Chapter 280 The three women arrive!Surprised Lao Wang!

It was mid-afternoon, and Yunlai Restaurant said it was not busy at all. Most of the ingredients needed for the evening were already prepared.

The three women did not pass by the front door of the restaurant, but followed Li Wan directly to the side door of the restaurant, where a waiter hurriedly greeted them.

"Are you three regular customers? This way, please!"

Most people entered through the front door, but these three extraordinary-looking women came to the stables as soon as they arrived. They were probably acquaintances who had visited the restaurant before.

And looking at these three horses, they are all different and extremely handsome. They are definitely not ordinary horses.

The waiter led the horse away. Li Xueyan thought for a moment and said, "Let's go to the front. Li Wan, aren't you familiar with this boss?"

Li Wan nodded.

The first time she came to Liangzhou, she was attracted by the red-oiled haggis and fried dough sticks, and then she met Li Fei for the second time.

Later, I became acquainted with Lao Wang and learned that all the Yunlai restaurants in Liangzhou City were actually Li Fei's property!

The other restaurants all closed down inexplicably and were acquired by Yunlai Restaurant. Now Yunlai Restaurant is the signature of the entire Liangzhou City!
Li Wandu was amazed by such talent in business.

"Let's go and ask Lao Wang."

"If Gong... Lizhi is right and he really came to Liangzhou, Lao Wang should know the news."

The three women quickly arrived at the front lobby. Before they could get closer, they heard a familiar voice coming from inside.

"Are the potatoes ready?"

"Shopkeeper, everything is ready!"

"Well, there are those meats, and..."

Following the familiar voice, the three women walked into the hall and saw Lao Wang asking the clerk various things.

"Three girls...Miss Li?"

Seeing someone coming in, Lao Wang turned his head and looked over. Just as he was about to speak, he saw the person clearly.

Isn't this Miss Li who came to see the young master before?
This person is someone who even the City Lord’s Mansion must take seriously. Who knows his identity?
"Waiter, show the distinguished guests some tea!"

"Three please sit down."

Lao Wang quickly reacted, stepped forward, saluted the three ladies, and said, "Three ladies are here, what's the matter?"

He has never met Li Xueyan and Chang Le, but the person who can be with Li Wan is definitely not an ordinary person.

Although she looks plain in her clothes, her temperament cannot be concealed!
"You're welcome, Shopkeeper Wang. The three of us sisters are here from Chang'an City. Can we take a moment to talk to you?"

Li Wan glanced at Chang Le and Li Xueyan, then looked at Lao Wang and said with meaning.

Chang'an City!
Lao Wang understood it as soon as he heard it, and quickly stepped away and made a gesture of invitation: "Of course, no problem, three girls, please go upstairs and talk!"

Nodding, the three girls moved straight up to the second floor and sat down in an elegant place.

Lao Wang followed closely behind, and after a while he took the tea tray from the young man's hand and came to the side of the three girls.

After pouring the tea, Li Wan smiled slightly: "Shopkeeper Wang, please sit down too. Mr. Li once said that shopkeeper Wang is his friend, and he is also a friend of the three of us. There is no need to be so polite."

When Lao Wang heard this, he felt warm in his heart and nodded with a smile.

No longer restrained, Lao Wang looked at Chang Le and Li Xueyan and said politely: "Miss Li, come here. I already know the reason."

"Before telling the news, please also ask Miss Li to tell her identity. Otherwise, for the sake of the young master, I will not be able to tell the truth truthfully."

Lao Wang naturally took measures to reciprocate favors.

Li Wan nodded and said, "Presumably Shopkeeper Wang knows the identity of Little Persimmon, right?"

Lao Wang understood, nodded and said: "Persimmon is your Majesty's little princess. I just learned about it not long ago. It's really unexpected." Opposite me, Li Xueyan smiled and had already wanted to speak.

Seeing that Lao Wang was not outside at this moment, he said: "That's it, the sister next to me is Xiao Persimmon, with the title of Changle..."

"This is the daughter of Duke Wei. Shopkeeper Wang may not know that well..."

The daughter of Wei Guogong Li Jing?
Lao Wang indeed only knew that Li Wan should be the daughter of a court official, and indeed did not think about it in that aspect. At this moment, he was shocked: "Princess Changle?"

"The daughter of Military God Li Jing?"

Li Wan hurriedly stood up to salute, and Li Wan smiled slightly: "Shopkeeper Wang, don't be polite. This is the daughter of the King of Jiangxia, and so is Li Xueyan."

"Master Li's identity is extraordinary. If Shopkeeper Wang knew about it, I'm afraid he wouldn't be so surprised."

The identity of the young master?
Lao Wang couldn't help but be startled, and immediately after the suspicion caused by the sudden arrival of Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde in the past few days, he suddenly saw the three women with extraordinary identities, and his expression suddenly changed.

"Could it be that... the young master is a prince, right?"

When he said this sentence, Lao Wang also felt as if he was dreaming!
No way?
Have you stayed with the princess and prince for so long?

Li Xueyan laughed and said, "Shopkeeper, you are really amazing. You guessed it right in one go!"

"Now, do you know why we are here?"

"Where are Master and Persimmon?"


Lao Wang quickly realized what was happening. He felt extremely uneasy in his heart. He suppressed it and said, "Young Master was indeed here a few days ago, but he was not in Liangzhou these days, but went to Xiliang Kingdom!"

"Persimmon is also with the young master, specifically in Molan City, Xiliang Kingdom. It is said that he went to challenge the female devil of Xiliang..."

The devil of Xiliang?
This title sounds curious.

"Master, are you going to challenge?"

Li Xueyan suddenly became interested and couldn't help but wonder: "Master has taken action, does the female devil still have a way to survive?"

Li Xueyan didn't understand Li Fei's martial arts at first.

But as her strength and moves improved little by little, she increasingly felt that her master was unfathomable and she had no idea how strong he really was!

"That's all the specific news. Xiliang is attacking Tubo these days, and I don't know where the young master has gone."

Lao Wang said slowly.

Hearing this, Li Wan looked thoughtful.

Changle thought for a while and suddenly said: "Tell me, you two, could he have sneaked into the Xiliang army and then gone to Tibet?"

"I heard before that because of Sizi's incident, he killed all the Tibetan envoys. This time it happened again, and he was angry..."

Changle said with some worry.

Judging from the things Li Fei has done, this is definitely the behavior of a lunatic without any rules!

Anyone who is harmful to Persimmon and his friends will be killed!

In front of his own people, he is gentle and humorous, but in the eyes of his enemies, he is completely ruthless and unscrupulous!


Li Wan also understood, and then said: "Let's stay in Liangzhou City first, and then make plans after the army arrives!"

Now, at least knowing that Li Fei and Persimmon were here, the three girls felt much more at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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