Chapter 281 Prepare for a rainy day, all for Persimmon!
After chatting with Lao Wang for an hour, the three women left.

Because the army was leaving, Li Wan did not dare to delay on this matter, so she returned to the city lord's palace with Chang Le and Li Xueyan.

The three of them came in a hurry. According to Li Jing's plan, if the army would arrive in Liangzhou, it would have to be at least tomorrow afternoon.

Now that they learned that Li Fei was not in Liangzhou City, the three women didn't know whether they were happy or disappointed.

But fortunately, at least there is news, which is good.


When it gets dark.

The original Tubo territory had changed hands in Dantang City, and five thousand elite soldiers took advantage of the night, led by Man Laosan and Li Fei, to leave the city gate.

Just now, Li Fei got some exciting news.

The system prompts that there will be a heavy rain here tomorrow!
This is almost God helping me!

This made Li Fei sigh that his luck was not bad, and at the same time, he thought of a saying, those who have gained the right will get more help, and those who have lost the right will have less help!
Tubo, you are not a human being, so don’t blame me for being ruthless!

The soldiers had had dinner early, and the terrain around Tianjun City had already been figured out. Man Lao San was now leading the way.

Li Fei walked behind with his army, paying attention to the surrounding situation and thinking about himself and Persimmon.

Admittedly, with things like this now, [-]% of the time, Persimmon would not want to leave him.

But what should Li Er do?

From Changsun Wugou's attitude towards Persimmon during that time, Li Fei knew in his heart that even if Li Er let go, Changsun Wugou would not agree to this matter.

After experiencing something like this, how could he let Persimmon follow him all the time?

However, thinking of Shizi running from Chang'an City to Liangzhou alone, even though Xiaobai accompanied him all the way, it still scared Li Fei into a cold sweat.

She was only five years old and she actually dared to do this. What about the future?
Every time he thought of this, he became more determined in what he was thinking.

Persimmon can only stay by his side, otherwise, big trouble will definitely occur!
"Be prepared for the worst in everything. If Li Er really refuses to give up when the time comes, then we can only deal with it as hostile..."

"With a relationship like Persimmon, it's impossible to kill him, but at least you have the power to confront him. Now is an opportunity..."

Li Fei was thinking in his mind, and his expression became firmer.

From the bottom of his heart, he has no desire to be an official.

But this time, firstly, we want to destroy the despicable place of Tubo, and secondly, we have Fan Lihua. When the master returns to the court, Fan Lihua will be the Queen of Xiliang.

Although he is only the regent, he is already the real ruler of the entire Xiliang Kingdom in name!
Xiliang plus the Tubo territory, this territory is already quite large. It only takes a while to develop into a force of its own!

"I can't help myself, but for's all worth it."

Thinking of this, Li Fei couldn't help but smile as he thought of Persimmon's usual cute appearance.

I have been alone in my two lives, and no one can understand what it feels like to suddenly have a family member beside me.

There is concern all the time.

Nearly two hours later, the night became darker.

Man Laosan turned back from the dense forest in front, came to Li Fei and said, "Brother Fei, the river is a hundred meters ahead. We are now on the east side of this mountain."

"There is a gap in front where rocks have fallen. The river is often submerged, causing the soil to be loose. It can be dug out."

Hearing this, Li Fei nodded: "Take me there and I'll see what's going on."

Five thousand elite soldiers were asked to wait where they were, while Li Fei and Man Lao San went to the front.After passing through a small forest, the sound of rushing water suddenly came from ahead, and the sound was quite loud.

Immediately after lighting the torch, Li Fei saw four or five huge rocks not far away, which seemed to have fallen from the mountains on both sides, making several large holes in the ground.

If it weren't for these huge rocks and the surrounding broken rocks, the river would flow down from here, directly to the gate of Tianjun's city!

Man Lao San pointed to the front, wondering: "Brother Fei, there was only one huge boulder here two days ago, and now there are suddenly three or four more. I am afraid that the defenders of Juncheng expected this step that day and did it on purpose! "

"Now that they are on guard, what should they do?"

To break these boulders into pieces, it would take three or four days with just 5000 men and horses.

Moreover, those boulders are difficult to handle, and more people do not mean faster efficiency. This takes time!
However, Li Fei smiled: "This place couldn't be better. Go call someone over and get ready to start!"


Man Lao San was stunned for a moment. He didn't know how many boulders suddenly appeared. Why was Brother Fei so happy?
Isn't this more difficult?

However, he hurried away.

Not long after, five thousand soldiers came over with shovels and pickaxes, each of them looking curious and puzzled.

"What is the Prince Regent going to do?"

"I don't know. I heard from the general that the regent is planning a water attack. Is he going to divert water to flood Tianjun City?"

"It takes three days and three nights to move such a big stone. How is this possible?"

"The regent is too young. I really don't know what the king and the general think. Aren't our efforts in vain..."

"Shh, be quiet!"

Li Fei listened to the whispers of the soldiers and smiled slightly: "Everyone listen, we will soon cut holes on the surface of those boulders. It doesn't need to be big, but it needs to be deep."

"Separate some people to clean out the silt in the seal under the boulder. Do you understand?"

Li Fei said while holding a huge stone as a demonstration.

With one punch, a hole the size of a human head appeared on the surface of the boulder!
Man Lao San and all the soldiers were stunned!

Damn it, doesn’t it hurt?

Moreover, this power... is actually so strong?

Can human flesh and blood really defeat stones?

"It's only the size, go as deep as you can!"

"Without further ado, before sunrise tomorrow morning, each boulder must have at least ten such openings. Do you understand?"


The five thousand elite soldiers were shocked, and then they all started digging holes with excitement!

The regent is hiding something!
This power alone is unmatched by anyone!
After settling everyone, Li Fei also found a secluded place to sit down and took out a pile of materials.

The recipe has long been ingrained in his mind, and this time Li Fei used an old friend familiar to Tubo - high explosives!
How many boulders?

Just relaxing.

All it takes is a "collapse" and Tianjun City will be finished!

(End of this chapter)

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