Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 283 Li Fei, Li Fei, how can you run away so well?

Chapter 283 Li Fei, Li Fei, how can you run away so well?

Tianjun City.

The Tibetan garrison was ready.

In the city lord's palace, the Tubo general looked ugly, and the four lieutenants also felt something was wrong.

"What was that loud noise just now?"

"It's thundering?"

Arrangements had been made in advance. Faced with the entry of the Xiliang army, although Tianjun City was the gateway to Tibet, it only had 2 troops!

This is also the reason why everyone’s faces are solemn at this moment!
"General, none of the spies we sent last night have returned. It seems that the Xiliang soldiers and horses have expected that we will ambush on both sides, and have dispatched their elite forces!"

"If this continues, we can only defend the city and fight, and we must not step out of the city!"

A deputy general looked ugly, but he still said in a deep voice to his scalp.

"Damn it, Zamp placed his army on the side of the imperial city, and only 2 troops are left here. How are we going to defend the city?"

"Have all arrangements been made on the other side of the river?"

The Tubo general looked ugly, then remembered the most important thing, and asked quickly.

"It has been arranged. Those huge rocks were originally used to deal with the Tang Dynasty soldiers and horses. Now they are more than enough to deal with the Xiliang army."

A lieutenant said.

"No, why do I feel so frightened? Go out and see..."

The Tubo general was restless and the irritability in his heart became more frequent. He couldn't help but stand up and planned to go out to see what was going on.

However, a Tubo soldier suddenly ran in from outside, looking terrified: "General, the flood is coming!"

"It has reached half the height of the city gate, and will soon be below the city wall!"

"what should we do?"


Suddenly, the expressions of everyone in the room changed drastically, and the Tubo general rushed out and quickly ran to the city wall!

Under the city wall and in front of the city gate, it is like a sea of ​​​​Wang Yang, surging incessantly!

The strong wind carried the heavy rain, which added to the momentum. The water quickly rushed up the city wall and began to pour into the city!

"The city gate was knocked down!"


"Why is that? Why?"

Not long after, only scattered buildings could be seen in the entire Tianjun City, and the entire city was completely submerged by the flood!

"Unlucky, why is it raining so heavily?"

"Fortunately we arrived in time, otherwise we wouldn't have known where to take shelter from the rain!"

At the gate of Liangzhou City, two carriages accelerated into the city, and then headed towards the blacksmith shop in the north of the city.

Not long after, in the blacksmith shop.

In a room, Song Laosan held the woman's hand and looked at Song Jiang with surprise on his face: "Why are you back?"

"Who are these?"

Song Laosan looked at Du Mingyue and Gu Tai, and Song Jiang quickly introduced: "Dad, this is Sister-in-law Mingyue, Brother Fei's unmarried daughter-in-law."

"This is Master Gutai, the owner of the antique shop 'Antiquetai' in Chang'an City."

Song Laosan heard this and said with a smile: "I see, Jiang'er, go find some clean clothes and let Mr. Gu change into them."

"Mingyue, you and my mother-in-law should go inside to change clothes, but don't catch a cold!"

Not long after, hot tea was served and several people sat in the room.

It was raining heavily outside. Song Laosan smiled and said: "It's really strange. I haven't seen such heavy rain all summer. It's strange that it happened when you came here."

Song Jiang was not interested in the heavy rain outside, but directly asked about the business: "Dad, is Brother Fei in Liangzhou City?" "Is Persimmon also in Liangzhou City?"

Hearing this, Song Laosan smiled and scolded: "You little bastard, I haven't seen you and me for several years. When you come here, the first thing you say is not asking me, but asking others first?"

However, he was not really angry. Song Laosan looked at Du Mingyue and Gu Tai and said, "Are you trying your luck, or how do you know?"

Although there was some speculation in his mind, Song Laosan still asked.

Hearing this, Song Jiang hurriedly said: "Brother Fei left without saying goodbye, and even Persimmon ran away. We learned this news thanks to Mr. Gu."

"Dad, Brother Fei and Persimmon are really here?"

Song Laosan did not speak, but looked at Gu Tai.

Gutai smiled slightly when he heard this, with a shrewd look on his fat face, and said with a smile: "Uncle, I also got this news from an old fortune teller. It is said that this person's predictions are very accurate..."

Song Laosan then nodded and asked, "What's the name of the old fortune teller?"

Gu Tai smiled and replied: "It seems to be called Li Chunfeng. I took Mr. Li to see him last time, and this person gave Mr. Li a divination."

"I see."

Song Laosan pretended to lower his head to drink tea, but in fact he was shocked and calm in his heart. No wonder these people came to the door. It turned out that there was an expert to help him!

Yesterday, Lao Wang came over at night and told himself about Changle Li Xueyan and others from Chang'an City, so Song Laosan had already secretly paid attention to them.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Li Chunfeng who took action!

This old guy, who became famous at almost the same time as himself, is now in such a state of desolation that he makes a living by telling people's fortunes?
"Uncle, uncle...could he know this person?"

Seeing that Song Laosan was silent for a long time, Gu Tai couldn't help but asked curiously.

He was not very old to begin with, and there was no news from Li Chunfeng before he was born, let alone knowing anything about this person.

Even Li Er may know a little about Song Laosan's name, but Gu Tai doesn't know anything about it.

"I remembered that I thought I was an old friend, haha."

Song Laosan smiled, then his expression became serious, and he said, "You guessed it right. Li Fei did come to Liangzhou a few days ago, but now he is not in Liangzhou city."

"Where exactly did he go? From what he said, he seemed to have gone to Molan City. There has been no news for several days."

Xiliang Guomo Blue City?

Isn't there a war going on these days?
Gutai's expression was stunned and he said: "What are you going to do in Molan City?"

"Then I don't know. After that boy came back, he had a drink with me and then disappeared. I don't know where he went."

Song Laosan shook his head and said as if he was still a little angry.

Hearing this, several people fell silent.

Song Laosan's eyes moved slightly, and suddenly he looked at Du Mingyue and said with a smile: "This boy is very carefree. I heard that the female demon from Xiliang Kingdom appeared again not long ago. She will marry whoever can subdue her. .”

"You said this kid ran to Xiliang in a hurry. Isn't it because of this?"

However, when Du Mingyue heard this, there was nothing unusual, and she said in a warm voice: "For such an outstanding person like the Master, it is natural for him to have three wives and four concubines..."

Song Laosan suddenly became speechless.

Throughout the morning, Gu Tai left after asking some questions.

He was not familiar with a few people, so after leaving the blacksmith shop, he directly found an inn to stay.

"Li Fei, Li Fei, how can you run away so well?"

"This young master has gone through so much trouble to find you to do a huge deal."

"Old Chen, how is the war between Xiliang and Tubo?"

A steward was standing by and said hurriedly: "Sir, Xiliang has captured Dantang and is heading towards the hinterland of Tubo."

Gu Tai touched his fat chin, held a note in his hand, and said in deep thought: "Regent of Xiliang...Li Fei, you are not going to Xiliang to be an official, are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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