Chapter 468 The Imperial Palace collapsed!

Unfortunately, the snake's tail is the most powerful and defensive part. It was not difficult for Huang Di and Chi You to stop it, but they were unable to cause fatal damage to it for a while.

Seeing that the real body that he had finally cultivated, the snake's tail was scarred for the first time in the battle. Even if it was only a skin injury, it was enough to anger the Yamata no Orochi.

So the Yamata no Orochi gave up its tail attack and concentrated on dealing with Li Fei who was flying in the air. Its eight snake heads have eight different abilities.

The one Li Fei encountered first was the one with the strongest defense. He held the blood sword and slashed it down in the air, but was forcefully caught by the snake's head. The attack that was enough to cut mountains and seas fell on the Yamata no Orochi, and it actually let out a burst of energy. There was a harsh sound of metal and stone colliding, sparks flashed, and the snake head was safe and sound.

Immediately afterwards, Li Fei encountered fire attacks, water attacks, ice arrows, poisons, and even a snake head that spit out a pheasant sword from its mouth and fought with Li Fei in the air.

The attack methods of Yamata no Orochi are very changeable, but unfortunately the attack method is very single. Only one snake attacks first at a time. Although they come one after another, Li Fei is enough to deal with them.

He was even in the mood to think: The ancient ferocious beasts are still beasts after all, and their minds are simpler. At least in Li Fei's view, any two or three of the attacks of Yamata no Orochi can be combined or launched together, and he can deal with them. It was very difficult to get up.

Li Fei can think of this, and of course the Imperial Palace can also think of it. As a mystic who summons servants, the reason why he can sign a contract with a ferocious beast like Yamata-no-Orochi is that he can naturally maximize the strength of Yamata-no-Orochi, but he But it can't be done now.

The reason why the mystic must stay away from the battlefield when controlling a waiter is that he needs an environment that will not be disturbed. Especially when controlling a waiter with such powerful soul power, he must concentrate.

At the moment, he is entangled by Shiranui Morinaga and Prince Shotoku, and can only occasionally pay attention to the situation on the Yamata-no Orochi side. If he is asked to control the Yamata-no Orochi to fight, that is absolutely impossible.

Shiranui Morinaga and Prince Shotoku were the weakest among the weak mystics and waiters respectively. Even though Prince Shotoku had obtained the power of the blood moon, the consumption of Shiranui Morinaga was still a bit high against the powerful Ogosho who held weapons. Can't live.

But seeing that the battle on Li Fei's side had not yet ended, Shiranui Morinaga had no choice but to grit his teeth and persist.

"Release the restrictions and let me come."


Shiranui Morinaga was actually a little worried about letting Prince Shotoku fight alone. After all, he had learned the art of fighting since he was a child, so as long as the waiter had a strong enough body, he could fight him. However, Prince Shotoku was powerless when he was alive. A person who now has brute strength but no fighting skills, how could it be possible to face the Great Imperial Palace...

"Trust me! You are here to assist me and reduce consumption!"

In this situation, this is the only way.

As a result, Shiranui Morinaga released his control over Prince Shotoku. Not surprisingly, Prince Shotoku's movements stagnated, and his subsequent offense and defense became increasingly jerky and sluggish.

The Imperial Palace seized this opportunity and intensified the offensive. As one battle ebbed and the other ebbed, the originally evenly matched battle immediately became one-sided, and Prince Shotoku retreated steadily.

Shiranui Morinaga was furious when he saw this, but he didn't know how to help. The spell formations he knew were all learned in his family, and they were obviously not practical for trapping the Imperial Palace.

No, there is another formation that has never been taught in the clan.

"Zhenling! Open!"

Shiranui Mori Nagasaki set up this magic circle around the Imperial Palace in a very uneasy mood. He saw this magic circle in the handbook of a senior at home who did not know his life.

At that time, the senior who was responsible for teaching them said that this formation was just a random drawing by the owner of the handbook. It was not perfect, and it was too extreme and could easily backfire on the mystic master's soul.

Because the handbook said that the purpose of this formation was to suppress souls and specifically deal with those disobedient and uncooperative waiters. This premise did not exist in the Shiranui family. At first, he did not know why this senior wanted to study the formation to deal with waiters. , but also learned it secretly behind the back of the tribe. At that time, he was thinking that if he could not become a mystic in this life, he did not want to be bullied by his brothers in the clan all the time. If they got a waiter and became more aggressive in the future, he could use this formation to scare them away.

I didn't expect that the formation I learned to protect myself against the waiter would be used in this place.

Shiranui Mori doesn't know if this formation is useful for mystics, but since it suppresses souls, mystics also have souls, so it should be effective...

As soon as the Zhenling was activated, Da Yushuo, who had been attacking fiercely, suddenly knelt down and covered his head, feeling very painful.

"it works!"

Shiranui Mori was so excited that he almost jumped up, but the next words from Ogosho made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

"Haha. Zhenling? I actually forgot...this is the formation created by me!"

What! ! !

Shiranui Morinaga was shocked in his heart. Li Fei didn't know anything about it. It was just when the Zhenling was activated that the soul of the Imperial Palace was injured, which also affected Yamata no Orochi.

Li Fei took advantage of the opportunity and seized the opportunity. Taking advantage of his position, the blood sword swept across and hit all eight snake heads within three inches.

The Yamata-no-Orochi's mountain-like body collapsed, and except for the snake head with the thickest skin, the rest could not move.

The Grand Imperial Palace quickly dispelled the formation. Seeing the defeat of Yamata no Orochi, his eyes were about to burst and he looked up to the sky and roared angrily.

"You left my notes and used my formation, why can't you recognize me!?"

Shiranui Mori knew that Ogosho should have said this to his grandfather. He wanted to explain that it was a misunderstanding, but Ogosho did not give him a chance.

"Why do you want to stop me?"

"How much do you hate me? Send a talentless waste to defeat me. Is this the lesson you taught me?" really think too much.

God knows how much Shiranui Morinaga wants to explain.

"I won't let you get what you want!"

The Imperial Palace left Shiranui Moricho alone and chanted a spell. Shiranui Moricho did not understand what spell he was releasing for a while. It must have been created by this genius.

It was too late to be jealous. Shiranui Morinaga could only pour all his energy into waiting for the attack, but what he thought was an accident happened. The vitality of the Imperial Palace was lost rapidly and it was aging rapidly!

A bad thought came to mind, and it was too late to notify Li Fei!

"This spell was also created by me. I use my own time to reverse the waiter's time."

Shiranui Morinaga suddenly realized that he actually sacrificed his own life force to restore Yamata no Orochi's injuries!

Li Fei still didn't know what Da Yu had done. The three of them took advantage of the Yamata no Orochi's fall and attacked the seven inches of the Yamata no Orochi. Although this ferocious beast had eight heads and eight tails, it only had one heart.

Hitting it within seven inches is more efficient than beheading or tail-cutting.

(End of this chapter)

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