Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 29 The soldiers and horses arrived, and they met by chance in the back mountain!

Chapter 29 The soldiers and horses arrived, and they met by chance in the back mountain!
In the back hill of Xiaoqin Village, Li Fei was carrying half a sack of potato seeds and burying them in the soil piece by piece.

This piece of land was a piece of wasteland that he had reclaimed before. The fresh soil was turned out and was just suitable for growing crops.

"Potatoes can mature in one month. I hope the system didn't lie to me..."

Li Fei muttered as he buried the last potato tuber in the soil and gathered the soil next to it.

This thing is that the more you plant, the more you plant. Once the first crop grows, you can continue to plant it in the future.

At the same time, Cheng Chumo, Yuchi Baolin and Qin Huaidao also came to Xiaoqin Village with twenty of their men.

"Is it just such a rundown village?"

Cheng Chumo was dumbfounded as he looked at the weeds growing everywhere and the dense woods in front of him.

But in an instant, he smiled again: "Just in time, wouldn't it be nice to play game here these days and relax?"

After being trained to death by his father and Uncle Yuchi every day, fortunately, this time it was arranged by His Majesty himself, so Cheng Yaojin thought carefully and sent the three of them over.

If it’s an ordinary task, don’t even think about it!
Yuchi Baolin also laughed: "Chu Mo, you really touched my heart. The training these days has exhausted me to death."

The three of them were all centurions who had just come up, and they were also young men from aristocratic families, so they naturally had to be taken care of by Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde.

"Haha, if you don't want to study, just practice martial arts. Isn't that the way it is?" Qin Huaidao laughed.

Behind the three people, twenty people also showed relaxed expressions.

It's not because there is no need for training and it is easy, but because the purpose of protecting the village is His Majesty's command!
If it's done well, is there any possibility of success?
Soon, the three of them arrived at the back hill of Xiaoqin Village.

At this time, Cheng Chumo, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped and whispered: "Wait, listen, are there any wild animals moving in front?"

Everyone stopped quickly.

Yuchi Baolin pricked up his ears, listened carefully for a moment, and then said strangely: "No, Chu Mo, are you too suspicious?"

In order to avoid being discovered by the villagers, several people chose to go around the back mountain.

And before leaving, Li Jing had already warned several people.

They say they are protecting Xiao Qin Village, but they are actually protecting a family in the back mountain.

That family is also easy to identify. It is on the top of the back mountain. There is a young man and a little girl.

"Something's wrong, this forest is too quiet!"

Qin Huaidao also sensed something was wrong, signaled everyone to stop, squatted down and looked ahead.

At this time, a slight sound came into my ears.

Immediately afterwards, a white tiger that was three to four meters long walked out of a bush!
On the huge tiger head, the character "王" stands out.

With a wise yet ferocious look, he glanced at Cheng Chumo's group of people, bared his teeth and roared.

"I lost it!"

"Damn it, such a big bug!"

"No wonder we walked for so long without encountering an animal. It turns out there is such a big insect here!"

Seeing the white tiger, the three of them were instantly shocked and their faces turned pale.

In particular, there is still some distance from the back mountain, and the white tiger is just blocking the path that several people must pass!
Cheng Chumo's face turned pale, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he kept crying in his heart: Dad, aren't you trying to kill me?
I originally thought it was a good job, but Cheng Yaojin took a small back door. Who knew he had to deal with a big insect?

"What should I do? What should I do?" Cheng Chumo was a little panicked.

Yuchi Baolin was not much better. He held the sword on his waist tightly with one hand and whispered: "Chu Mo, Huai Dao, what are the chances of winning between the three of us plus twenty brothers?"

This...can still be beaten?

Qin Huaidao was also extremely nervous. When he heard Yuchi Baolin's words, a bitter smile appeared on his face: "Such a big insect, let alone us, even if Uncle Cheng and Uncle Yuchi come, I'm afraid they will have no choice but to run away!" As he spoke, Qin Huaidao said His eyes were always fixed on the white tiger.

While I was sweating in my heart, I was also a little strange.

The white tiger is near the village. It stands to reason that the villagers should have fled long ago. How can they still live here?

"Huaidao Huaidao! It, it,'s coming!"

At this time, Cheng Chumo suddenly exclaimed.

Everyone was surprised!
I saw the white tiger walking towards this side with leisurely steps and a lazy look.

"What should I do? Withdraw?" Yuchi Baolin stammered.

"No, no, no... no, there is movement in the bushes nearby. No... there isn't a big insect in there, right?"

Cheng Chumo also panicked. He noticed that the bushes behind Bai Hu moved again, and his face turned pale.

"Let's withdraw. Go back and report first!" Qin Huaidao said in a low voice without hesitation.

A big insect appeared near the village, and it was also a rare white tiger. Several people became uneasy.

However, just as they slowly backed away, they stared at the white tiger cautiously.

A voice suddenly came from the bushes: "Xiao Bai, don't scare them."

"Who are you, and what do you want to do when you come here to sneak around behind me?"

A thin figure walked out of the bushes, looked at Cheng Chumo and waited for the group, and asked.

It was Li Fei.

After planting all the potatoes, Li Fei took Xiaobai to the back mountain for a stroll with his eldest grandson Wuga watching over the little persimmon.

As a result, not long after entering, Xiaobai noticed the movement.

"Ah? We are...who are you?"

Cheng Chu was silent for a moment.

When he saw the white tiger that had frightened everyone so pale, now following Li Fei like a big cat, he was immediately shocked.

What are you here for?

Shouldn't this be kept secret?

At this time, Qin Huaidao's eyes flashed, and he seemed to have thought of something, and said quickly: "Brother, we heard that this is a good place for hunting, so we came to try our luck..."


Looking at Cheng Chumo and the other three, and then at the soldiers behind him, Li Fei laughed in his heart.

Before traveling through time, he had been a soldier. How could he not see where these people came from?
However, since he is a soldier, he doesn't have any bad intentions.

"Oh, then you continue, don't go too deep. There are ferocious beasts deep in the back mountain, and you can't deal with them."

Li Fei nodded indifferently and said.

After saying that, he took Xiaobai and prepared to leave.

Seeing that Li Fei was about to leave, Qin Huaidao said again: "Brother, please wait a moment. I heard that there is a young doctor in Xiaoqin Village. I wonder if this brother knows him?"

Young doctor?
Li Fei turned around with a strange expression on his face: "What are you looking for him for?"

(End of this chapter)

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