Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 417 Changsun Wuji criticizes the Yellow Emperor of Northeast China!

Chapter 417 Changsun Wuji criticizes the Yellow Emperor of Northeast China!

The entrance to the imperial city.

Li Tai, who had already learned the news, hurried over with a group of ministers.

"Where is your royal brother?"

Looking left and right, he didn't see Li Fei's figure.

Changsun Wuji and others also looked at the guard who had just conveyed the news with doubts on their faces.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the news just came from the West City Gate is that the Imperial Master and the little princess have returned!"

"What about that person?"

Li Tai was also a little suspicious.

A few days ago, a message was sent saying that the emperor's brother was in the Persian Empire. How could he come back so soon?

Just as he was talking, four figures appeared in front of him.

A little girl came running over happily.

"Brother Qingque, we are back!"

"Si Zi?"

Seeing Xiao Sizi, Li Tai suddenly looked shocked.

He bent down and picked up the little Sizi, then quickly looked up.

Li Fei looked at himself with a smile and nodded slightly.

"Brother Royal?"

"Really you?"

"It's such a long journey. Didn't you send me a message a few days ago saying..."

Li Tai was obviously shocked to see the real person.

Changsun Wuji and others were also confused and looked at Li Fei and his party with disbelief, as if they had seen a ghost.

"Who are these two?"

Li Tai saw Huang Di and Chi You again wearing black and white robes and asked.

These two men are really burly, Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde are incomparable.

But what the hell is this black and white outfit?

"Go to the Imperial Study Room first, I have something important to say!"

Li Fei glanced at Li Tai and conveyed a look.

"it is good!"

"Go back to the palace!"


In the imperial study room.

Everyone took their seats.

Li Tai sat in front, and Li Fei was at the same level as him.

Next to him were Huang Di and Chi You. At this moment, the two of them had thrown away their robes, revealing their eye-catching large vests and large pants.

Changsun Wuji and others looked sideways at this, and their brows furrowed tightly.

Are these two people from the Western Regions?

The Persian Empire or the Great Food Country?

It’s really offensive and unsightly!

"Old man, why are you staring at me all the time?"

Huang Di looked a little unhappy when he saw Changsun Wuji, and raised his eyebrows: "Do you want to see me fight?"

Northeastern style, the temperament of Huangdi can be seen at a glance.

Changsun Wuji suddenly became angry and snorted: "Such a weird dress is really offensive and despised by the people of the Central Plains."

On this hot day, Changsun Wuji was already sweating.

Seeing Huang Di being so cool again made him feel even more unhappy.


"You old man makes such a sarcastic statement, what's your name?"

"That's right, my eldest son, Sun Wuji!"

"So it's you?"

"You're not dead yet?"

As soon as Huang Di opened his mouth, Changsun Wuji's face turned as red as pig liver.

"Okay, okay, what's the fuss about?"

Li Tai glared at Changsun Wuji, and then looked at Li Fei.

"Brother Imperial, these two?"

Li Fei glanced at everyone. Among the ministers, Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and Wei Zheng were all there.

These are almost the top leaders of the Tang Dynasty today, with power reaching the sky.

The military generals worth mentioning are all outside, and Cheng Yaojin and Li Jing are on their way back.

Li Ji was left in the territory of Harsha Dynasty by himself.

Others are also guarding the northeast, such as Su Dingfang and Xue Wanche.

After thinking for a while, Li Fei said again: "We don't have enough manpower. Let's have a brief meeting today."

"Your Majesty can send people out now to call back Li Ke, Li Min and others, and ask them to come to the imperial city!"

As soon as Li Fei opened his mouth, everyone was shocked.

These are all former princes who have been crowned princes and have gone to settle in other places.

Now that the Imperial Master wants them to return, what is he going to do?

Li Tai didn't ask many questions and looked directly at the door: "Here comes someone!"

"Pass my decree and summon all the princes to return to Chang'an City as soon as possible!"

Li Tai never asked much about Li Fei's decision.

From when he had almost no hope, then he met Li Fei, and got to where he is now.

Li Tai's wisdom is the most important component.

After being ordered to go down, Li Tai looked at Li Fei.

"Brother Emperor, there was a strange phenomenon in the sky above Chang'an City yesterday. Purple air was in the sky, which is an auspicious sign!"

"Destiny says that the emperor is the co-leader of the human race, and we, the Tang Dynasty, are the leaders of all forces. Is this... related to the emperor?"

After asking this question, the faces of Changsun Wuji and others became excited.

Holding their breath, they wanted to know the answer too.

After all, the rise of the Tang Dynasty is already around the corner.

Such a vision is simply that God wants to bring about the Tang Dynasty!

"That's it."

Li Fei nodded and glanced at everyone.

"Before we talk, let me introduce these two."

"You should also know their names. The one next to me is Huang Di, and that guy is Chi You."

As soon as Li Fei opened his mouth, the breathing in the imperial study suddenly paused.

Changsun Wuji's eyes widened.

He looked at the guy who was fighting with him just now, his eyelids were twitching wildly!


Xuanyuan Huangdi?

This is not a name that ordinary people would dare to call.

That's the ancestor!

The ancestor of everyone!

Li Tai was also stunned for a moment, feeling his mind go blank: "Brother Emperor...which Yellow Emperor?"

Li Fei smiled slightly: "It's what you think."

"The Yellow Emperor whose bloodline originates from the descendants of Yan and Huang, and... the Chi You from the Jiuli Witch Clan, and the Chi You who fought against the Yellow Emperor."

Changsun Wuji was paralyzed.

Before Li Fei appeared, his eldest son, Sun Wuji, would never believe these words.

But Li Fei's bizarre legends and all kinds of incredible methods.

This has been spread among the people of the Tang Dynasty and is called a god walking on earth!

Then, the Imperial Master went out this time and brought back two ancestors?

Li Tai was shocked!

His eyelids were shaking violently, hesitating whether he should stand up or not?

Can I still sit in this position?

An imperial brother is scary enough.

Now two god-like figures from who knows how many years ago have appeared?

"Don't be surprised or nervous. The two of us are just hanging out with the third child. You can talk about yourselves."

Huangdi threw a grape into his mouth and enjoyed everyone's shock.

Chi You also smiled: "The third brother is your national master. You don't need to care about us two. Just follow the arrangements of the third brother."

The two ancestors have pretty good tempers!

Everyone was relieved.

Then, everyone looked at Li Fei with strange eyes, their eyes full of admiration.

"Well, let's talk about business."

"Three years later, the Star Territory War will begin. You still don't know much about this. Let me explain it to you."

"Next, the whole world will be in chaos. All we have to do is develop quickly and prepare for the upcoming war!"

"Let's talk about the Star Territory first..."

(End of this chapter)

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