Chapter 455 Where is the treasure? Hand it over!

The exquisite dowry with seven orifices was slowly opened in Li Fei's hand.

There are seven floors and seven organs in total.

As the seven-layer mechanism peeled off layer by layer, the light of the "Moon Stone" in the box was released little by little.

When the full picture of the "Moon Stone" appeared in front of Ichiro Sakawa, he was completely shocked!

There was no need to rush to take possession of this treasure as before.

I saw the light flowing on the "Moon Stone", sacred and bright.

Like the bright moon in the sky, it illuminates the darkness of the world and guides those who are lost.

Ichiro Sakkawa's eyes widened when he saw it.

But soon, Li Fei closed the seven-layer mechanism and took it back into his arms.

"Brother Zuochuan has confirmed it. It is indeed the Moon Stone."

"Let's go find those two demon monks and restore energy to the Sunstone!"

He is a dandy prince who just wants to see the Sunstone shine again.

But Ichiro Saukawa apparently forgot about his previous lies, and almost forgot about the demon monk stealing the energy. That was just his excuse to coax Li Fei into taking out the Moon Stone!

"This... this Moon Stone is indeed a treasure, but Your Highness has forgotten? It must have the same origin as the Sunstone."

For Ichiro Sakkawa, the only solution for now is to trick Li Fei into opening the Seven-Aperture Exquisite Dowry again.

Li Fei saw the other party's purpose and was happy to pretend to be dumbfounded.

" to determine whether these two treasures are of the same origin?"

"This is simple, just take out the moon stone."

"Put them together and see if there's an induction."

I believed your ghost!

Until the day when the sun, moon and stars are gathered together, they will not know each other.

But tricking Ichiro Sakkawa into taking out the Sunstone was also Li Fei's purpose!

Opening the box generously, Li Fei took out the "Moon Stone" again.

I saw Ichiro Sakkawa placing the Sun Stone next to the Moon Stone, and the originally dim Sun Stone began to shine with a faint light!

And the stream of light on the Moon Stone also began to rotate slowly!

Ichiro Sakkawa was overjoyed when he saw this.

"You see, it is indeed a treasure from the same origin."

Li Fei sneered in his heart, trying to hide his eyes in front of me?

Immediately afterwards, the two sacred objects, the Sun and the Moon Stone, gradually began to spin and entangle under the surprised eyes of Ichiro Sakawa.

Like meeting an old friend I haven't seen for many years, I was excited and restless, and slowly lifted into the sky.

For a time, the entire shrine was filled with light!

Dazzling light emitted from the two divine objects, illuminating the two people present unable to open their eyes.

A violent white light flashed by, and Li Fei and Zuokawa Ichiro returned to normal vision.


"Where are the things? Where did they go?"

Ichiro Saukawa was horrified. He had just felt the huge energy of the two treasures.

In just this moment, the energy disappeared, and even the treasure itself disappeared!

Li Fei also looked confused.

"What? Why is it missing?"

"Did you... did you do something?"

Ichiro Sakkawa was immediately furious and his face changed.

However, Li Fei became angry earlier than him!

Originally, with the Sunstone in hand, he could break up with Zuo Chuan.

But Li Fei suddenly had an idea. Wouldn't it be more beautiful to act back and bite him again?

"How is that possible?...They...where are they?"

"Then will these two treasures escape on their own?"

Of course Ichiro Sakkawa knew that these two treasures would not escape on their own, someone must be causing trouble!

Thinking that his own men have surrounded the shrine, who on earth can act like a monster under the nose of Kitsune Mikado?

Suddenly, Ichiro Sakkawa thought of a possibility.

"Could it be a big snake..." He muttered this very quietly, but Li Fei heard it.

He was also stunned for a moment, there was an unexpected gain?

"What big snake? Tell me clearly!"

Ichiro Sakkawa was horrified.

"No, I can't say..."

"I tell you, this Moon Stone is the treasure of my Tang Dynasty royal family!"

"I trusted you this time, so I lent it to you for use. Now that the treasure is gone, you must give me an explanation, Datang!"

Seeing Li Fei pressuring him with his identity and background, Ichiro Zuokawa suddenly turned stiff.

As he had previously imagined, his great cause needed the support of this prince with a royal background in the Tang Dynasty.

At this time, the great cause has not been accomplished, and it is not possible to turn against the Tang Dynasty.

"'s Yamata no Orochi."

Li Fei had already learned from Emperor Suiko that the person behind Ichiro Sakawa was related to the ancient monster Yamata no Orochi!

However, no relevant clues have been found. Now it would be great if we could learn something from Ichiro Sakkawa.

"Are you treating me as a three-year-old child?"

"Is it the ancient monster Yamata no Orochi that has been dead for hundreds of years?"

"You mean it suddenly came to life and came to steal my treasure?"

"No, he is that adult's shikigami..."

Shikigami, so the person behind Ichiro Sakkawa is also an Onmyoji?

"That lord?"

"I...I can't say!"

"I only know that the Sun Stone and the Moon Stone are what Yamata no Orochi wants. I don't know anything else!"

Li Fei suddenly realized.

No wonder Ichiro Sakkawa didn't know much about the origin of the Sun Stone, but he insisted on getting the Moon Stone from the same source!

It turned out that people who knew the market were hiding behind his back, but did not tell him the truth.

"It wants it, so you came to lie to me?"

"No, no, I didn't mean to lie to you, please believe me!"

After saying that, Ichiro Sakkawa paid a sincere salute to Li Feifei.

In fact, Ichiro Sakkawa is the most typical person who is ambitious but not capable.

From the time he founded Fox Yumen, we knew that he was an ambitious man, but he did not have the ability to make Fox Yumen bigger.

It wasn't until he met Ogosho, and it was actually under Ogosho's guidance that he came up with the idea of ​​using mutated animals to refine shikigami.

It was also this method that made his Hu Yumen famous overnight, becoming the most famous onmyoji sect in Japan.

For him, who was used to clinging to strong men and had received tangible benefits from them, he could no longer give up this path.

He knows that it doesn't matter if he is useless, as long as he embraces useful thighs.

But now it seems that if Yamata no Orochi really took advantage of the two treasures, then Li Fei and the Imperial Palace must be at odds with each other.

But he didn't want to give up on either of these two people, or rather deal with them first.

When they decide the outcome, it won't be too late for me to express my position!

This is the kind of person who is talking about being a wallflower.

Li Fei didn't expect that Ichiro Sakkawa's bones were so soft, which surprised him.

"If you didn't lie to me, then tell me everything about Yamata no Orochi!"

It was an unexpected surprise. If the leader of the Fox Royal Sect is so easy to deal with...then squeeze out as much information as possible before getting rid of him!

(End of this chapter)

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