Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 469 The fusion of the essence of the sun and the moon!

Chapter 469 The fusion of the essence of the sun and the moon!

Li Fei and others were about to attack when a gray-haired old man suddenly appeared and blocked the Yamata no Orochi. Fortunately, Li Fei reacted quickly enough. He recognized the old man in front of him as the Great Gosho. Although he didn't know why he became like this, subconsciously, Li Fei couldn't kill him.

If the mystic dies, unless his soul dissipates, the attendant will be sent back to his original world unharmed.

In order to ensure that the true form of Yamata no Orochi does not leave, Li Fei and others can only stop.

But at this moment of hesitation, the Yamata-no-Orochi, which had collapsed on the ground, began to recover from its injuries, which surprised Li Fei.

He looked at the appearance of the Great Gosho, which looked lifeless and about to die. If Yamata no Orochi was allowed to fully recover and he died, then all this effort would be in vain!

In a flash of lightning, Li Fei gritted his teeth and made a decision, shouting to the void where Jehovah and others were:

"Help me!"

In an instant, three powerful energies were injected into Li Fei's blood sword. Together with Huang Di and Chi You beside him, the power of six demigods gathered together, and the blood sword in his hand could be called a weapon of the gods.

The bloody light reflected the dark sky before dawn. The speed at which Yamata no Orochi recovered, the speed at which the imperial palace died, and the speed at which the space-time channel opened could not catch up with the afterimage of this bloody light.

When the light faded away, the blood sword penetrated the body of the Great Gosho and penetrated into the heart of the Yamata no Orochi.

The body of this ferocious beast like a mountain failed to fall again. Instead, it turned into fly ash and poured into the Sunlight Stone bit by bit.

In an instant, the light of the Sunstone illuminated the entire land, and even the blood moon hanging in the sky seemed hazy and insubstantial. Li Fei and others did not bother to clean up the ruins after the war, and focused all their attention on On top of the Sunstone.

After receiving the sacrifice of Yamata no Orochi, the energy of the Sunstone skyrocketed. Jehovah and others could no longer suppress the expanding energy, so they had to ask Li Fei for help.

"I can't hold it anymore, what should I say?"

Li Fei did not expect that the Sunstone would be so powerful as soon as it awakened, so powerful that several demigods would have headaches. But keeping it suppressed is not an option. I feel that this divine object has its own consciousness and personality, otherwise it would not have been fooled by Sakyamuni and simply sealed itself.

They woke up the Sunstone in order to solve the problem of the blood moon. Now, while it's still not bright, they might as well just do it without stopping!

"Let it go."

Li Fei felt very uneasy when he made this decision. He didn't know whether the problem he would face next would be more serious than the blood moon mutation, but for now, this was the only way to solve the problem of blood moon poop.

After getting Li Fei's approval, Jehovah and others removed the suppression of the Sunstone and let it do what it wanted to do.

Sure enough, without the demigod's restraint, the Sunstone seemed to come to life, and everyone present seemed to feel its emotions inexplicably, which was the joy after regaining freedom and gaining powerful energy.

Seeing the Sunstone's light getting stronger and stronger, a stone that was originally as big as a fist gradually became larger and lighter, and began to rise slowly into the sky. A dazzling white ball rose side by side with the golden sun. It echoes the blood moon that has not yet set in another place on the horizon.

Many years later, people suddenly remembered that the occurrence of all disasters seemed to have traces, such as the two suns rising from the eastern sky that day. Such a vision was not auspicious, but the birth of disaster.

Of course, these are all things for later. Li Fei and others could not predict the serious consequences of releasing the Sunstone.

The scene before them alone was enough to surprise them.

After the sun rose into the sky, the blood moon that was about to leave seemed to be affected. The two divine objects slowly came closer in the air like two poles attracting each other.

The original light of the rising sun has been completely covered up. The white light in the sky sometimes shines, and sometimes the sky is filled with bloody light. It is so beautiful, so beautiful that it is almost weird. At this moment, everyone in the world was watching the miracle that appeared above Qingtian with Li Fei and the others.

The sun and the blood moon finally met in the sky, next to each other, overlapping each other, and gradually blending together.

Across the distance of 10,000 meters in the sky, people could not feel the conflict between the two terrifying energies. They only felt that the scene of the sun and the moon blending together looked particularly warm, like long-lost relatives, or like long-separated people. The lovers are hugging each other tightly and expressing their sincere feelings to each other.

I don’t know how long it took, but the battle between the sun and the moon finally ended. Neither of the two evenly matched energies could defeat the other, and neither could devour the other. Instead, they perfectly merged together and became a yin-yang fish. pattern.

One side is blazing white, the other side is blood red.

"What the hell is this?"

Seeing a strange yin-yang fish hanging in the sky, Li Fei couldn't help but think of everything he saw in the underground tomb. He suddenly felt cold and hurriedly found Shiranui Morinaga.

"Look at the power of the blood moon on Prince Shotoku!"

After the death of Ogosho, Prince Shotoku had returned to his own space in order not to continue to consume Shiranui Morinaga's physical strength. When he was summoned again, what he saw was this scene in the sky, which really shocked him.

He tried to awaken the power of the blood moon in his body to enter a state of madness, and he succeeded!


"Did we fail?"

Everyone was surprised to see that Prince Shotoku's blood moon power had not disappeared, but soon, things changed again.

"No, look."

After Prince Shotoku's mad transformation, under the illumination of the sun, moon and yin and yang, the Blood Moon Curse Seal on his body was gradually fading away.

"I feel that the power of the blood moon is gradually leaving my body..."

"That's a success!"

In fact, not only Prince Shotoku, but at this time, the phenomenon of being infected and mutated by the power of the blood moon disappeared at the moment when the sun and the moon merged.

Aside from the uneasy feeling that the Yin-Yang fish pattern brought to everyone's hearts, at least their goal of suppressing the changes in the blood moon was achieved.

Everything was understood during this trip to Japan. Everyone returned to Kyoto to say goodbye to Emperor Suiko, leaving Morinaga Shiranui and Prince Shotoku to assist the royal family.

The people of Japan were first attacked by mutated species, and then faced with the unprovoked oppression and massacre by the Fox Royal Clan members. They were already panic-stricken and riddled with wounds.

At this time, the imperial family was at an important juncture to deal with the aftermath of the disaster and restore people's livelihood. Prince Shotoku's help was like providing help in a timely manner. It was too late for Emperor Suiko to be happy, and he had no reason to refuse.

Li Fei had something to worry about, so he did not agree to Emperor Suigu's invitation to stay in Japan for fun. Instead, he hurried back to Chang'an with a group of people and the Yinling troops of the Huben Army.

(End of this chapter)

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