Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 290 Looking back to the past, Li Jing was shocked!

Chapter 290 Looking back to the past, Li Jing was shocked!

Liangzhou City, inside the city lord's mansion.

There were several people sitting or standing in the room. At this moment, they were looking at a middle-aged man above——

Duke Wei Li Jing arrived yesterday.

Following Li Jing, there were also General Li Ji and the [-] soldiers and horses of the Tang Dynasty who had been stationed outside Liangzhou City and were ready to go out at any time!

But at this moment, the person standing in front of Li Jing was Lu Guangping, the lord of Liangzhou City. Li Jing couldn't help but frown deeply when he heard him talking about various things that had happened recently.

"Seven days ago, the Xiliang Kingdom suddenly gathered a large army, and then launched its troops into Tibet with thunderous force. Today, they have attacked the Tubo Imperial City."

"According to the information obtained by spies, the Xiliang army's combat strength is far more than 20. The army sent out this time is fully [-], including more than [-] main troops!"

"West Turk Tuli secretly sent people to wait and see, and had no plans to dispatch. Tuyuhun seemed to have received Songtsen Gampo's request for help, and sent [-] troops to attack Molan City."

"But... unknown firearms suddenly appeared in Molan City. In just a moment, Tuyuhun's [-] soldiers and horses suffered heavy casualties, and less than one thousandth escaped..."

Lu Guangping's face was solemn, with confusion and incomprehensible mood, and he truthfully reported the news that had happened in the past few days.

Since receiving the order from Chang'an that His Majesty was determined to attack Tibet, Lu Guangping took action.

From the Xiliang Kingdom to the expedition, he has almost conquered the entire Tubo. While he was constantly collecting intelligence, he was shocked to death by the news brought by the intelligence!
On the one hand, it is surprising that Xiliang Kingdom, an inconspicuous force, is so powerful!

On the other hand, the Xiliang Kingdom, which has always been gentle, struck with thunder too fast this time!
It seemed that the war would last for a month. Unexpectedly, in less than a week, the imperial city of Tubo was about to fall!

One hundred thousand troops from Xiliang attacked as the main attack, and another one hundred thousand troops spread out. As if they knew the detailed information in advance, they captured the rest of Tubo's cities one after another!

This overall-planning combat method made Lu Guangping couldn't help but raise his head and look at Li Jing.

Could it be that the clone of Duke Wei was taking charge of this matter?

This wild thought flashed across his mind, and after he finished speaking, he stood aside and waited quietly.

"Xiliang Kingdom suddenly launched an attack..."

Li Jing frowned, thinking deeply as he said to himself: "Have you ever heard of the enmity between Xiliang and Tubo before?"

"In other words, what happened between Xiliang and Tubo recently?"

They started fighting out of nowhere. This is completely inconsistent with the situation in recent years!
Although Xiliang is extremely stable, Datang has been paying attention to the trends of Xiliang Kingdom, but the intensity has been reduced a lot.

I haven't heard of anything happening recently, right?

Upon hearing Li Jing's question, City Lord Lu Guangping and Master Yu Yuan looked at each other with doubts in their eyes.

After thinking for a while, Master Yu Yuan said: "Sir, Xiliang had some carriage and horse traffic with Tubo not long ago. It seems that Xiliang also had material transactions with Tubo, and there is no sign of falling out."

Yu Yuan thought about his words, and suddenly remembered something, and said quickly: "By the way, a small incident happened not long ago."

"A horse of supplies transported from Tubo to Molan City was intercepted by a group of bandits outside the city when it was about to arrive at Molan City in Xiliang. Fan Lihua, the female general of Xiliang, was furious and went out to find this person personally. Wave bandit."

"Later I heard that the bandits were chased by Fan Lihua and fled in all directions without showing up. Most of the supplies were recovered, and the bandit leader was also missing."

This is something that happened outside Liangzhou City, in the Sanjia area.

Therefore, Yu Yuan only understood a little bit and did not pay too much attention to it.

Maybe it was because this incident caused quite a stir and attracted the female devil from Xiliang Kingdom, so Yu Yuan and Lu Guangping knew a little bit about it.

In normal times, there are often incidents of people robbing homes, killing people, and stealing goods. The area outside the city is always chaotic. "oh?"

"How could such a thing happen? What is the origin of the bandits and who is their leader?"

Li Jing felt as if he had caught a clue somewhere, so he couldn't help but look at Yu Yuan and asked.

"That group of bandits seems to be people from our Datang Dynasty. They are not bad at all. They only do things like robbing the rich and giving to the poor. They have never attacked any caravans from our Datang Dynasty."

"The bandit leader is known as Man Laosan, and his real name is Man Yi. Someone said before that this man was an official in our Tang Dynasty, and later became a bandit for unknown reasons..."

Pretty old boy?Quite easy?
Li Jing suddenly heard the name, and then heard the news that he had been an official in the Tang Dynasty, and looked thoughtful.

After a moment, he suddenly raised his head, his face was shocked, and his tone was urgent: "Where is this arrogant old man now?"

"Is there any news about him?!"

Suddenly, Li Jing's expression changed suddenly, making both Lu Guangping and Yu Yuan stunned.

Lu Guangping said hurriedly: "As for the Duke of Wei, this person has been in the city before. Recently, he has disappeared because he offended the female devil of Xiliang."

"But as far as I know, Man Lao San and Song Lao San have a good personal relationship. How about I go find Song Lao San and find out?"

Song Laosan!

Upon hearing this, Li Jing was almost certain of this person's identity and stood up: "No, I'll go there in person. Don't follow me."

"You continue to inquire about the situation and notify me in time if there are any changes."

After saying that, Li Jing ignored the surprised expressions of several people and left the city lord's mansion directly.

Along the way, Li Jing's expression changed several times, and he finally arrived at the north of the city.

Looking at the words "Chengbei Blacksmith Shop", Li Jing sighed and said to the apprentice outside: "Go and send word that Li Jing is here to visit."

Seeing the popularity, the apprentice hurriedly ran in. Soon he ran out with a respectful expression: "Master Wei Guogong has been invited by the common people!"

Li Jing nodded, not caring that Song Laosan directly revealed his identity, and stepped directly in.

Not long after, when he arrived in the backyard, Li Jing saw a figure at the door of the house.

"I have seen Duke Wei."

Song Laosan looked at Li Jing with emotion on his face, smiled and bowed.

Walking up to Song Laosan, Li Jing looked at him with a complex expression and sighed: "What nonsense are you talking about? Let's talk about it in the room!"

When they came to the house, the two sat across from each other. Li Jing, who wanted to directly inquire about Man Lao San, didn't know how to speak for a while.

On the contrary, Song Laosan looked at him and asked with a smile: "Is it because of the matters concerning the little princess and Li Fei that Duke Wei Guo came here personally?"

Li Fei!

An idea suddenly flashed in Li Jing's mind, and he realized that he seemed to have missed important news!

"Well, Li Fei is such a good runner. Has he been to Liangzhou City in the past few days?"

(End of this chapter)

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