Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 446: Teasing, want to get the essence of the moon?

Chapter 446: Teasing, want to get the essence of the moon?

Li Fei had a headache.

It was not because Emperor Suiko defected so quickly, but because his spiritual world was polluted!

Huang Di and Chi You forcibly transmitted messages into a small secret window to click 666, and the screen was filled with barrage comments that gave him a headache.

"Awesome, Emperor!"

"Where's the position?"

"Where's moral integrity?"

"Doesn't he love his Abe Nakamaro anymore?"

"You fell to your knees so quickly?"

"He is truly worthy of being the King of Devils."

"Come here, I will reward him for kneeling down easily."

Alas, life is not easy, Li Fei sighed.

In this case, the matter of the Sundial Stone cannot be straightforward. We must guard against collusion between Emperor Suiko and Kitsune Mikado!

"Speaking of which, when I traveled to Liuli Island before, I heard that there is a treasure in Kyoto that can bring down auspicious auspiciousness to bless the people of Japan and bring blessings to the people. Therefore, I came here to visit and see it in order to get good luck. But what I came to see this time was... …”

Li Fei made a speechless gesture, and Emperor Suigu looked ashamed.

Ichiro Sakkawa glanced sideways at his side, a look of hatred and disgust flashed across his face.

"I am ashamed to say that I made Prince Li laugh. I am ashamed."

"What does Your Excellency have to hide? If you wish, I would like to share your worries."

"This one……"

Emperor Suiko thought that Ichiro Sakawa was present, so it was not easy to directly expose the scandalous things done by their fox prince.

If we had to use the Sunstone as an example, wouldn't this be exactly what Li Fei wanted?

"That treasure has something to do with it..."

For a long time, Emperor Suiko was bragging.

How powerful was the Sunstone that reached the heavens? How wise and righteous he was when he used it to bless the people.

These boasts about his political achievements can be suppressed for the time being.

Anyway, Li Fei and others knew the whole story clearly.

"Until one day, two demon monks broke into the Sunlight Tower..."

Finally got to the point.

"Hahahahaha, demon monk, Sakyamuni also has this day."

Chi You couldn't help but gloat in the dark.

"I'm ashamed to say that those two demon monks are so powerful that the palace guards couldn't catch them!"

"After the two of them left, the Sunstone became like this..."

Having said that, Emperor Suiko motioned to Ichiro Sakkawa.

The latter took out a round yellow stone from his sleeve.

Now, it was Li Fei and others' turn to be surprised!

Unexpectedly, the Japanese royal family protected the Sunstone as if it were an eyeball, and then actually gave it to Hu Yumen?

It seemed that he was going to re-evaluate the relationship between these two forces!

While thinking about how to kill these two people, Li Fei showed curiosity and yearning on his face.

Huangdi shouted when he saw this.

"The third child is really the best actor!"

"This...can you let me have a look at it?"


At Emperor Suiko's signal, Ichiro Sakawa handed the Sunstone to Li Fei.

Li Fei looked curious, holding the Sunstone in his hand and playing with it for a while.

If they didn't know the origin of such a treasure, most people would just think of it as a piece of yellow jade.

At best, it is not cold when held in the hand, but slightly warm.

If you look carefully, you will see that there are many sacred jade with golden threads inside.

After using his spiritual consciousness to enter the interior of the Sunstone, Li Fei could already confirm that the Sunstone was real!

It's just that perhaps because Sakyamuni used it incorrectly, he allowed it to re-seal its own energy.

"Thank you."

Li Fei politely returned the Sunstone and looked satisfied. At the same time, he said with great regret:

"It's a pity, but even so, this gem is a rare thing just for viewing."

"If it can no longer protect the people of Japan, it will be nothing more than a thing outside one's body."

"Zuo Chuan is a great minister of our country and has made great contributions to Japan. It is most appropriate to give him this treasure."

The implication is that the thing has been given to Ichiro Sakkawa!

If you want to make an idea, go to him and see if you have the ability!

Li Fei sneered in his heart.

What a pretentious hypocrite!

"Your Majesty the Emperor is so witty!"

Playing tricks on me, who is afraid of whom?

As soon as the topic came up, Li Fei once again dropped a bombshell.

"Speaking of which, this treasure is called the Sunstone."

"When I traveled to Goguryeo before, I saw something called a moon stone there. It seemed..."

Li Fei pretended to reminisce and let it slip first.

When observing the expressions of Emperor Suiko and Ichiro Sakawa.

Sure enough, Emperor Suiko looked very interested!

But Ichiro Sakkawa couldn't hide his greed!

"It seems to be about the same size as the Sun Stone. It's a coincidence that the Sun Stone looks like the sun in the sky, and the Moon Stone also looks like a crescent moon. Maybe that's why it's named after that?"

"It's just that the Goguryeo monarch was very stingy. He only looked at me and didn't touch me. He didn't feel it carefully..."

The tone was full of regret.

Emperor Suiko was about to say something, but Ichiro Sakawa interrupted him.

"As far as I know, Goguryeo was defeated by Tang Dynasty not long ago..."

Zuokawa Ichiro's gloomy voice sounded, completely different from his previous gentle and elegant manner.

Li Fei pretended not to hear what he meant and just pretended to be dumbfounded to the end.

"So, didn't the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty get the treasure called the Moon Stone?"

"I don't know about that."

"I am just an idle prince doing nothing, I have nothing to do with the emperor's affairs!"

What a lazy, idle prince...

Huang Di and Chi You couldn't help but turn their backs.

"But you did remind me that next time I return to Chang'an, I will take the time to ask him."

"With all due respect to Your Excellency..."

Ichiro Sakkawa paused for a moment, seeming to consider his words carefully.

"I have a way to awaken the Sunstone."

Suddenly, Emperor Suigu showed an expression of disbelief.

Obviously, he didn't know that the Sunstone that had lost its energy could be awakened again!

And Ichiro Sakkawa confessed to an outsider in front of him. Did he not take himself seriously?

"Oh? Why don't you talk and listen?"

"The energy in the Sunstone was stolen by those two monster monks."


Li Fei cursed in his heart, but his face looked like he was ready to listen carefully.

"As long as we find those two demonic monks and use the power of the same-origin treasure, we can transfer the energy back to the Sunstone."

Okay, will you look for it?

Don't tell me that Sakyamuni is at Sensoji Temple in Kyoto, even if he opened a sealing barrier right under your nose.

As long as he doesn't want to, you can't find him!

"But, it might not be easy to find a second treasure like this, right?"

"If what I have predicted is correct, the Moon Stone mentioned by His Highness is a treasure with the same origin as the Sun Stone."

Ichiro Sakkawa said.

"It's hanging in the sky, let him get it!"

"Take it down and I'll call him grandpa."

Chi You's voice lingered in Li Fei's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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