Chapter 448: Ryukyu Island Country, Secret Art Family!

Ryukyu Kingdom is a tiny place in the East China Sea.

Located between the Tang Dynasty and Japan, it is an isolated island.

Relying on the superior location of the land far away from the emperor, the Tang Dynasty and Japan did not want to pay attention to it. The islanders established their own country and called themselves kings without permission.

Unfortunately, the land is too small, and many resources have to be exchanged with Datang or Japan.

Therefore, the Ryukyu Kingdom shamelessly used its status as a neutral country to act as a wall to the left and right.

Fortunately, over the years, Japan and the Tang Dynasty have been on good terms, and Ryukyu is living a comfortable life in the middle.

Just picking up the oil residue leaking from the hands of the boss is enough for them to feed the people of the country.

But just like this, on an island country that doesn't have anything, lives the most mysterious ancient family in the entire East China Sea.

If you ask a random Ryukyu citizen who the leader of the Ryukyu Kingdom is, he may not be able to remember him right away.

But if you ask him about any news about the Shiranui clan, he will tell you like a treasure trove.

It can be said that the Shiranui clan has been the native emperor of Ryukyu since they migrated from Japan and settled in Ryukyu a hundred years ago.

Even such a big matter as the appointment or dismissal of the monarch is the final decision of this family.

Why is such a family so domineering?

Precisely because they are all extraordinary people, they have a "profession" - mystics.

According to legend, the ancestors of the Shiranui clan were descendants of the God clan.

Therefore, the blood of this family contains divine power, which can communicate between the Yin and Yang worlds and span time and space.

Use yourself as a medium to summon dead souls from the long river of time and become their waiter.

This ability only exists in the bloodline of the Shiranui clan, and outsiders cannot learn it even if they want to.

Therefore, a hundred years ago, when this clan became famous in Japan, they were called mystics masters who could control top-secret techniques.

"Master Morinaga, where are you going?"

In the Shiranui family's house, a young man was chased by the servant and asked.

"I'm going to Kyoto!"

Shiranui Mori-chan usually seems to be a pretty useless person, but he treats his servants rudely.

"The head of the family said, you can't..."

This boy was obviously very embarrassed.

"Then don't follow me. Just think that I ran away."

As soon as Shiranui Morinaga finished speaking, a hoarse but powerful voice sounded from behind him.

"Where are you sneaking away to?"

Shiranui Morinaga immediately withered.


"follow me."

Shiranui Mori had no choice but to obediently follow him into the house owner's room.

"I heard from your father that you summoned the waiter?"

"Yes, Grandpa."

Chief Mori stretched out his hand and showed the owner the curse mark on the back of his hand.

For everyone in the Shiranui clan, the sign of becoming a mystic is to successfully summon their own attendant.

Once the summoning is successful, a waiter's curse mark will appear randomly on the body.

This means that the mystic and the waiter are completely bound together for this life.

Because each mystic can only summon one attendant in his lifetime.

If the waiter disappears, the curse seal will also disappear with it, and the mystic will become an ordinary person.

After seeing the curse seal, the head of the family nodded with great satisfaction.

Unexpectedly, among his sixty-plus grandsons, except for two or three peerless geniuses, it was the one with the least talent who was usually the most inconspicuous who became the first to become a mystic.

"Why do you want to go to Kyoto all of a sudden? Are your brothers bullying you?"

Shiranui Morinaga shook his head timidly.

"You can go out to practice after becoming a mystic..." "Silly boy, that also requires the consent of the family head."

"Summon your waiter and show it to my grandfather. If you are suitable, I will allow you to go to Kyoto."

"Today is different from the past. Kyoto is too chaotic. If you are unable to protect yourself, I will never rest assured."

Shiranui Mori let out a long sigh.

He planned to run out secretly, just not wanting his family to know about his waiter.

However, he would never dare to disobey his grandfather in person, so he had to summon him honestly.

As Shiranui Mori chanted the summoning spell, a figure gradually appeared behind him.

After the waiter's figure fully appeared, it was the head of the Shiranui family's turn to be surprised.

"It's you! Prince...Prince Shotoku?"

Prince Shotoku smiled at the head of the family and greeted him like an old friend.

"The last time you and your father came to Kyoto, you were just a kid running around and jumping around. Now you are all gray-haired."

One person is lamenting that time has taken a toll on people, while the other person is regretting it in his heart.

I thought that this good-for-nothing grandson suddenly became enlightened, but I didn't expect that the waiter he summoned was actually a man who had been dead for less than a hundred years?

If it weren't for the fact that this was an old acquaintance of his, the head of the family might have left.

It seems that I can only count on other grandchildren...

"Since Prince Shotoku has become your attendant, it is appropriate for you to take him to Kyoto to remember his hometown. Be careful along the way."

After saying this, the head of the family walked away.

Shiranui Morinaga could only smile bitterly at his grandfather's change of attitude.

He had long expected that his grandfather would react like this.

For the mystic summoner, the more talented the mystic, the longer and farther the time and space he can perceive.

In the same way, souls that can tear apart longer time and space will become more powerful after becoming a waiter.

The popular understanding is that the waiter who has been dead for a long time is stronger, and the waiter who has been dead for a long time and is far away is stronger!

There is also a perverted talent that can summon the dead in the future, and the laws of strength and weakness also work.

It's just that such waiters and mystics usually have the ability to predict things.

For hundreds of years, the Shiranui family has had no more than five mystics like this.

The appearance of each one can lead the family to seek advantages, avoid disadvantages, and grow stronger.

Prince Shotoku is obviously the weakest among the waiters.

The place where he died was in Japan, not far from Ryukyu, and he died no more than fifty years ago.

Such a waiter basically has no special abilities other than retaining the complete memory and consciousness of his lifetime.

If he had never practiced martial arts during his lifetime, he would naturally have nothing outstanding after his death.



Since Li Fei promised to push back the ancient emperor, he was ready to take action to quell the Japanese rebellion.

He wrote to Li Tai and asked Du Mingyue and Si Zi to lead fifty thousand tiger and benign troops across the sea to Japan.

When they landed, it was time for Li Fei to clean Hu Yumen.

While waiting for the troops, we still have to solve the problem of Sakyamuni being attacked.

No one is sure how long such a sealing barrier can trap the demigod Sakyamuni.

Nothing has happened yet because he still has consciousness and was sealed voluntarily.

The day he goes completely crazy, the consequences will be disastrous.

Everyone knows the truth.

So in the past few days, the five demigods Li Fei, Huangdi, Chi You, Ala, and Jehovah have been at Sensoji Temple, thinking hard about a solution.

(End of this chapter)

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