Chapter 467 Kill this snake!

Such a group of people, who looked like they came with bad intentions in the middle of the night, made the Imperial Palace feel shuddered.

What puzzled him the most was how they found him so quickly?

The genius occultist of the Shiranui clan, who has mastered the secrets of time and space, did not expect that there is a more mysterious witchcraft from the heavenly kingdom.

Not seeing Yamata no Orochi, Li Fei didn't bother to talk nonsense with him and took action directly.

Du Mingyue understood and threw three small balls casually.

After the small ball Gululu rolled down to the feet of the Imperial Palace, it immediately began to expand and deform, turning into three little machine men holding weapons.

These three little traps were created by Du Mingyue and Song Jiang when they were idle and bored. They were just doing it for fun, but they didn't expect it to come in handy today.

Even though these three little gimmicks are only as high as the waist of the Imperial Palace, they can use a simplified version of the Eighteen Bronze Man Formation, which can easily deal with people with average fists and feet.

But the Imperial Palace is not an ordinary person after all.

Li Fei didn't expect these three fun-loving gimmicks to cause any substantial harm to him.

The first step is just a test.

Let’s see if his strength recovers. If so, it’s best to force out Yamata no Orochi directly!

Unfortunately, the facts are before our eyes.

These villains are too weak to deal with Shiranui Morinaga, let alone the Great Gosho.

Da Yushuo raised his hand and cast three explosive spells, blasting the villain to pieces.

Seeing this situation, the Imperial Palace couldn't help but mocked:

"Aren't you guys looking down on me too much?"

"I don't dare to take it seriously. After all, he is a beast. How dare he?"

While Li Fei and Da Yu were arguing, Xiao Yinyin secretly activated the Gu technique behind Li Fei's back!

A group of Gu insects crawled towards the Imperial Palace from behind Li Fei!

When Da Yu saw what he saw, he used another small fire spell to eliminate the poisonous insects.

The look of contempt on his face became even stronger.

And Li Fei's purpose of testing was also achieved.

He has been able to confirm that the Great Palace has regained its strength and can summon Yamata no Orochi.

"Yin Yin, Song Jiang!"

After Li Fei gave the order, Song Jiang picked up his weapons and attacked the Imperial Palace.

Song Jiang's weapon is a pair of double swords, and his double swords are different from ordinary double swords.

The handle of the knife is extremely long, but the blade is at the back!

People who don't know his pair of swords will think that he is a master who is good at using double backhand swords in close combat.

However, those who know this weapon will know-Song Marco Polo River!

The hilt of his knife is actually two fire blunderbuss!

In other words, he is actually a long-range shooter with some close-quarters combat abilities!

Da Yushuo was caught off guard by Song Jiang's sudden two muskets, and finally started to take out his own weapon seriously.

Perhaps due to the influence of Yamata no Orochi, the weapon of the Imperial Palace is a flying sickle.

One end is a sickle, and the other is a miniature version of the Yamata no Orochi snake head.

This kind of weapon that can be used to attack from a distance is indeed a sharp weapon against Song Jiang. The two of them were evenly matched for a while.

Just when Song Jiang seemed to be retreating steadily, Dayusuo suddenly felt a pain in his chest and stopped his movements.

A numb and cold feeling started from his heart and spread throughout his body. After a while, he suddenly felt hot and itchy, and his hands and feet were weak.

poisoned! Where did the poison come from?

Da Yushuo really didn't know where the poison on his body came from, but unfortunately Li Fei wouldn't tell him that it was the attack of the poison that Xiao Yinyin put on him before!

However, if they want to save the life of Da Yushu, they cannot let Xiao Yin Yin kill him.

Otherwise, how could it have been his turn to play the harp for so long?

"You Central Plains people are so despicable!" Li Fei smiled and said nothing.

As long as the goal can be achieved, the means don't matter, but it's your fault if you fire the map cannon!

How did the Royal Palace know that Li Fei was still in the mood to tease him at this time, so he could only stare at Li Fei and others fiercely.

"You forced me to do this!"

Finally found out, I was just forcing you!

I don’t know if it’s because the Imperial Palace is very fond of Yamata no Orochi, or if he is too confident in himself?

Or maybe it's his waiter who can't be moved easily?

In short, the Imperial Palace has never summoned the Yamata no Orochi before.

It wasn't until his life was at stake that the call finally began.

The Yamata-no-Orochi's true body is nearly 100 meters in size. The energy required to summon it is huge, and the passage that requires tearing apart time and space is also extremely huge.

If it were just a battle between mystics, no one would let Da Yushu finish reciting such a long summoning spell.

But Li Feihui, what he wanted was the Yamata no Orochi, and this was not the one who opened the door.

So, everyone watched helplessly as the Imperial Palace finished reciting the incantation, time and space were torn apart, and the color of heaven and earth changed!

A fishy wind blows in the face, and the true form of Yamata no Orochi finally appears!

As soon as this ancient ferocious beast appeared, its eight snake tails swayed gently, turning the Yamata Shrine into ruins.


Seeing that the real master finally appeared, Li Fei asked Du Mingyue and others to retreat far away.

There are also Jehovah, Sakyamuni and Allah who are not good at fighting.

The three of them also stayed slightly away from the Yamata no Orochi, mainly protecting the Sunstone so that they could complete the sacrifice as soon as possible.

So, for an instant, the only ones left in front of Yamata no Orochi were Li Fei, Huang Di, Chi You and Shiranui Morinaga.

Yamata no Orochi didn't seem to take these three people seriously, but glanced at the palace that was poisoned.

One breath enveloped Da Yushu in it, detoxifying him.

The Yamata no Orochi is good at poisoning, and Li Fei had not expected that this poison could be used to control the Great Gosho. In the end, it still depends on Shiranui Morinaga!

After removing the poison, Da Yushuo repeated his old trick and used a teleportation technique to stay away from the battlefield.

This is how the mystics fight. When the waiters fight with the strong, in order to avoid themselves being affected, they will control it remotely from a place far away from the battlefield.

Upon seeing this, Shiranui Morinaga immediately made a tracking spell and followed him. The frontal battlefield was completely left to these three people and one beast.

"Human beings who overestimate their capabilities!"

The Yamata-no-Orochi was actually very excited. It didn't expect to start killing so soon!

Although there are fewer people in front of you, they are not weak in strength. If you can kill and devour them, your strength will only increase to the next level!

Li Fei didn't waste any time and directly transformed into his strongest state.

"Shura! Blood Sword!"

"Oh? Demigod?"

Li Fei was not surprised when Yamata no Orochi revealed the identities of the three of them.

After all, this is an existence that could compete with those Japanese demigods in ancient times!

This will be a fierce battle!

"Kill this snake and make some soup later!"


"Fuck it!"

Li Fei took advantage of the power of the Shura body to fly into the air and was responsible for attacking the snake's head. Huang Di and Chi You were responsible for attacking the snake's tail to prevent Li Fei from being attacked by the snake's tail and falling into a double attack.

Seeing Li Fei coming at him with a sword, the Yamata no Orochi subconsciously raised its tail in an attempt to swat him away.

Unfortunately, the eight snake tails were restrained everywhere. No matter which direction they attacked, they would be stopped by Huang Di and Chi You!

The battle is in full swing!

(End of this chapter)

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