Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 416 Execute the order and return to the Tang Dynasty!

Chapter 416: Execute the order and return to Datang!

At the foot of the sacred mountain, the ancestral land of Taoyuan.

Cheng Yaojin and others also saw the vision appear, with surprised expressions on their faces.

"The Imperial Master became the Imperial Master?"

"What the hell is the Star Wars?"

"The national master actually became the co-leader of the human race?"

The unheard terms made Cheng Yaojin, Yuchi Jingde and Li Jing's heads buzz.

He didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

At this time, Li Fei led Huangdi and Chi You down the sacred mountain and came to the ancestral land of Taoyuan.

Li Jing and others rushed to greet him.

"Master Imperial Master, what on earth is going on?"

The strange visions and the shocking sounds made several people feel scared.

It feels like something big is going to happen!

"Let's talk about how to go back."

Li Fei pondered for a moment and said: "Next, give me my order and act!"

"First, withdraw all troops and horses, control the sixteen countries of the Western Regions captured along the way, and turn them into our territory of the Tang Dynasty!"

"Second, during the retreat, half of them went to the original Harsha Dynasty territory, spreading the Tang religion while waiting for orders!"

"Sizi and I will return to Chang'an City first, and you will also speed up the march, and at the same time promise to complete the things I just said!"

Li Fei's idea is simple.

When the real war begins, small countries will only become destabilizing factors.

Since Cheng Yaojin and Li Jing had already wiped out several small countries in the Western Region when they arrived, it would be better to simply capture them all.

And next, it’s time to compete for resources.

There is a war coming, no matter which country.

They will all think about strengthening their own strength first.

Even if there is a destiny to respect the Tang Empire as the main one, this has nothing to do with developing itself!

Human race?

The human race is also divided into many ethnic groups, and people's hearts will only unite before a real war comes.

Do you expect Byzantium, or the Great Food Kingdom, or the Persian Empire to unite?

That's a joke.

On the other side, Huang Di and Chi You were also explaining things.

Their people were the only ones left in the Taoyuan ancestral land.

But among the Taoyuan villagers, who number less than 1,000, more than half are people with "special abilities."

This is an indispensable fighting force!

"As ordered!"

Hearing Li Fei's solemn tone, Li Jing and others also realized the importance of the problem.

After a quick and solemn salute, he went out along the cave that appeared under the sacred mountain.

Huang Di came over and patted Li Fei on the shoulder: "Lao San, I asked these people to go to Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty with us. What do you think?"

"They only need a small place to house them. After all, they have been trapped here for hundreds of years. It's time to go out and get some air."

"no problem!"

Li Fei agreed wholeheartedly.

In fact, Huang Di didn't need to explain, Li Fei also had this plan.

The elite among such a group of elites are also the descendants of the pre-Qin people.

There is no reason not to take care of them, either emotionally or rationally!


Chang'an City, Xishan Jungle.

Deep in the dense jungle, moss grows everywhere.

Suddenly there was a light flashing in a dark cave, and then three people were seen walking out.

"Old Huang and Lao Chi, why don't you two change your clothes?"

Li Fei couldn't help but frowned when he looked at their big vests and pants.

This was the Tang Dynasty, and the people were simple and simple.

It's not like you exposing a lot of flesh. Chi You smiled and put on a robe.

"Hehe, now that we are at the third child's place, we must follow the third child's rules, right?"

Huang Di also put on a robe and smiled: "Hey, I'm used to freedom, but I'm really not used to wearing it like this."

"Lao San, what is the situation in the Tang Dynasty now? Who is the emperor?"

Seeing that the two of them were obedient, Li Fei also smiled: "I helped Li Tai up, and Li Er has retired to take care of himself."

"Hahaha, it's really yours!"

Chi You gave a thumbs up: "I thought you were going to make an emperor, but why don't you give it away instead?"

Huang Di shook his head and sighed in admiration: "This is the most perfect way for the third child to do it. We both thought wrong."

"As modern people, we have never seen that if you become an emperor in this era, in addition to commanding the world's majesty, wouldn't you have to work hard all day long?"

"For someone like Lao San, being a Tang Dynasty Imperial Prestige is not low, and you don't have to worry about those trivial things. Wouldn't it be great to drink tea and play chess?"

This was also Li Fei's original thought.

In fact, now, Li Fei's initial thoughts have deviated far away.

When there was Persimmon, Li Fei just wanted to live a prosperous life.

Traveling around the mountains and playing in the water makes the world happy, how can it be said to be unrestrained?

But one thing after another, it can only be said that Li Fei couldn't help himself.

"Let's go back to the imperial city first."

"We need to tell Li Tai about these things, and it's time to plan our next steps."

Li Fei walked forward.

Huang Di and Chi You followed closely behind.

Soon we arrived at the outskirts of the Xishan Jungle.

This season is not the time for hunting.

The west gate of Chang'an City is closed, but there are still guards guarding the outside.

Seeing four figures in the distance immediately alerted the guards.

"Stop! Who is it?"

As they got closer, Li Fei held Little Persimmon and looked at the guard: "I am Li Fei, please open the door."

The guard's eyes widened. He looked at Li Fei and then at the little persimmon, and knelt down on one knee: "The little one is blind and didn't recognize the Imperial Master and the little princess. Please punish the Imperial Master!"

Didn’t the Master of the State lead troops to the Persian Empire?

How could it emerge from the jungle of Xishan Mountain?

This is too scary!

"It's okay, you did a good job, open the door."

Li Fei smiled slightly and said very kindly.

The guard hurriedly stood up, turned his head and shouted upwards: "The Imperial Master and the little princess are back!"

"Open the city gate quickly!"

The heavy city gate clicked open, and Huang Di smiled slightly: "It seems that the third child is more famous than I thought?"

Just from the attitude of the lowest guard, you can see how high Li Fei's prestige is.

The guard looked excited and looked at Huang Di: "The Imperial Master is the god of our Tang Dynasty!"

"Without the Imperial Master, how could the Tang Dynasty be like today?"

"Everything we have was given by the Imperial Preceptor. If the Imperial Preceptor hadn't killed those damn aristocratic families and taught the art of farming and mulberry farming, how could we be here today?"

The guard's face was full of pride and he said to Huang Di, who looked like a person from the Western Regions.

"Okay, okay, your national teacher is the most powerful."

Chi You chuckled: "We are the eldest and second brothers of your national master, and we are also very fierce!"

The guard's expression suddenly froze.

Li Fei glared at Chi You angrily: "Enter the city!"

The heavy city gate closed again.

The guard looked at the people walking away and muttered to himself: "Master National Preceptor, do you still have the eldest and second brothers?"

"Isn't Li Chengqian already buried long ago?"

(End of this chapter)

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