Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 402 Religious output is the main means of warfare

Chapter 402 Religious output is the main means of warfare

After resting for a day in the Harsha Dynasty, Li Fei continued to head west.

This time, together with the soldiers and horses of Xiliang Kingdom and Datang, they brought a total of 100,000 troops.

Of course, including his own 100,000 Tiger and Ben Yin soldiers, it can be said to be 200,000.

"Li Jing still has an army of 200,000. If he goes to attack the Dashi Kingdom with an army of 400,000, it should be no problem to build two cities."

Li Fei was sitting on his horse, thinking to himself.

Of course, he didn't know that Li Jing and Cheng Yaojin had conquered all the forces in the Western Region along the way.

Forces such as Tuyuhun and Shiguo were no match for Li Jing and Cheng Yaojin.

At first, after Cheng Yaojin and others accepted Li Fei's hell training and then returned to the army.

They also conducted a wave of "intensive training" on their respective subordinates!

At least for now, among the 200,000 troops, at least 50,000 are superior soldiers, only slightly stronger than the "Black Armor Army" that guards the royal family.

"Master National Preceptor, how should we fight this time?"

Next to him, Cheng Chumo already looked like a leader and had truly grown up.

It is indeed difficult to train generals only in the greenhouse of Chang'an City.

After several battles, Cheng Chumo truly gained the ability to lead.

Li Fei looked ahead.

We have been walking for half a day now, and we will be able to enter the Persian Empire in more than an hour.

According to the spies' reports, when entering the Persian Empire from this direction, the first big city they passed was called Gama City.

"How to fight?"

Li Fei didn't think about this problem seriously.

However, the experience of fighting in the Harsha Dynasty and encountering the monk corps this time gave him a wake-up call.

You are not the only one cheating, there are also people with special abilities appearing in other places!

These people are the key to controlling the situation of the war.

Of course, if you have millions of troops, you won't be afraid of these things.

Even if Li Fei himself had supernatural powers and the assistance of various fighting spirits, an army of millions could tire him to death!

"Let's enter the Persian Empire first."

"The Food Country is a country with a lot of religious beliefs. They generally believe in Allah. This battle is not that simple."

Li Fei said.

Cheng Chumo, Qin Huaidao, Yuchi Baolin and Li Wan all heard such a thing for the first time.

So, everyone looked curious.

Seeing everyone's gaze, Li Fei also smiled slightly and prepared to give them some knowledge.

The power of faith is sometimes extremely terrifying.

"Allah is a legendary figure. We can regard him as an existence similar to the Yellow Emperor."

"The king of Dashi Kingdom, Mahama, attained enlightenment in a cave in his middle age, and then claimed that he had received revelation from God and wanted to lead the people to become stronger."

"The so-called heroes emerge from troubled times. At that time, there was no unified force in the country of Dashi. There were only various tribes fighting each other for resources."

"So, when Mahama came with revelations, proclaiming the equality of all people and eliminating the flames of war, it resonated with many people."

"And he did the same, so people followed him, and his power gradually grew, and he developed into a big food country."

Li Fei briefly summarized the history of Dashi Country.

Everyone around him, as well as the soldiers nearby, were amazed when they heard this.

"This Mahama is really powerful, a bit like the heroic figure of the Supreme Emperor back then."

Cheng Chumo sighed.

Li Tai ascended the throne, and Li Er naturally became the Supreme Emperor. This deed of sharing the joys and sorrows with the soldiers was indeed Li Er's style back then.

"Then when we attack the Dashi Kingdom, the battle is not as easy as imagined, right?"

Li Wan asked softly.

Before, the Tang Dynasty's view of the Western Regions was that they were backward and barbaric, far less rich and powerful than the Central Plains.

This kind of thinking is difficult to change for a while.

But when they learned that a country with religious beliefs had appeared, everyone was a little wary.

"Indeed, you can think of the Big Food Country as fighting for their beliefs."

"Everyone believes in Allah and is willing to die without flinching, but what about us?"

"There are still people who are greedy for life and afraid of death, and there are still people who are conceited and underestimate the enemy. These are hidden dangers, and they will suffer big losses when the time comes."

Li Fei warned seriously.

Seeing that the Imperial Master gave such a solemn explanation, all the commanders and lieutenants stopped laughing.

Indeed, they have been winning, and by now their morale is rising.

This is a good thing, but if it is too high, it can easily lead to problems.

"I hope so. We still need to give some warning before going to war with the Big Food Country."

Cheng Chumo's face was solemn and he took the Imperial Master's words to heart.

"In this battle, what matters is not combat power, but ideas."

Li Fei smiled lightly: "No matter how good the Persian Empire is, it is still called an empire after all. Why did it fall in such a short period of time?"

"This is like Buddhism entering the Tang Dynasty. If you see that there are hundreds of Buddhist temples in Chang'an City, and one day monks from the Tang Dynasty spread all over the world, do you think the emperor has the final say, or the leaders of the monks?"

This is some advice.

But Cheng Chumo, Li Wan and others were all startled into a cold sweat!

They all knew about the overthrow of temples in the Tang Dynasty, but they did not speculate on the deeper meaning behind it.

Now that I think about it, my scalp feels numb!

After a long time, Li Wan's eyes suddenly moved, and she thought of something: "What does the National Master mean, the Dashi Kingdom first eroded the Persian Empire with religion, and then started a war at this time?"

In this way, the Persian Empire really did not suffer unjustly!


Li Fei smiled: "So, when we enter the Persian Empire, the first thing we need to do is... promote the Tang religion!"

"Drive the Islamists out of the sect and demoralize them before fighting!"

Not long after, a city appeared in front.

The building with a round spire is surrounded by huge statues of gods and thick stone pillars, very much in the style of ancient Central Asia.

Outside Gama City, there is a plain wilderness.

When Li Fei arrived at the city with his army, the city gate slowly opened.

A general on horseback wearing a high hat came out of the city, followed by two groups of guards.

"Welcome the reinforcements from the Tang Empire. I am Fulida, the lord of Gama City. Please allow me to greet the guests who have come from afar with the most sincere courtesy!"

Freda turned over and dismounted, put one hand on his left chest, and nodded slightly.

Li Fei and everyone else also dismounted and bowed their hands slightly in the courtesy of the Tang Dynasty.

After taking a look at the city wall, there were only seven or eight scattered guards. Li Fei couldn't help but wonder: "Lord of Fulida City, why are there only so few defenders?"

"Aren't you afraid that the Big Food Country will take a detour?"

Cheng Chumo and others also noticed the guards on the city wall. This defensive force was as fragile as paper.

Hearing this, Fulida gave a wry smile: "There have been constant disputes in the city in the past few days, and the guards have been sent to quell the chaos..."

(End of this chapter)

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