inappropriate and Xiliang becomes the regent?
The young painter couldn't help but be confused when he looked at the portrait he had drawn.

Most people don't know the origin of this new regent, but the painter has a brother who works at the gate of the royal city, and he is lucky enough to meet him!
After all, the painter is also a famous painter in Xiliang, and he mainly relies on this to make a living!
Whenever a new person in power comes to power, you always want to see their appearance so that you can take a portrait later!

But at this moment, what he didn't expect was that the portrait he drew looked so familiar. Wasn't this the newly appointed regent?
"You two gentlemen, you don't dare to spread this portrait around. Why don't you ask someone else..."

The young painter put away the portrait, his face showing vigilance and uneasiness.

Looking at Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde, I wonder what their intentions are. Are they preparing to harm the regent?
Originally, this had nothing to do with him. The regent was not a native of Xiliang and had no reputation.

But if it spreads to me, it will be a big trouble no matter what!


Cheng Yaojin was dumbfounded.

Seeing the young painter put away the pictures, he immediately became anxious: "You little shopkeeper, why are you like this? Didn't you agree on the price before, why are you regretting it now?"

The portrait was well-drawn, almost 80.00% similar to Li Fei, and Cheng Yaojin liked it very much.

Why didn't you give it to me?
"You two gentlemen, just let me go!"

"The regent has just arrived and I don't know what his character is yet. If I just draw someone's appearance and spread it around, wouldn't I be causing trouble for myself?"

The young painter had a bitter look on his face, and he scolded the two of them so much that he regretted it endlessly!
If I had known earlier, I would have inquired more clearly before speaking. What should I have done?

Yuchi Jingde patted Cheng Yaojin and signaled him not to get excited, and then looked at the painter: "Little shopkeeper, are you sure that the person drawn on the paper just now is really your regent?"

"The two of us...we are the regent's servants. We came out this time just to find someone. We have no other intention."

"If that's the case, we don't want the portrait anymore. Just tell us."

Isn't the purpose of looking for someone's portrait just to find a young doctor?
Now that someone knows the whereabouts of the young man, the portrait is no longer important. Wouldn't it be the same if he just inquired about it?
The young painter looked at Cheng Yaojin and then at Yuchi Jingde, his face still full of vigilance: "What do you want to inquire about?"

"This regent was also conferred by the king himself the day before yesterday. If you want to ask too much, I don't know."

These two big men don’t look like good people!
He's dark, ugly, and so big. He can't be the enemy of the Prince Regent, right?

Yuchi Jingde nodded, looked at Cheng Yaojin and said, "Is the portrait you drew just now really your regent?"

"That's right. Although most people have never seen the regent, I have seen him by chance. This is indeed what he looks like."

Hearing this, Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde took a breath at the same time, feeling shocked in their hearts.

This matter is getting more and more troublesome!

He is obviously the prince of the Tang Dynasty, but now he actually came to the Xiliang Kingdom and became the regent? !

How should I explain to His Majesty when I return this time?
With His Majesty's attitude, even if they were blind, they could see how much they valued this prince!
If nothing else happens, the next crown prince will be a young man!
but now……

"Okay, I have one more question for the little shopkeeper: how did this man become the regent?"

The young painter glanced at the two of them again and whispered: "I'm not sure, it just happened out of nowhere."

"But I heard that the regent is young and promising, with strong martial arts skills. He defeated General Fan Lihuafan and was appreciated by the king."

“I don’t know whether it’s true or not.”

The painter said it truthfully.

After a while, under the painter's almost lost gaze, Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde left the shop.

"Old Cheng, what else should we do?"

Yuchi Jingde also numbed his paws and said speechlessly: "Your Majesty gave him a fifth-grade official position. Now he is working as a regent in such a small place. Is it because he dislikes that the official position is too low?" Thinking of Li Fei's upright refusal to be an official at that time. Yuchi Jingde felt a little speechless.

If you think your official position is low, why don't you mention it and it'll be over?
If your identity is exposed casually, you are at least a prince, no better than a regent?

"How the hell do I know!"

"In my opinion, Xiliang's sudden attack on Tubo must have something to do with Xiao Langzhong!"

"How can I, the Prince of the Tang Dynasty, be someone else's minister?"

Cheng Yaojin scratched his head irritably, various expressions flashed across his face, and he was extremely annoyed.

"Although Xiliang has not been an enemy of the Tang Dynasty in these years, it is still a force in the Western Regions. This little man is doing this..."

"Are you afraid that His Majesty will think that this is defection?"

Yuchi Jingde thought about the root of the matter and couldn't help but ask in a deep voice.

Instead of serving as an official, he went to become an official in another force. What did Li Er think?
"This matter will be kept secret for now!"

"I heard that Xiliang's army is very powerful. I'm afraid they can really take down Tubo this time!"

"When this battle is over, we will find a chance to meet the young man and see what he thinks!"

Cheng Yaojin thought for a long time before saying this with some difficulty.

There are too many things to consider, and this is definitely not something that the two of them can explain with a simple explanation.

At least, you have to know what the young man is thinking!

"Yes, then we stay in Molan City?"

Yuchi Jingde nodded, now is indeed not the time to tell the news.

The prince and princess are lost again, who dares to go back?
Isn't that just looking for guilt?
"Well, let's stay in Molan City for now and wait for the young doctor to come back."

"Xiliang Kingdom suddenly started a war this time, and the entire Western Region was in chaos. Let's wait and see what happens here and see if we can find out some information."

"After destroying Jieli's fellow in the future, the next step will be to conquer the Western Regions. This is His Majesty's idea!"

Cheng Yaojin said in a deep voice.

After the two reached an agreement, they stayed in Molan City and waited for Li Fei's return.

And not far from Molan, there is Liangzhou City.

After two days and one night, the figures of three women appeared in Liangzhou City.

Changle, Li Xueyan, and Li Wan looked exhausted, barely resting along the way, and finally arrived in Liangzhou.

This is still a powerful horse. If it were replaced by an ordinary horse, it would have been exhausted.

The three women led the horses into the city. They were all dressed up as ordinary girls and did not attract any attention.

"Let's go to Yunlai Restaurant first. Mr. Li should be there, right?"

Li Wan thought for a while and said.

(End of this chapter)

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