Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 282 Serious Persimmon: "Brother thinks so too?"

Chapter 282 Serious Persimmon: "Brother thinks so too?"

Outside Tianjun City, there is a dense forest by the river.

Three thousand soldiers were busy by the river, and these boulders were particularly huge. Otherwise, it would not have been possible to reassure the defenders of Tianjun City so easily.

Almost all of them are as big as a city gate, and they are irregularly shaped, with clanging sounds echoing everywhere.

At this time, Man Laosan had already led the remaining two thousand elite soldiers to the high mountain on one side.

Not far forward, when Man Lao San waved his hand, all the two thousand elite soldiers behind him stopped.

"Biaozi, you lead people to ambush here. You don't need to follow the regent to attack the city tomorrow. If you find Tubo soldiers and horses, they will all be intercepted and killed. Do you understand?"

Man Lao San said in a deep voice.

"Follow the general's orders!"

The deputy named Biaozi, who was also the one who told Li Fei about Man Lao San's past, said in a deep voice at this moment.

The general's changes in the past few days have completely lived up to his past decadence, and all the brothers who originally followed the general are very happy.

This time, I will go through fire and water for the general, no matter what!

"What kind of general? He's just a lieutenant at most. Watch your words!"

The old man glared and cursed: "Do your job well and don't let the regent down. I know what you are thinking!"

"You two can argue so that I can get promoted faster, do you know that?!"

"I know! I understand!"

Among the thousand elite soldiers, the more than 100 people who originally followed Man Laosan were all inside. At this moment, all of them had excited expressions, which made the Xiliang brothers beside them look weird.

After Man Lao San left, the soldiers laid ambush separately, and then started chatting one after another.

"Brother, just now you called Lieutenant General Man, General. Could it be that Lieutenant General Man was really a general before?"

"Is that still false? We are both veterans of General Man, and we fought against Tuyuhun..."

"I see, then Li Er is really not a thing. Our king and general have never been like this..."

"That's right, we only value strength. Whoever has a bigger fist and can lead our brothers to win the battle, we will listen to him!"

"Then follow the regent and work hard. You don't know that the regent defeated General Fan..."

"Is it true? We've all heard about it. We just saw the angry look on the regent's face. We don't know how strong he really is?"

"Harm, you will know when Tubo is defeated..."

While they were chatting on guard, on the other side, Man Laosan had already led the remaining thousand soldiers and horses to ambush on the opposite hill.

On the way, they also encountered several Tubo spies, but Man Laosan restrained them all and killed them all.

After eliminating possible hidden dangers on both sides, Man Laosan also led people to ambush, leaving only more than 100 people to patrol back and forth.

"Lieutenant Man, is the regent's method... feasible?"

Next to Man Lao San, a general from the Xiliang Kingdom, who is now one of Man Lao San's deputies, said with some lack of confidence.

After the battle in Dantang City, Man Laosan led the charge, slashing and slashing all the way, completely conquering this group of Xiliang soldiers who had been without a fight all year round!

We don’t know what happened to the Prince Regent, but Man Lao San is famous for this battle!

Privately, he is known as the "Xiliang War Demon"!
Apart from the female devil Fan Lihua, Man Laosan is the well-deserved second person!
"Don't worry, I'm not lying to you. The regent has never failed in anything he asks!"

Man Lao San chuckled. In fact, he also had doubts in his heart. He didn't know how Li Fei planned to deal with those boulders as high as the city gate.

There are only 3000 people, so if we can get one piece done before dawn, it’s already pretty good.

The deputy nodded when he heard this and said: "Lieutenant General Man, with your abilities, you can become a general. Why have you never heard of the reputation of a deputy general before?"

This is the question in the minds of all Xiliang soldiers.

In the battle of Dantang, Man Lao San took the lead, and a hundred brothers behind him were equally brave. The combined battle formation was an eye-opener for all Xiliang soldiers! "There's nothing much to say about a good man, not to mention his bravery in the past. It's better to be more vigilant. Tomorrow, we will take down Tianjun City with the regent. That's the main business!"

Man Lao San smiled slightly and said nothing more.

Below, in front of Li Fei were piles of explosive packets as high as a small mound.

After a while, the sky in the distance turned fish belly white, but it was still gloomy, as if it was going to rain.

A general came over here, looked at the small pile of explosive packets, and then said with his hands: "Prince Regent, those holes have been dug out, what next?"

Li Fei nodded and walked over to take a look.

Those boulders were dug into holes, but each hole was more than half a meter deep, which was enough.

"Take those things and put them into the holes one by one."

"Be careful, don't step on those ropes. Leave them out and pull them far away. Be careful!"

Under Li Fei's command, a dozen Xiliang soldiers carried explosive packs and stuffed them into the holes made overnight.

Not long after, it was about to rain, and Li Fei hurriedly said: "Take the people back a little further, and remember to cover your ears!"

Then, he saw Li Fei standing a hundred meters away, looking in the direction of Tianjun City and sneering.

"Are you prepared in advance?"

"so what?"

chi chi chi...

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

In an instant, a fire shot into the sky, and countless gravels and soil were splashed. The woods on both sides fell down like a hurricane!

Even Man Lao San, who was ambushing in the forest, couldn't help but turn pale at this moment, and murmured: "My dear, is this thunder coming from God?"

On the other side, Biaozi and a group of Xiliang soldiers' faces were also pale. They felt as if their chests had been hit by a heavy hammer, and they almost lost their breath.

"What happened?"

"Hiss... isn't this thundering?"

"Look, the river over there is filled with water!"

"Damn it, how did the regent do it?"

"Is the Prince Regent a god?"


At the same time, Fan Lihua, who was far away in Dantang, woke up early and stood on the highest point of the city wall and looked into the distance.

Persimmon was beside her, pulling on Fan Lihua's clothes, and said crisply: "Sister, don't worry, none of the bad guys that brother wants to fight will be able to escape!"

Fan Lihua suddenly laughed when she heard this, like a pear blossom blooming, and said: "Persimmon, we can't be so cute when we learn the art of war in the future. We have to be more serious so that others can believe that we are powerful. Do you understand?"

Fan Lihua's joke made Persimmon become serious: "Sister, are you telling the truth?"

"Brother thinks so too?"

In order to tease her and enhance her relationship, Fan Lihua nodded: "Yes, the reason why your brother likes your sister is because she is usually very serious and powerful, so..."

For a long time, Persimmon clenched his fists with a serious expression: "Don't worry, none of them can escape!"


Fan Lihua showed a strange smile, and at this moment, a loud noise came from the distance!
Then, there was a burst of smoke and fire, like a signal!
"The army is gathering and preparing to take down Tianjun City!"

"Yes, General!"

(End of this chapter)

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