Chapter 403 Extraordinary Times, Extraordinary Means

Gamma City.

Li Fei looked at Fu Da, who looked helpless, with a strange expression: "There is trouble in the city, how come you still have time to come out to greet it?"

Doesn't this guy know his priorities?

If you don't quickly put an end to the chaos, what are you doing here?

"Master National Preceptor doesn't know something. The troubles are caused by the quarrel between the people who believe in Islam and the local sects. Generally speaking, they are all our own people, and there is no good solution..."

"Now there are more and more Islamic teachers, and the impact on local sects is also increasing. The king has always pursued a policy of not interfering with the spread of any sect..."

Freda smiled bitterly.

"You king is a bit pedantic..."

Cheng Chumo muttered softly.

How long has it been before the sect spread?

Do you really wait until the Persian Empire is filled with Islamic people and then surrender obediently?

Li Fei couldn't help but be speechless.

"Emergency times call for tactics. Religion is the root cause of trouble in the Persian Empire, especially Islam. The top priority is to destroy the Islamic dens and arrest everyone."

Li Fei touched his chin and looked at Freda.


Fu Da's expression suddenly changed.

Destroy sectarian dens?

This...this is inconsistent with the king's ideals!

But if you don’t do this... just like the person next to the national master said, it won’t be long before Islamism will spread throughout the Persian Empire!

He looked at Li Fei, and during this time he also learned what the Tang Dynasty Imperial Master had done.

The aristocratic forces in the Tang Empire were wiped out, and all the missionaries of the Harsha Dynasty were driven out of the empire.

The Persian Empire...should the same be true?

"I really don't know what you are thinking. The Dashi Country is a force led by Islam, and then you are still condoning it now?"

"Even if those who believe are you Persians, this is already considered a sin of rebellion, isn't it?"


After a while, Fu Da's face showed a cruel look.

Yes, it is absolutely right to use strong medicine in severe cases!

Especially when the Imperial Master of the Tang Empire came in person, he had to show his attitude no matter what!

"Please also ask the National Preceptor to help us. This Gama City... the National Preceptor will take care of it!"

Fu Leida said categorically: "I only hope that the Imperial Guards can protect as many people in the city as possible while eliminating hidden dangers..."

Li Fei waved his hand, turned around and said: "The army is entering the city!"

The dark army of 200,000 people did not choose to station outside the city.

After Li Fei gave an order, they all responded and entered Gama City.

In such a terminally ill state, how can you think of sending someone to mediate the conflict?

Gama City is not big, and the city is in chaos at the moment.

There were people in small and large groups, some looked like magicians, some yelled angrily, and there were guard soldiers beside them to adjust.

Li Fei looked first and saw many believers wearing black robes and Islamic attire appearing everywhere.

At this moment, the sudden movement of the army pouring into Gama City caught everyone's attention.

"Take down all the followers of Islam!"

With an order, the Tang army and the Xiliang army dispersed and started to capture the believers!

"Who are you?"

"That's the army of the Tang Empire!"

"Oh my God... The Tang Empire must also be reasonable. We are just preaching. Why should they arrest us?"

"The Lord says that all living beings are equal, you have no right to attack us!"

"This is cruel and you will be judged. Stop! You will go to hell and will not be able to enter paradise for the rest of your life..." At first, the Islamic believers who kept their faces calm suddenly panicked!

They don’t know what’s going on. Shouldn’t they be reasonable in everything?

It is also said in doctrine that all living beings are equal, and God is supreme and has the right to judge anyone!



Not long after, Islamic believers were escorted to the front one by one, hundreds of them.

At this moment, these believers looked angry, and their eyes were filled with thoughts of condemning everything!

Li Fei ignored these glances and smiled: "I don't have that much nonsense to tell you. To the Persian Empire, your country of food is now an invader. Do the invaders understand?"

"How should we deal with people who invade our homeland?"

The original people of Gama City were also gathered around at this moment, looking towards the field.

Hearing Li Fei's words at this moment, I felt like waking up from a dream!

Yes, they are invaders!

But they disguise themselves in the name of believers, but in essence, they want to invade their homeland!

"Hang! They all deserve to be hanged!"

"Damnable Islam, they are the real invaders, and their teachings are full of hypocrisy and despicability!"

"Hang them! Hang them!"

The people of Gama City were filled with indignation and shouted loudly.

Among these hundreds of members of the Islamic sect, seventy or eighty are still local people in Gama City.

"Okay, now I'll give you a choice."

Suddenly, Li Fei changed his tone and revealed a wicked smile: "Your lives are in my hands. Now, I can give you a chance."

"As long as there are ten people who are willing to believe in your God and believe that He can resurrect you on the Day of Resurrection or take you to some paradise, please come forward."

"I will end your lives and send you to Allah. You can think of me as...a devil!"

After these words were spoken, the excited believers were stunned.

Trade the lives of ten people in exchange for the lives of hundreds of people?

And looking at the menacing appearance of the Tang army, they are definitely going to take action!

"You are not qualified to judge us..."

Suddenly, there was another shout.

However, Li Fei looked at him suddenly and said calmly: "If you break the rules, behead him."


A human head rose into the sky, and the man wearing the gauze still had a horrified look in his eyes, as if he didn't expect that he would die so neatly!

Blood was spraying out, and that man was in the middle of the crowd. At this moment, many Islamic believers were stained with blood.

" are the devil..."

"You will be judged..."

Everyone began to tremble, but many people still looked at Li Fei with angry faces.

"One stick of incense, ten people."

“Everyone who has more than one stick of incense will go to Allah.”

Li Fei smiled slightly, and there was a shuddering feeling in the eyes of the Yilan cultist in front.

Freda stared at this scene blankly, and suddenly calmed down in her heart.

Extraordinary times call for desperate measures. At this moment, he clearly understood the meaning of this sentence.

Shocked by blood, calm will be restored in the city!

Then looking at the local people who believed in Islam, with fear and avoidance in their eyes, Fulida suddenly said: "Master, there is no need to spare their lives, let's kill them together..."

Everyone in front suddenly felt a chill in their hearts!

(End of this chapter)

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