Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 28 Selecting people blatantly through the back door?

Chapter 28 Selecting people blatantly through the back door?

Early in the morning, there was an open space outside Chang'an City.

"All captains gather!"

"As ordered!"

There are endless fields nearby, but the advantage here is that it is not far from Chang'an and is officially a place for military training.

A tall and thick black man with a king-like appearance was none other than Duke Cheng Yaojin of the State of Lu. At this moment, his eyes were glaring like bells and he glanced in front of him: "Have all the captains arrived?"

"Report, all captains have arrived!"

In front of Cheng Yaojin, a full 100 people stood in line. They were the 10 captains of this [-]-strong army.

Seeing this, Cheng Yaojin nodded slightly.

Then, he turned back to look at one person, it was the Duke of Wei, Li Jing, and said with a smile: "Old Jing, look at the spirit of these captains under us, what do you think? Didn't they embarrass you?"

Lao Jing?

Li Jing's face twitched.

Yuchi Jingde was also beside him. He and Cheng Yaojin stood together like two door gods. He also smiled and said at this moment: "Lao Jing, aren't you busy with things in Yunzhou? How come you have time to come here?"

Although the Turks where Jieli is located have temporarily ceased their activities, they are still necessary to guard against, and the large areas of defense in Yunzhou are very weak, so there is no chance that the Turks will go south to plunder cattle, horses and livestock.

Seeing that these two bastards were calling "Lao Jing" smoothly, Li Jing didn't bother to talk and went straight to the point: "Cheng Yaojin, Yuchi Jingde, Your Majesty asked you two to pick out twenty soldiers with good skills. Three centurions, please choose quickly!"

As soon as he arrived, Li Jing asked people to gather together, but after a long time of fuss, he wanted to pick out twenty people?
"This is His Majesty's oral order. If you can't choose within an hour, you and Duke E will have to get fifty sticks by then."

Li Jing looked at Cheng Yaojin leisurely and said deliberately.

"This, this, this... Lao Jing, we are also old buddies fighting side by side. Can you please explain clearly what your Majesty wants these 20 people and the centurion to do?"

Cheng Yaojin suddenly became anxious.

When Yuchi Jingde heard that he had his own business, he quickly said: "Yes, Lao Jing, if you don't tell us what to do, how will we brothers know what type to choose?"

Seeing the anxious looks of the two people, Li Jing laughed in his heart and said with his usual expression: "Three centurions, leading twenty clever soldiers, are heading to a place called Xiaoqin Village to protect the village!"

Protect the village?

The two were suddenly dumbfounded.

Fortunately, not many people were needed, but His Majesty personally ordered troops to be sent to protect the village. This was the first time that a big girl had boarded the sedan chair!

Cheng Yaojin's eyes flashed and he said: "Lao Jing, tell the truth, is this a good job?" "Then what exactly is there in Xiaoqin Village? Why is it that the road construction is finalized on the front foot, and troops are sent to protect it on the back foot?"

When he asked this question, Li Jing's mouth twitched, and then he shook his head and said truthfully: "I also asked yesterday, but His Majesty didn't give me an explanation. He just said to do it. How about you go ask His Majesty?"

Suddenly, Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde's faces turned pale and they shook their heads quickly: "Forget it, we will obey His Majesty's orders, but we won't go to ask for punishment."

Because before, Li Er ordered the city of Chang'an to be repaired, Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingdesheng borrowed half of the people from the Ministry of Works to repair their mansions.

Yesterday morning, after the matter of road construction was decided, Duan Lun, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, reported the situation of various companies requisitioning the manpower of the Ministry of Industry.

As a result, they were the two who wanted the most manpower, so they were scolded by Li Er.

Now I don't want to see the Holy One at all.

After saying this, Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde looked at each other, and then looked at the army.

Soon, as the names of twenty people were called out, a team of 20 people was selected and came to Li Jing.

Then, three more centurions stood up.

"Is this... okay?" Cheng Yaojin looked at Li Jing and asked.

The people were also selected, but when Li Jing looked at these three centurions, he was a little dumbfounded for a moment!
The three of them were all young. They stood respectfully in front of Li Jing and saluted.

"Cheng Chumo pays homage to Duke Wei!"

"Yu Chi Baolin pays homage to Duke Wei!"

"Qin Huaidao pays homage to Duke Wei!"

Behind the three of them, a group of soldiers and those centurions and thousands of captains were jealous, with envious expressions on their faces.

What the hell, you're going through the back door!
The training here is exhausting every day, and now that you have a good job like protecting the village, who wouldn't want to go?
What danger can a village be in?
When the time comes, it will be just like traveling. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to hunt and see the mountains and rivers?
Li Jing looked at the three centurions speechlessly, and rubbed his forehead with a headache: "Without courtesy, you three can join the queue!"

I never expected that Cheng Yaojin, a fool, would come up with this trick and directly send Cheng Chumo and others in.

Within the territory of the Tang Dynasty, it was another errand arranged by His Majesty, so it was obviously a good thing.

But Li Jing had a bad feeling.

Although Cheng Chumo, Yuchi Baolin and Qin Huaidao grew up in the military and learned some martial arts skills from their fathers, they were still far from real combat.

Moreover, to put it bluntly, the names of these three centurions were given to them by Li Er, their father's shadow.

(End of this chapter)

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