Chapter 289 Songzan was executed!Tubo is destroyed!



Li Fei rode his horse and rushed from the front, leaving the five Tubo generals stunned. Then they saw the silver spear that had swept over!
Are you so reckless and clueless?

Subconsciously, no one raised their swords or dodged to meet Li Fei's ordinary blow!
However, in the blink of an eye, three people were as if they were made of paper. They and their horses were swept away by the gunshot, and they were vomiting blood from their mouths, showing expressions of disbelief!

What kind of strange power is this?

But they were no longer able to think. At least two thousand kilograms of force hit them horizontally. The three of them had their heads mutilated and were executed. They could not die again!
The war horse neighed, and Li Fei reined in his horse and stood up, not even looking at the result of his victory!
Instead, he turned the horse's head and charged towards the two Tibetan generals who had not yet reacted and seemed to be frightened!
No fancy marksmanship, no useless moves, just a big, tango strike!
"We can't defeat him, retreat quickly!"

"Run away! This guy is not a human at all, he is a monster!"

Only then did the two Tubo generals react and felt the strong murderous intent coming towards them. They no longer had the confidence and calmness they had just now!
Killing three people instantly with one move, and with a single blow from the front, what kind of monster is this?

On the city wall, Songtsen Gampo and a group of Tibetan generals looked down, their faces pale!
Especially when Li Fei killed three people in one move, they could clearly see it from above. It was pure and invincible crushing power!
Songtsen Gampo, who had been prepared for a long time, couldn't help but feel a desperate fear in his heart at this moment, and shouted almost without hesitation: "Fire the arrow! Shoot him to death!"

"Don't open the city gate, don't let him in!"

Below, two Tibetan generals ran to the city gate, their eyes red with fear and despair, and shouted: "Open the door quickly!"

"Open the city gate!"

However, the Tibetan soldiers who received Zamp's order could only look at the two men with sympathy and unbearability, and had no intention of opening the city gate.



In front of the city gate, the two of them were swept away by Li Fei who was chasing behind them. The people and horses exploded into blood mist in the air, which made the Tubo people in the city tremble with fear!
"Fire the arrow! Shoot him to death!"

"Throw stones! Beat him to death! Don't let him enter the city!"

Songtsen Gan's face was full of panic, and the generals around him were also pale. Li Fei couldn't help showing a fearful expression as he looked down at him.

Among the five people just now, at least three were worthy warriors of Tubo, but none of them were Li Fei's enemies!
If this city is attacked, who can be his opponent?

A rain of arrows filled the sky, instantly covering the air outside the city gate, and they all headed in the direction of Li Fei!

Not far away, Fan Lihua looked at this scene and her expression changed greatly: "Follow me, the army, to attack Luoche City!"

"Protect the Regent!"

All Xiliang soldiers' faces were full of anger at this moment, as well as the excitement of seeing the regent killing everyone just now, and they rushed forward with roars!

"Protect the Regent!"

"Kill all these despicable Tubo guys!"

"Kill them all!"

Under the city gate, Li Fei looked up disdainfully, and then said loudly: "No one can come forward!"

"Wait until I open this gate, and then follow me into the city!" Li Fei suddenly shouted, causing all Fan Lihua's Xiliang soldiers to stop attacking!

Then, not only Fan Lihua, but Man Lao San and all the Xiliang soldiers and horses behind him suddenly froze at this moment, with the sound they just heard echoing in their minds.

The regent wants to open the city gate himself?

The gate of Luoxue City is more than ten meters high and ten meters wide. Is this something that one person can accomplish?
However, some of them had expectant gleams in their eyes, remembering the regent's method of attacking Tianjun City two days ago!

A huge boulder as big as half the city gate was also taken care of by the regent. City gate?
Fan Lihua looked anxious and said angrily: "Li Fei, don't take risks!"

The army pressed hard, and Tubo seemed to have only the last imperial city left to resist. Even if they didn't attack directly, just staying outside the city would be enough to kill Tubo.

Now braving the rain of arrows and the Tibetan soldiers and horses to defend the city, this move is undoubtedly a step against the enemy. It is too risky!

Li Fei dodged the rain of arrows. He was the only one in front of the city gate. The speed of the horse made it difficult to catch his figure.

This also made it convenient for him to have seven or eight more compressed and high-explosive explosive bags in his hand at this moment!
Countless arrows fell behind him. Li Fei looked in the right direction, threw the explosive pack in his hand towards several positions in front of the city gate, and threw it with all his strength!
Then, he rode away again with a sneer on his face!
On the city wall, Songtsen Gampo and a group of Tibetan generals saw this and thought Li Fei was going to run away, so they hurriedly said: "Don't let him run away, shoot arrows!"

"Trebuchet launch!"

However, the moment he shouted out, it felt like the entire Luoxue City was shaken!
A deafening sound came from below, and all the Tibetan generals on the city wall turned pale and fell to the ground.

Songtsen Gampo's head was buzzing, and he felt like his ears could not hear anything. He only asked in confusion and horror: "What's going on? What's going on?"

Beside them, some of the Tubo generals and soldiers fell unconscious, while others were also deafened and at a loss.

But below, Fan Lihua and the Xiliang army were stunned!

After the huge movement, the entire city gate, including the city wall on the edge, was blown open at this moment!
The doomsday-like scene and the huge sound like thunder rolling to the ground made the faces of these "audiences" turn slightly pale!
"The city gate has been breached, attack the city!"

Li Fei's figure stopped not far away, immediately turned his horse's head, looked at the smoke billowing Luoshu City, and said in a cold voice.

"Everyone follows me to attack the city!"



In an instant, Fan Lihua reacted, raised her eyebrows and shouted loudly, and rushed out first!

Behind him, the Xiliang army shouted to kill Zhentian and attacked Luoxue City!

Although I don't know what methods Li Fei used, it does not affect the regent at all, and he has been completely admired by all the Xiliang troops!

All kinds of incredible abilities make people feel that this is something that inhumans can do. This is a god!

The god of Xiliang Kingdom!

Soon, the entire Luoxue City fell into a war!
The Tibetan soldiers, who had been filled with fear for a long time, had no fighting power at all. They were killed one after another by the Xiliang army, and their blood flowed like rivers!
Not long after, Li Fei reached the highest point of the city wall.

Behind him, Man Laosan held up Songtsen Gampo's head and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty the Regent, Songtsen Gampo has been executed and Tubo has been destroyed!"

(End of this chapter)

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