Chapter 481 The spirit of earth veins!

Li Fei was really surprised. Who was the person who kept blaming him for fusing the Sun and Moon Stone?

This is a bad idea now.

"Are you kidding me?"

True Lord Qingyuan put away his lazy and joking expression and said seriously:

"Do you think I'm joking?"

Li Fei was startled by the sadness and regret on his face, and was stunned for a moment.


"It's a long story..."

Qingyuan Zhenjun sighed, it would be better to explain some things clearly.

"Do you know who was the last person in this world to achieve enlightenment and ascend to the Immortal Class?"

Who knows? Li Fei, a materialist, actually doesn't believe in gods in the world, but after hearing what Qingyuan Zhenjun said so seriously, he was a little doubtful.

"Isn't he the founder of Taoism?"

"It should have been Master's."

"This should?"

"Have you heard about Jiang Shang's canonization of the gods at the God's Conferment Stage?"

Um? Isn’t the story of Fengshenbang fictional? Moreover, it is not the same era as the ancestor of Taoism. Could it be said...

"Have you heard of it?"

"Actually, that time of becoming a god, almost all the earth veins were exhausted."

"What does this have to do with ley lines?"

"Earth veins, the pulse of the earth, are the foundation of human existence and the foundation of cultivation."

"The source of power for cultivators?"

"Yes, thousands of years ago, the power of the earth's veins was strong. It provided every gifted life with the energy to practice and helped them practice. So at that time, as long as there was a chance, everyone could cultivate immortality and become a god, and everything could produce spiritual consciousness. Cultivate into a spirit."

Hearing this, Li Fei suddenly remembered something.

"So, before the Warring States Period, there were many legends about ascending to immortality, mountain spirits and ghosts. It turns out that it was not because the ancient people were ignorant, but it was true?"

"It's funny to say that it was so easy to become an immortal at that time. If an old farmer saved a snake, he could get the inspiration from the snake immortal and help it become an immortal."

Speaking of this, Li Fei remembered that he had read these stories in many ancient books. Some people became immortals while sleeping, some people fell into the river and met the gods and helped them and became immortals again, and some people became immortals because of Longevity, live long enough to become an immortal...

There are many such outrageous and nonsense myths and stories, but it turns out they are true... He was too naive.

"Is it really so easy to become an immortal back then?"

"It's so easy. It wasn't until after the Conferred God Platform that the power of the earth's veins was finally exhausted. The master was born in such an era of thin spiritual power, but he still followed the footsteps of his predecessors, devoted himself to cultivation, and wanted to attain enlightenment and become a god. .”

"He failed in the end, right?"

"Actually, he could have succeeded, all because he discovered the location of the earth's veins."

Qingyuan Zhenjun remembered the past and couldn't help sighing. "At that time, Master discovered that not only himself, but also many practitioners were the same. It was clear that their practice had reached its peak, but could not go any further anyway, so he began to look for the reason."

"Finally, he traced the source of the power of cultivation and found the location of the earth's veins. Only then did he realize that the earth's veins had changed drastically."

Li Fei noticed that Qingyuan Zhenjun's words were not exhausted, but changed.

"What did it become?"

"I didn't see it with my own eyes. Later, my master told me that the power of the earth's veins was no longer pure, but was infiltrated by the energy of another world."

"What does the other world mean?"

"I began to think that Master was talking about the ghost world or the devil world..."

What the hell? Li Fei is one of two people, and the matter of earth veins is more complicated than he imagined.

"But no, do you know that outside the world we live in, there is a darkness where no one lives or lives? You don't have to be afraid to say it. This darkness is boundless. I don't know if there is a world like ours in it, Master. It was said at that time that the unknown energy infecting the earth's veins came from this void of darkness."

Li Fei was very happy. I'm very familiar with this. You can't scare me, but I'm afraid that if I tell you about the eight major galaxies and nine major planets in the universe, you will be frightened.

However, Li Fei still admired the ancestor of Taoism very much. He could not have imagined that in that ancient era with zero technology, he could figure out the concept of the universe.

"I know this. That darkness is called the universe, and there are indeed other planets in it... Well, it's a world like ours. Continue talking..."

Qingyuan Zhenjun was only briefly surprised. Thinking that this was a world thousands of years later, it would not be surprising for people to know these things, so he continued without going into the details.

"Later, Master discovered that after the power of the earth's veins was exhausted, it urgently needed to restore its own power, so he took the initiative to draw external energy from the dark... uh... universe. However, these energies could not restore the spirit of the earth's veins. Instead, it will bring more disasters to mankind."

"The earth's veins are opposite to the heaven's way. The rules of the heaven's way are illusory, but they can control the fate of the creatures in the world, while the earth's veins have substance and determine the physical talents and other talents of the creatures in the world."

"When the earth's veins are infected by cosmic energy, human beings are the first to be affected. The talents that might have become gods eventually turned into demons..."

"For example, General Bai Qi, who is known as the God of War..."

"He is actually a demon!?"

Li Fei instantly felt his scalp numb and goosebumps all over the floor, but when he thought about Bai Qi's life story, his military talents and abilities, and the things he had done, they were indeed nothing like human beings...

"In fact, there was no concept of demons at that time. It was just because the earth's veins were affected and killings were everywhere in the world. There were many people like Bai Qi. With their talents, if they were born in an era with abundant spiritual power, they would definitely be in the same place. How could a person who became a god stay in the human world and allow himself to be affected by the earth's veins and cause so much killing?"

Li Fei remembered that after the Western Zhou Dynasty, during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, countless people died due to wars at that time... Unexpectedly, there were earth veins involved?

Seemingly seeing through Li Fei's doubts, True Lord Qingyuan explained:

"Of course, the turbulent changes of the generations are controlled by the laws of heaven. Although the influence of the earth's veins is not as strong as the laws of heaven, it can overturn the rules of heaven if it persists for a long time."

"If the earth's veins are contaminated, what other effects will it have?"

"Pollution... It is indeed more appropriate to say this. In fact, the master does not know it, because he cut off the earth veins in order to prevent the polluted earth veins from continuing to affect all living things."

"The dead sacred tree is the severed earth vein. What is the connection between the three divine objects and the earth vein?"

"Those three divine objects are the spirits of the earth's veins."

"Isn't it cut off?"

"This cut only cuts off the connection between the earth veins and the outside world. You can understand it this way. The third is the soul of the earth veins. The master took out the spirit of the earth veins so that it would not continue to absorb polluted energy, but left the earth veins themselves. , Therefore, people in the world can still rely on earth veins to continue to survive, but they can no longer achieve results through cultivation."

(End of this chapter)

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