Chapter 456 The plan failed! Want to kill the emperor! ?

According to what Ichiro Sakkawa knows, the owner of the Yamato Shrine, Ogosho, has been a priest of the Yamato Shrine for generations, and his ancestors have served this fierce god for generations.

Dai Gosho took over the position of priest from his father at a young age and has been doing his job honestly.

Until one day, he felt the call of the seal on the mountain behind the shrine and went to investigate, only to find that the barrier sealing the remains of the Yamata no Orochi was broken.

When the barrier is broken, it means that the sealed thing has broken out and is free!

The Imperial Palace was very scared, he knew that what was sealed here was the true form of the Yamata no Orochi!

He was afraid that the scene in ancient times where the Yamata no Orochi brought trouble to Japan would reappear.

But the fact is that although the seal of Yamata no Orochi is damaged, fortunately, the body of Yamata no Orochi has completely turned into dust.

All that escaped was a very weak soul.

This silk soul made a deal with Ogosho, asking Ogosho to contribute its own strength to help it repair its soul, and it would continue to protect the world of Yaqi Shrine.

At that time, the Imperial Palace believed that this was also a way of serving Yamata no Orochi, and it was still within the duties of the priests.

Therefore, he agreed that Yamata no Orochi would transform into a shikigami, stay by his side, and follow his own training to become stronger together.

As the soul of Yamata no Orochi becomes stronger day by day, the power of the Great Gosho becomes stronger day by day.

Along with the expansion of strength, there is also ambition.

Yamata no Orochi wants to cultivate a new body, and the Imperial Palace also wants Japan to return to the era ruled by Yamata no Orochi.

He self-righteously believed that Yamata no Orochi had become his shikigami and would be restrained by him.

If he can help Yamata no Orochi complete his rule, he will be a god above millions of people.

However, Yamata no Orochi's speed in cultivating his true form was too slow, and he could not wait so long.

He needs to create killings and sacrifice the blood and souls of the dead to the Yamata no Orochi to help it practice!

So, as an Onmyoji, he approached the leader of the Kitsune Gate, Ichiro Sakkawa!

Give advice to Ichiro Sakkawa, control him, and use him!

With the execution of Kitsune Gate's bloody methods, the lives lost one by one have turned into energy to help Yamata no Orochi practice!

But before Yamata no Orochi can completely recover his true form, he still needs to control the entire Japanese Onmyoji in his own hands. Those who are uncontrolled or cannot be controlled must be wiped out.

Because Yamata no Orochi said that being strong is his biggest killing weapon, and no one in Japan can defeat him.

To put it bluntly, it's just a shikigami.

And Onmyoji had so many ways to deal with Shikigami, he couldn't take the risk.

For these purposes, this is what he ordered Fox Yumen to do.

"So, has Yamata-no-Orochi's body been restored?"

"As far as I know, he hasn't fully recovered yet, but Yamata no Orochi can already use some of his power."

"According to what you said, if you continue to increase the number of killings, will it speed up the recovery of Yamata no Orochi?"


"Is there a specific number of killings?"

"I don't know either. I only know that the Great Imperial Palace once said that after the Kitsune Gate clan destroys Abe Nakamaro and his group of orthodox Onmyoji, the Yamata no Orochi will awaken."

Li Fei was making calculations in his mind, thinking that if this was the case, then the Yamata no Orochi would also awaken if Kitsune Yumen was destroyed.

But they have already planned to attack the orthodox Onmyoji. If they don't take the initiative, Yamata no Orochi will still awaken.

The same results come and go... Forget it, just do the damn thing and be done with it!

The members of the Hu Yu Clan have committed so many crimes that are harmful to the world, and Li Fei will never show mercy to them just because their leader is a loser.

After all, these people have already tasted the power that killing brings.

To let them go would be to show disregard and disrespect for innocent lives.

Therefore, everyone in the Fox Royal Sect must die!

"Thank you very much for telling me this. See you in a few days."

After Li Fei said this, he turned around and left the shrine. Ichiro Zuokawa looked at Li Fei with a fierce and serious expression.

The contrast between before and after was so great that I couldn't react for a moment and was stunned on the spot.

The members of the Kitsune clan outside the shrine did not dare to stop the murderous-looking prince without receiving orders from Sakkawa Ichiro.


"Idiot! You hopeless idiot! You didn't even know you were deceived by him!"

In the Yaqi Shrine, the Imperial Palace was furious.

But just scolding Ichiro Saukawa didn't seem to be enough to relieve his anger. I saw a purple-black snake tail sticking out from the sleeves of his robe that was as long as the floor. The scales covering the snake tail glowed with a cold light.

Ogosho waved his sleeves, and the snake's tail struck Ichiro Saukawa hard, sending him flying and smashing the screen placed aside.

"Sir, spare my life! That guy is really too cunning, please give me a chance to redeem myself next time!"

The Imperial Palace retracted the snake's tail.

Ichiro Sakkawa again saw a bright red snake Nobuko in his sleeve stretching out and making a "hissing" sound.

If you were beaten by the tail of part of Yamata no Orochi's body, you could still survive, but if you were bitten by the poisonous body, you would be killed on the spot.

In order to save his life, Ichiro Sakkawa had to beg for mercy on the spot.

"The members of the Fox Royal Sect have found out where the orthodox Onmyojis are hiding. Please give me another chance, sir. I will lead my men to wipe out them all!"

After hearing this, the furious Da Yushu calmed down.

He has not forgotten that Ichiro Sakkawa is still of great use to him. After he gets rid of Abe Nakamaro and others, it will not be too late to settle accounts with this idiot.

"Okay, as you said, I'll give you three days! If you fail..."

Da Yushu showed a self-conscious smile.

Sakkawa Ichiro suddenly felt chills all over his body, as if the person in front of him was not the Great Gosho, but was being stared at by the Yamata no Orochi's true form.

"Never fail!"

No wonder!

Ichiro Sakkawa never thought of the possibility that Li Fei might side with Emperor Suiko!

It’s not his fault. After all, in such a desperate situation, accepting the task of killing the orthodox Onmyoji was the only way for him to save his life!

If he mentions the existence of these uncertain factors again, it will only make him die faster.

Now, Ichiro Sakkawa is riding a tiger and can't get off.

Even if he knew that Emperor Suigu had Li Feixiang behind him, he would have no choice but to bite the bullet!

The only thing that can help him win with one blow is time!

He had to complete the task as quickly as possible, before Li Fei and Emperor Suigu had a chance to breathe, so the original plan to recharge his batteries and make plans slowly had to be put aside!

(End of this chapter)

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