Chapter 284 A sneak attack from Tuyuhun?what is that?
The heavy rain lasted for a whole day.

In the evening, the rain gradually became less intense.

After Fan Lihua arrived with the army, she stationed the army on the mountains on both sides and did not launch another offensive.

Stepping forward and looking down, she was horrified by the scene of the Yangtze Sea. She marveled at the power of natural disasters. It was so much more terrifying than war!

The entire Tianjun City is now almost completely invisible!

Only occasionally the water rises, revealing a blue-black building, which means there is a city underneath!
Tens of thousands of Xiliang soldiers and horses are now on the high mountains on both sides. Looking at the submerged Tianjun City below, everyone's face is horrified.

With such momentum and such a scene, is this really caused by the Prince Regent?

Only five thousand soldiers and horses are needed to achieve this?

If a war breaks out, there may still be people alive, but what does it look like now?

The entire Tianjun City was submerged in the basin, surrounded by smooth and straight cliffs. The only exit was filled with rubble blasted by high-explosive gunpowder, leaving no way out!
Man Lao San looked down and took a breath of air: "Now, all those Tubo thieves should be dead, right?"

With the water covering the city wall, Tianjun City is already like a dead city!
Even though Fan Lihua has the reputation of being a female devil, she felt a little unbearable at this moment and hesitated: "In the future, unless it is absolutely necessary, it is better not to use this method, right?"

"Those innocent people in the city, this time..."

Hearing this, Man Lao San smiled and said: "General, don't worry, I have sent people to investigate before. When the people in the city learned the news, they had already fled, leaving only [-] Tibetan defenders."

"The population of Tubo is small to begin with. Those people should have fled to the Tubo Imperial City."

Fan Lihua finally let go of the entanglement in her heart. After nodding, she looked at Li Fei again: "Prince Regent, what should we do next?"

The surrounding Xiliang soldiers and horses also looked at a thin figure in front of them, their expressions were solemn and serious!
This regent, with such a grand gesture, no one dares to underestimate him!

[-] Tibetan soldiers and horses were all gone in one fell swoop!

Just thinking about it makes people shudder!

Li Fei in front looked down, shook his head and said: "It's a pity. The flood all over the city may not be able to retreat within ten days and a half. Let's go back to Dantang City first."

Everyone had no objections and turned back to Dantang.

In the city lord's mansion, several people arrived in the main room again, with a map spread out in front of them.

Man Laosan pointed in the direction of Tianjun City at this moment and said: "Regent, General, Tianjun City is now filled with water. If you want to pass, you can only go around from the other side."

"If we take a detour, it will take a whole day to reach the Tubo Imperial City. We can go from here..."

At present, Dantang has been captured, Tianjun has been lost, and the two large cities on the periphery of Tubo are of no use.

At the moment, Li Fei had the same intention. He went straight to the imperial city and killed Songtsen Gampo!
"Well, let's go this way, let's attack directly and take down Tubo!"

Li Fei nodded and said coldly.

It's time for this restless Tubo to pay the price for what he has done!


On the other end, from the direction of Tuyuhun, the army marched toward the Xiliang Kingdom in a mighty manner.

After receiving Songtsen Gampo's request and the promise after relieving the siege, Tuyuhun gathered his army and prepared to attack Xiliang without thinking too much!
Who is afraid of a small Xiliang?

If it was necessary to use troops against the Tang Dynasty or the Turks, Tuyuhun would still consider it.

A Xiliang country?

Tuyuhun didn't take it to heart at all.

Moreover, although the Xiliang Kingdom has kept a low profile these years, to what extent can such a large and small place develop?
The army has been assembled to attack Tubo. How many troops are left in Molan City?
Although I don’t know why the two families suddenly started fighting, this does not prevent Tuyuhun from encountering such a great opportunity!
If you can beat me, then fight. If you can't beat me, why can't you run away?

Songtsen Gampo still had to thank himself afterwards?Not far from Molan City, a massive black army was approaching in this direction, a scene of killing.

"Chief, Molan City is twenty miles ahead!"

A scout ran back from the woods and towards the front of the army, General Tuyuhun said with a lazy expression.

"Twenty miles?"

"Well, have you found the ambush in Xiliang Kingdom?"

Qi Luobu opened his eyes and looked at the looming dark blue city in the distance. With a trace of relaxation and calmness in his eyebrows, he asked.

Although Tuyuhun agreed to Songtsen Gampo's request, he was extremely cautious.

This time, Qi Luobu brought [-] soldiers and horses, and quietly advanced toward Xiliang Molan City without making any movement.

While marching, Qi Luobu sent people to inquire about the news.

The news brought by the scouts also surprised Qi Luobu and made him extremely excited!
Except for a small number of defenders in Molan City, the entire Xiliang army went to fight against Tibet!

It can be said that the current Molan City is almost completely an empty shell, at the mercy of others!

With this in mind, Qi Luobu called all the scouts back.

"Sir, there are only a thousand defenders in Molan City!"

"Only the city lord is in charge in the city, and the rest of the generals have gone on an expedition with the regent and the female general Fan Lihua, and are currently in Tubo!"

"The Turks have not sent troops and have a wait-and-see attitude!"

Listening to the reports of several scouts, Qi Luobu nodded slightly.

Looking at the vague outline of the city not far away, Qi Luobu laughed and said, "Go out and occupy Molan!"

"Occupy Molan!"

"Occupy Molan!"

Not long after, a dark army appeared outside the city. It was Qi Luobu's Tuyuhun army who came here!

"Hey, once we capture Molan City, won't we control the chokepoint of the Western Region?"

"Of course, this little Xiliang Kingdom dares to imitate others to expand its territory. If the Tang Dynasty hadn't been so powerful, it would have been destroyed long ago!"

"That's true, but I heard that the location of Molan City is important, and the Turks are also eyeing it. What if they attack by surprise?"

Several Tuyuhun lieutenants were walking and chatting, not feeling nervous at all.

This time when we went deep behind enemy lines and learned the news from the scouts, although everyone did not underestimate the enemy, they did not pay much attention to it.

With only a thousand soldiers and horses, Molan City, unless it was a god descending to earth, how could it defeat an army twenty times its size?

Completely twenty against one!

"My lord, what is that?"

Next to Qi Luobu, his assistant was looking at the structure of the walls of Molan City.

On the edge of the uneven city tower, black cannon barrels were seen extending out, aiming at Tuyuhun's soldiers and horses below.

What it is?

How big a stone can be thrown from such a small opening, and can it still be lethal?
(End of this chapter)

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