Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 285 The smoke is billowing!Where are my soldiers and horses?

Chapter 285 The smoke is billowing!Where are my soldiers and horses?

Hearing the deputy's doubts, Hou Junji's eyes also fell on the city gate tower.

Saw those medium range artillery pieces.

Qi Luobu's first reaction was - he didn't recognize him.

What kind of bird thing?

Isn't this a trebuchet used for hunting in ancient times?
Counting, there are four such things on this side of the city wall, all pointing towards the soldiers and horses below.

An inexplicable feeling of palpitations arose, and Qi Luobu was stunned.

Then he shook his head and smiled inexplicably, and said: "They say that Molan City is extremely rich, but I didn't expect that it can't even build a trebuchet. Brothers, look at those birds. Do you want to use them to smash us to death?"

Qi Luobu, who was preconceived, didn't think much about it and laughed out loud.

"Haha, this Molan City is too shabby!"

"That's right. How capable can a small town in the Western Regions be? It's probably those guys who have never seen the world who said it!"

"I really don't know what the defenders are thinking. I think I can just climb up, hahaha..."

All the Tuyuhun troops also laughed easily.

"This is our chance, it depends on whether we can eat this appetizer!"

"How can such fortifications stop my elite troops from Tuyuhun?"

"Everyone obey the order, kill!"

Seeing the relaxed faces of the soldiers and the confident smiles on their faces, Qi Luobu knew it was time to issue an order!

It is the best time to attack the city and capture the ground!

"Peel down Mo Lan! Attack the city!"

"Kill them all!"

Immediately, following Qi Luobu's order, the Tuyuhun army's killing cries rang out like a thunderous sound, rushing towards Molan City like a tide!
No need to follow any rules, just charge directly!
After inquiring back and forth many times, the scouts visited almost every corner of Molan City, and there were indeed very few defenders inside!
Therefore, only the simplest human sea tactics are needed to capture this city!

On the city wall, the King of Xiliang and the Lord of Molan City looked down the city.

"Your Majesty, Tuyuhun's army has already attacked, and the opposing general Qi Luobu personally led the attack!"

Next to King Xiliang, the face of the Lord of Molan City did not change at all.

While reporting, there was still some expectation on his face.

Not being able to follow the regent on the expedition, the thousand soldiers and horses guarding Molan City felt a little dissatisfied.

The regent is fine, but he can't catch the eye of General Fan, which is uncomfortable!

The image of Fan Lihua in Xiliang has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of every soldier. It is a great honor for every Xiliang soldier to follow General Fan on the expedition!

"Are all the artillery crews ready?"

The King of Xiliang looked at the people and horses below and asked as he heard the shouts of killing.

The Lord of Dark Blue City nodded, looking at the dark medium-range artillery with both expectation and worry, and said: "Reporting to the king, the artillery crew has been prepared and is just waiting for the general to give the order."

Nodding slightly, King Xiliang directly ordered:
"Well, pass on the order, with your flag as the order, all gunners prepare!"

"The red flag indicates odd-numbered artillery fire, and the green flag indicates even-numbered artillery fire. Do you understand?"

"Since Tuyuhun is brave enough, let's use them to test the power of these weird weapons!"

As for the power of these medium-range artillery, others did not know how powerful it was, but the King of Xiliang knew it very well.

How can this be compared to a trebuchet?

At the beginning, according to his secret investigation, Li Fei used high-explosive gunpowder when he dealt with the Tibetan envoys in Chang'an City.

That's not a cannonball, just gunpowder.

Just a little bit, the entire Tibetan mission was wiped out, and Li Er and others were almost accidentally injured.

And now, it is said that the amount of high-explosive gunpowder loaded in these round shells is seven to eight times that of last time!
How exciting is this?

Thinking of this, King Xiliang's old face flushed with excitement, and he couldn't help coughing.

"Ahem, cough..." Next to him, the city lord didn't know what was happening and said quickly: "Your Majesty, if the artillery is defeated, how can we resist Tuyuhun's army?"

He had never seen the power of high-explosive gunpowder, so he was still a little worried.

"Don' will die if you go down...ahem...just stay there!"

The King of Xiliang glared at him: "When you see why they are gone, you won't have such thoughts."

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sound of beating drums sounded, and all the defenders on the city gate tower suddenly looked solemn and returned to their positions!

There are twelve medium-range artillery pieces in total, four on each wall.

They are seven or eight meters apart from each other, and the black barrels are facing downwards, ready to go.


The Lord of Dark Blue City gave the order, holding a small flag in each hand, red and green.

At this moment, he raised his left hand, and the red flag flew up!
The two charging soldiers worked together to pick up the round cannonball and carefully slid it into the barrel.

Too heavy!

After loading the powder, King Xiliang looked down at the Tuyuhun army that was about to rush to the city wall, with pitiful eyes.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Six medium-range artillery pieces, three volleys fired in an instant!

Then there were three more doors, separated by less than ten breaths!
Then, I heard several earth-shattering sounds connected together, and the shells dropped towards the outside of the city with billowing smoke!

The King of Xiliang quickly covered his ears and shouted: "Everyone, be careful, cover your ears!"

In fact, he didn't even need to say it. The defenders had already seen the power of these medium-range artillery pieces, but they didn't expect that together they would make such a big noise.

So when the shells made an earth-shattering sound, everyone turned pale and quickly covered their ears.

"what's the situation?"

"It's thundering?"

"Look at the city wall, why is it starting to smoke?"

The sudden movement suddenly startled the Tuyuhun army!
Looking over, I saw thick smoke billowing from the walls of the Dark Blue City, as if it had been severely damaged, and no one could be seen clearly.

Then, several round black things like iron balls exploded in mid-air around the Tuyuhun army who were setting up ladders to approach the city wall!
"Boom boom boom!"

In an instant, waves of fire rolled and the entire ground trembled!
Thick smoke of gunpowder appeared in this era, and the waves of fire ravaged everything around that could burn!

I can't see anything in front of me!

Qi Luobu sat down on the ground, his eyes frightened, and he trembled: "Fa...what happened? Could it be that the earth dragon turned over?"

He has never seen such a scene!
Although I knew in my heart that this might be related to the black spherical objects I just saw, how could something so small be so powerful?

The deputy fell directly to the ground, with a face full of panic: "Sir, it seems... this movement seems to be caused by the Xiliang defenders!"

"What? I can't hear you louder!"

Qi Luobu felt his ears were buzzing. He saw the deputy general speak, but could not hear a word.

"Sir, those are firearms! The Xiliang army has firearms!"

The deputy's eyes had turned desperate.

Gunpowder is well known to everyone, but during the Tang Dynasty, gunpowder was only used as the most basic way of fighting.

For example, trebuchets, after the Tang Dynasty had gunpowder, they would pack it and throw it, or smear it on the arrows of bows and arrows, and then shoot them out. These were the first firearms!

Another example is the Xiliang Kingdom, which invented things like fireworks for leisure and entertainment!

But now, gunpowder has just been discovered, and it is only in the experimental stage. There is not enough money to study the uses of gunpowder!
At this moment, seeing the terrifying scene of smoke billowing and waves of fire ahead, Qi Luobu was completely stunned!
How much gunpowder was used?

Where are my soldiers and horses?
(End of this chapter)

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