Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 480 The only solution for 1 is for 3 to come together

Chapter 480 The only solution is for the three talents to gather together

There was another long silence, and at this point, not to mention Shiranui Kiritsugu, even the group of mystics who maintained the formation outside to assist him could no longer hold on.

"No, Kiritsugu's soul will be torn apart!"

"Come back quickly!!!"

The head of the Shiranui family shouted anxiously outside the formation, and even Li Fei and others were sweating profusely. Don't worry, this is the only hope.

"Kiritsugu, come back quickly. If it doesn't work this time, we'll try again next time..."

Before Li Fei finished speaking, he saw Shiranui Kiritsugu showing a proud smile. Before opening his eyes, he turned out the palm of his right hand and showed it to everyone. A waiter's seal in the shape of a yin-yang fish was slowly growing on his palm. Slow setting.


After saying these words, the waiter's curse seal was completed. Shiranui Kiritsugu clenched his right hand, slowly fell down, and passed out.

One day and one night passed, Shiranui Kiritsugu finally woke up. He had become the focus of everyone's attention at this time. All the masters of the Shiranui clan, including the three demigods, stayed by his side day and night, fearing that his soul would be harmed when he forcibly summoned him. Damn never woke up from then on.

But it turned out that this young man was really blessed by God, and he woke up after only one day.

When Shiranui Kiritsugu opened his eyes and saw a room full of people, he wasn't surprised, but the head of the Shiranui family's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, which made him a little scared.

"Grandpa, my head hurts so much."

Just act coquettishly, and being coquettish is a right that only teenagers have.

When the head of the Shiranui family heard what he said, he swallowed back all the words of instruction.

"My soul is almost torn! Now that I wake up so soon, my headache is relatively mild!"

When the young man saw that his grandfather had calmed down, he began to squawk.

"Grandpa, let me tell you, the waiter who signed the contract with me is very powerful. He helped to repair my soul. He said that he was almost able to become an immortal, but in the end he died of thunder tribulation. What is thunder tribulation? ah?"

This Li Fei is familiar with the three people. I was a little regretful that I didn't find the Taoist ancestor himself, but after hearing what he said, this Taoist priest is no worse than the Taoist ancestor. The key is that he can also solve the matter of the three divine objects.

"Can you summon now?"

"Yes, but you can only summon spirits."

The young man who had just experienced a catastrophe and was a blessing in disguise still felt a little regretful. In fact, if Li Fei and others were not eager to learn the truth, they would not have ignored Shiranui Kiritsugu's loss.

"It's okay, just ask."

As the summoning spell was chanted, the spirit body of a Taoist priest appeared in front of Li Fei and others. The three of them understood at a glance why Shiranui Kiritsugu was so obsessed with this Taoist priest's soul.

Because this is the person they painted, with a meticulously combed Taoist priest's hair, a peach wood hairpin, a goatee, white beard and hair, wearing a gray floor-length robe, flicking the dust in his hand, from the ground on the left Throw it to the ground on the right.

Just like a Taoist standard template.

"Is this the benefactor looking for poverty?"

As soon as the Taoist priest appeared, he asked Li Fei directly. After he signed a contract with Shiranui Kiritsugu, he already understood the general process of the matter when he helped him repair his soul. If it hadn't been for the two divine objects that had gathered together to make him feel Concerned, he would not sign the contract with such a weak soul.

"Exactly, dare I ask for the title of the elder?"

Now that the soul has come, Li Fei is not in a hurry. He still needs to ask clearly what should be asked, otherwise he cannot fully believe that the Taoist priest in front of him can solve their urgent needs.

"The Tao name is Qingyuan."

"May I ask Master Qingyuan if he is related to Hongjun, the founder of Taoism?"

Upon hearing this name, Master Qingyuan's expression changed, and his attitude was no longer as lazy and casual as before, and he announced his home with a serious face.

"Pindao is the 32nd disciple of the Infinite Heavenly Lord Hongjun, the founder of the True Lord, Qingyuan True Lord."


Li Fei believes that this is still his simplified version of his title, otherwise the prefix of Hongjun would be more than that long. No wonder Shiranui Kiritsugu said he couldn't understand it...

After suppressing the numerous criticisms in his heart about this arrogant expert, Li Fei continued to ask:

"Can True Monarch Qingyuan solve the catastrophe caused by the fusion of the Sun and Moon Stones?"

Qingyuan Zhenjun suddenly seemed to have his tail stepped on. If it weren't for the discipline he had gained through years of practice, he would probably be able to jump up on the spot. "What!! The sun and moon stones are fused together??"

Seeing his big reaction, Li Fei thought to himself: There's something going on!

"Please, Zhenjun, come out with me and have a look."

Li Fei took the soul of True Lord Qingyuan outside and pointed at the bright sun, moon, yin and yang fish in the sky. True Lord Qingyuan looked up for a long time and remained silent for a long time.

"So, the earth veins are showing signs of recovery?"

"What are ley lines?"

"Just a tree."

True Lord Qingyuan was obviously a little irritable and did not want to talk to Li Fei.

"Is it the sacred tree in the crypt? It has indeed sprouted."

The Taoist priest finally turned his noble head and glanced at Li Fei, but there was an inexplicable hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

"So you've been to the crypt and seen the earth veins?"

"Is that sacred tree a leyline?"

"That's not the point. The point is, since you went there, you should have seen the warning left by Master in the crypt. Don't gather the three talents together. Why didn't you listen?"

"This is a long story..."


Li Fei had never been wronged like this before, but he couldn't help it. The old man in front of him was the boss, and it was up to him to find a solution.

So, Li Fei started from the moon stone blood sacrifice and told the whole process to Qingyuan Zhenjun in detail. After hearing this, the old Taoist priest felt that iron could not become steel, and just wanted to die for Taoism again on the spot. I am so mad at these people from thousands of years ago that I will never be able to give an explanation to Master in the future.

"Why don't you listen? Why don't you listen?"

Li Fei thought to himself: He didn't know that those words were left by the ancestor of Taoism. Besides, he only said that three things cannot be gathered together, not two things.

Of course, Li Fei only dared to think about these words in his heart, and on the surface he still had to be polite and show great respect.

"Does Zhenjun have a solution?"


True Lord Qingyuan answered Li Fei almost immediately.

Li Fei cursed in his heart, didn't he say that you only signed the contract when you had a solution? Are you giving up now?

"Where do you..."

Why did you come here? They are all dead anyway, why not come back and see the end of the world and gain insights?

"It's not like there's nothing at all."

Damn it, did this savage person do it on purpose?

"I hope that the True Lord will not hesitate to teach me!"

Qingyuan Zhenjun saw that Li Feiquan was innocent, so he told him the solution.

"There is only one way to solve it. Is the Star Stone on your body?"

Li Fei didn't know why, so he could only nod.

"Throw the Star Stone up as well. The three of us can solve it if we gather together."


Are you always kidding me?

(End of this chapter)

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