Chapter 447 The legendary monster! Open coastline?

Playing with each other with Ichiro Sakkawa, from day to night.

Finally, after Li Fei promised Zuo Chuan that he would take out the Moon Stone and lend it to him for use, the group returned to Sensoji Temple.

"how is it going?"

Jehovah loves to meddle in other people's affairs and join in the fun, so don't wait for a day.

Even if he was asked to wait another night, he still had to get first-hand information.

Li Fei told him the general situation of the trip and received a pertinent comment from Jehovah——

"Your temper has improved and you didn't even grab it directly. Dad is very disappointed with you..."

Huangdi, how did you communicate on the sacred mountain?

Are you sure this person is God and not a Western undercover agent of the war?

Knowing that he couldn't hold back a good fart, Li Fei didn't bother to argue with him.

"I just feel that there must be something fishy about Emperor Suiko's defection to Kitsune Mikado so quickly."

"Speaking of which, we haven't met the great Onmyoji named Abe Nakamaro yet."

"Don't say it's him. We haven't seen even a serious Onmyoji in the past few days since we've been in Kyoto."

The streets of Kyoto were still the same as when they first entered the city, or even worse.

Fox Yumen is getting more and more arrogant day by day.

"Is it possible that they have been sold to Kitsune Mikado by Emperor Suiko?"

Li Fei shook his head and denied the speculation.

"It doesn't look like that. Looking at the performance of Ichiro Saukawa and Emperor Suiko today, Saukawa doesn't take Emperor Suiko seriously."

"But they still maintain a superficial politeness, which shows that they haven't gotten what they want."

"When the Sunstone fell into the hands of Ichiro Sakkawa, it must have been a deal between the two parties. It should be a mutually restrictive relationship."

Several people were talking to each other, speculating on the py deal between Emperor Suiko and Kitsune Mikado.

Gan Youliang rushed in in a hurry.

"Master Imperial Master, Emperor Suiko invites you to come into the palace."

Li Fei smiled slightly.

"What are you talking about?"

"If someone gives you a pillow when you feel sleepy, guess what, he will go there."

Logically speaking, Li Fei and others had just come out of the palace.

Emperor Suiko was anxious to see him. He must have been unable to sit still after listening to the conversation between him and Ichiro Sakkawa.

It was getting late now, and Ichiro Sakkawa probably wasn't at the palace.

If you are anxious to call yourself over, wouldn't that be a good time to plot?

"Hey, I don't know what they like about my dandy prince?"

Li Fei followed Gan Youliang away, shaking his head at Versailles.

"But screw you, people have taken a liking to your trap, you big-tailed wolf!"

Chi You laughed and cursed behind Li Fei.


Then enter the Japanese Imperial Palace.

Emperor Suiko warmly welcomed Li Fei and asked him to sit down in front of the table where tea and snacks were prepared.

He stepped back and sat opposite Li Fei.

Li Fei sensed carefully and found that Emperor Suigu didn't even leave any personal bodyguards.

It seems like you want to say something very important?

Thinking of this, Li Fei put away his cynical appearance and said seriously:

"I wonder if His Majesty the Emperor has invited me to come here late at night. What is the important matter?"

This straight-to-the-point opening caught Emperor Suiko off guard.

He had originally thought about talking to Li Fei, but he suddenly didn't use it anymore.

Li Fei's idea was, since he was going to talk about cooperation, why should he pretend to be a loser?

Emperor Suigu's actions were obviously seeking for himself or the entire Tang Dynasty behind him.

Although the person opposite didn't know that he had full authority to make decisions about the Tang Dynasty, he still showed a prudent and steady side to make him feel at ease.

"Prince Li is inscrutable. It's my fault that I'm abrupt."

Li Fei's disguise can be seen in one sentence. Sometimes it is easier to talk to smart people.

"Your Excellency, please don't blame me. The situation in Japan is currently in chaos. Please forgive me for being clumsy."

The implication was to tell Emperor Suiko that his trip was to help Japan.

Emperor Suiko breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. In order to show his sincerity, Li Fei informed Emperor Suigu about the mutations in various countries, but he only concealed the matter of the blood moon,

For a mortal like him, knowing too much may not be a good thing.

And this change was the crux of the Japanese rebellion.

Seeing that Li Fei knew everything, Emperor Tuigu couldn't hide it anymore. He immediately stood up and bowed respectfully to Li Fei.

"Please also ask His Highness the First Prince to point out a clear path."

Li Fei will indeed not sit idly by and ignore the disaster that is raging for all mankind.

As for those secret clowns, just send someone to deal with them.

Even if Japan is not truly home, it can still be used as cannon fodder in the war, right?

"I hope His Excellency the Emperor will tell you everything he knows."

Emperor Suiko nodded, but seemed to not know where to start.

After pondering for a while, he finally spoke slowly.

"That Ichiro Sakkawa is the leader of the Fox Royal Sect and the chief culprit of the Japanese Rebellion."

Li Fei nodded slightly, his expression did not change, as if he had expected it.

"Then why did your Excellency let him be the guest?"

"The mastermind behind him is Yamata no Orochi!"

"The ancient ferocious beast Yamata no Orochi?"


This time it was Li Fei's turn to be confused.

The reason why the powerful men around him are able to stay is because of the choice of that mysterious voice.

And why is a ferocious beast, a ferocious beast that has been killed in history, still preserved until now?

It’s not like God is going to destroy Japan, right?

"Are you sure?"

Li Fei still felt that this matter was very strange.

But Emperor Tsuigu seemed to have remembered some terrible scene, and couldn't help but tremble all over.

"I saw it with my own eyes..."

Regardless of whether this Yamata no Orochi is true or not, if Emperor Suiko saw it with his own eyes, it would be no wonder that he would be so afraid of Kitsune Mikado.

"Are the people in the Yin and Yang dormitory still safe?"

Li Fei felt that this issue still needed to be paid attention to.

"They are now leaving Kyoto for temporary refuge, but they are still in contact with me."

"After they have a complete plan, they will come to Beijing to help me."

Ha, not too stupid.

Li Fei thought so in his heart.

"So, you made a deal with the Sunstone to protect everyone in Yin Yang Lao?"

Emperor Suiko nodded.

"This is also the condition proposed by Yamata no Orochi."

"I thought that the Sunstone was useless anyway. If it could exchange for the lives of everyone in Yin Yang Lao, it wouldn't hurt to give it to him."

Li Fei smiled bitterly.

I don’t know if he was able to preserve his strength by accident?

If you are a greedy person and hold on to the Sunstone without giving it to him, you may not be able to get anything in the end.

But what is the identity of "Yama-no-Orochi"?

Did it figure out the origin of the Sunstone?

Which of the two benefits should be chosen, or... does he plan to continue to attack the Yin and Yang Lao after obtaining the treasure, and then sweep across the entire Japan?

In any case, after tonight's departure, the forces behind Japan have been exposed bit by bit.

There is no guarantee that there are more, or even stronger, people hiding behind the scenes.

If you want to join this chess game, you still don't have enough chips.

Huang Di and the others must not take action easily, otherwise they will only suffer backlash if they break the checks and balances of heaven.

This time the game still needs to be solved from the front.

Thinking of this, Li Fei nodded slightly.

"Let's put it this way, I am the Imperial Master of the Tang Dynasty."

"If you want to save Japan, then open the coastal defense road and let my army from the Tang Dynasty come in!"

(End of this chapter)

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