Chapter 484 Earth Vein Resurrection!

"Then Master respects him?"

"It's a pity. I think it's 90% possible that Taoist Hongjun has already traveled to the immortal world."

Although True Lord Qingyuan had long been forced to accept this fact, Li Fei emphasized it several times, which still broke his heart...

"I have a request, which is a bit presumptuous. I hope the true king can grant it."

Qingyuan Zhenjun returned to his old place at this time. Thinking of the past, he had already lost nine of his souls and seven souls. He didn't seem to be listening carefully to the people around him.

"Huh? What?"

"I want to take away these burial artifacts..."

"What! No!"

When Qingyuan Zhenjun heard this, he almost threw himself on the coffin to protect his master's relics.

"These magical artifacts are inseparable from the ancestors of Taoism. They even have the soul mark left by Taoist Master Hongjun. I want to take them away just in case. If something goes wrong with the earth line, maybe these magical artifacts can be passed through. Then contact... Taoist Hongjun from back then."

Li Fei specially emphasized the word 'back then', which meant that if something happened, he could ask the soul imprint left by the Taoist ancestor to help. After all, he was the one who knew the earth's veins best.

After a long time, Zhenjun Qingyuan was finally moved by Li Fei's words after some thought.

"It doesn't matter."

Take it away. They say that the Tao disappears after death, but he knows that his master's Tao has not disappeared. These magic weapons may really come in handy in the future.

After accompanying True Lord Qingyuan to pay homage to the founder of Taoism at the tomb, the group finally entered the cave.

The Earth Vein Sacred Tree is still the same as before, a dark tree trunk with a little sprout sprouting from it. It looks full of life and hope. But once they think about where the life of this tree trunk comes from, everyone just feels that it is full of life and creeps. .

"The time has come, let's begin."

Based on the clues provided by Qingyuan Zhenjun, Li Fei and others specially waited for a night with a clear sky and bright stars, because according to him, the Star Stone was the weakest among the three talents and needed the help of the stars to avoid being destroyed by the sun. The moon combines to suppress it, thus merging smoothly.

"It is the most gentle, and there is not much emphasis on driving it. Just go and pick a leaf from the Earth Vein Sacred Tree."

Qingyuan Zhenjun commanded Li Fei. When Li Fei reached out to pick the young leaves, he hesitated.

"Don't worry, you have the Star Stone with you, it won't do anything to you."


Li Fei was not worried about this. He hesitated because he was complaining in his heart: Who said that the Star Stone is not exquisite? This small piece of young leaves of the Earthly Vein Sacred Tree is worth tens of millions of lives!

Complaints are complaints, but Li Fei did as he was told. He picked off the small leaf and held it in his hand as if it weighed a thousand pounds.

Before True Lord Qingyuan could give his orders, the Star Stone and the leaves of the Earth Vein Sacred Tree were fused together. Li Fei once again felt the emotions of the Star Stone. After knowing that these three divine objects were the incarnations of the Earth Vein Spirit, he I discovered that it was not an illusion that I could vaguely feel the emotions of the Sun and Moon Stone before.

Earth veins are conscious and alive, like humans, with a body and a soul. The Star Stone looked very happy and satisfied at the moment. It even jumped a few times in Li Fei's hand, then flew up and circled around the Earth Vein Sacred Tree, like a child who was finally out of school and having fun on the playground.

"Don't worry about having fun, get to work!"

Li Fei didn't know why, so he was comparing it in his mind, so he just said such a sentence. What's even more strange is that the Star Stone actually seemed to understand it. After bouncing in place a few times, it directly broke through the dome of the crypt. , flying into the air.

The people in the cave followed the hole broken by the Star Stone and looked up to the sky following the trace of the Star Stone.

After the Star Stone left the cave, it seemed to have discovered the Sun, Moon, Yin and Yang Fish hanging in the sky, and ran to its little friend as quickly as possible.

In an instant, everyone saw a meteor, but this meteor was in reverse, flying from the ground to the sky.

After the Star Stone was lifted into the sky, the stars in the sky shone brightly, and the sun, moon, yin and yang fish hanging motionless in the sky also began to rotate slowly, as if they were ready to welcome the arrival of the Star Stone.

The Star Stone flew near the sun and the moon and began to break into pieces. The people watching below could not tell which ones were real stars and which ones were fragments of the Star Stone.

The star stone fragments shone together with the stars in the sky for a long time. The sun, moon, yin and yang, and fish rotated faster and faster. The original half-red and half-white appearance turned into a large pink disk due to the high-speed rotation.

The star stone fragments seemed to be attracted by this high-speed rotating disk, and began to gather little by little in the direction of the sun and moon. The dark blue ink-like night sky, the pink sun and moon, and the twinkling stars around them made it look aesthetically romantic. .

Li Fei shook his head to stop himself from these ridiculous thoughts. He looked up again and saw that the twinkling stars had dimmed. The sun, moon, yin and yang, fish in the sky, and the Qian, Kun, and Qian composed of star stone fragments finally appeared around them. The eight hexagrams Zhen, Xun, Kan, Li, Gen and Dui form a complete Bagua chart.

The Bagua Diagram suddenly emitted a dazzling light and shot toward the location of the earth veins. Li Fei and others were caught off guard and covered their eyes.

When the dazzling light dimmed, everyone in the cave saw that the earth vein sacred tree began to sprout branches and sprouts wildly. Even the dead tree stumps broke through the surrounding rocks and began to grow stronger and stronger.

"leave here."

In fact, there is no need for Qingyuan Zhenjun's reminder. None of the people present are fools. They know that they cannot stay in this cave.

The group of people hurriedly returned to the ground from the original path, but the branches and leaves of the Earth Vein Sacred Tree grew extremely fast, and this group of experts could only barely leave it behind.

Qingyuan Zhenren kept looking back at the ancient tomb that had been completely destroyed by the branches of the Earth Vein Sacred Tree. He felt very sad. In a blink of an eye, a branch that was growing rapidly passed directly through Qingyuan Zhenren's chest. Pierced his chest.


Everyone was originally just looking at the excitement, but now that they saw the power of the Earth Vein Sacred Tree with their own eyes, they put away their idle mentality and ran out with all their strength.

Shiranui Kiritsugu, the moment Qingyuan Zhenjun was injured, he quickly recalled him with quick eyesight and hands. Fortunately, it was the waiter who was injured. As long as his soul was not injured, the injury can basically be restored the next time he summons him. .

The group of people ran for nearly a mile or two, and the Earth Vein Sacred Tree finally stopped growing.

When everyone looked up, they were all shocked.

"Oh my God, I have never seen such a big tree, as big as a mountain!"

Shiranui Kiritsugu's description was not an exaggeration at all. The trunk of a fully grown Earthline Sacred Tree is as thick as hundreds of people surrounding it, and the diameter of the tree crown may be as long as one or two kilometers.

(End of this chapter)

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