Chapter 485: Fireworks Returning to the World

Fortunately, there was no one inhabited within a few dozen miles, otherwise the mere sound of the giant tree growing would have scared many children to tears.

"Is this earth vein sacred tree a bit too high-profile? Was it this big before?"

Chi You was very puzzled.

"You ask me who I'm going to ask? I've never seen him before."

Huang Di said he didn't know.

The two of them looked at Li Fei together, and Li Fei shook his head.

"The Earth Vein Sacred Tree was not this big before, but it suddenly grew like this now because of the sudden resurgence of the Earth Vein Spirit and the fact that it had absorbed too much life energy."

The spirit body of Qingyuan Zhenjun was summoned again. Because his body was injured, Shiranui Kiritsugu needed to spend some energy to help him repair it, but he figured it out on his own, so he was in the state of the spirit body.

"In other words, it grew so much all of a sudden that it didn't even stop the car?"

True Lord Qingyuan nodded helplessly.

"Will it shrink further?"

"It has enough energy now. When it returns the life force it has absorbed, it should shrink back to its normal size."

"That's good. It's too ostentatious now. Even if I send troops to guard it, it won't be easy to defend."

Li Fei secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"No need. The Earth Vein Sacred Tree is not an extraordinary thing. It cannot be penetrated by fire or water. It is also invulnerable to weapons and bullets. Ordinary people cannot hurt it."

"I'm not afraid that people will hurt it, I'm afraid that it will hurt people!"

Li Fei was a little angry. As soon as he said this, everyone thought of the scene where Qingyuan Zhenjun was stabbed through.

"Moreover, we don't know what consequences this pollution will cause. Since the Earth Vein Sacred Tree is the key, someone still needs to be watching at all times so that we can grasp the trends as soon as possible."

"Well, you're right."

Qingyuan Zhenjun is actually a person who is easily persuaded.

"By the way, after this earth vein was cut off and revived, will the pollution still be there? Why do I see that this tree is no different from an ordinary tree except that it is much larger?"

The innocent boy Shiranui Kiritsugu only believed in what he saw, but his waiter reminded him very thoughtfully:

"Go closer and take a closer look at the color of the leaves."

Hearing this, not only Shiranui Kiritsugu, but also Li Fei and three others stepped forward and picked up a leaf and looked at it carefully.

It doesn't matter if you don't see it, it's too weird at first glance. The emerald green leaves of the Earth Vein Divine Tree are actually covered with a strange luster. This luster will change with the change of the viewing angle. Sometimes it is blue, sometimes it is purple. After a while it turned silver again...

"This is a sacred tree that changes color when seen from a distance. It also has a metallic luster..."

Chi You quickly accepted the fact that the pollution of the earth's veins still existed, and chose to enjoy the hardship. It was really strange for everyone to imagine that scene.

In any case, Li Fei still dispatched 10,000 Tiger Army heroic troops to take the communication machine made by Du Mingyue to guard near the Earthly Vein Sacred Tree. If there were not many things waiting for him to deal with and arrange, he even wanted to personally Stay here.

After the earth's veins were revived, the vitality of the world was slowly restored bit by bit. The people of the Tang Dynasty found that the curse had been lifted, and everyone worshiped the national master Li Fei as a god. For a while, Li Fei became a god everywhere. The incense is particularly strong in front of the tablet.

People seeking marriage, children, wealth, immortality... all kinds of wishes come to Li Fei.

When Li Fei returned to Chang'an and passed by the outer city, he saw such a scene, which made him dumbfounded.

"I can't even eat so much incense. What a waste."

Huang Di sneered at him. "Want to eat incense? Now please sit down and transform into an immortal, so that you can eat the incense offered by thousands of people."

Chi You laughed heartily on the sidelines.

"Boss, the loss is still yours."

Li Fei decided to shut up and not give these two losers any chance to have fun.

It would take a long time to return to Chang'an this time, so Li Fei did not rush to the palace to talk to Li Tai about official matters, but took Huang Di and Chi You back to his mansion in Chang'an.

Before he entered the gate of the Imperial Prefect's Mansion, he saw a short figure jumping towards him quickly with short legs. Li Fei subconsciously caught the little dumpling, and only after seeing his face clearly did he remember that he seemed to have something. Son...


A trace of guilt for Li Yao arose in Li Fei's heart, and in order to cover up his guilty conscience, he became extra enthusiastic.

"Hey, good boy, let your father see if you are growing taller."

After that, Li Fei picked up Li Yao and jumped him a few times, making Li Yao very happy.

"It seems to have sunk a little, and my face looks better. Not bad."

Li Yao understood the meaning of this sentence, and he was busy reporting his recent performance to Li Fei.

"I eat five meals a day! Aunt Yue said that the more you eat, the faster you grow. I want to be as tall as my father!"

"Then it will take some time..."

Li Fei had never taken care of a child before, and he felt uncomfortable no matter how he held him. In the end, he put Li Yao under the creaking nest and took him all the way to the Imperial Preceptor's Mansion. Li Yao did not dislike him as a plastic father, and chatted with Li Fei without saying a word. Must be quite happy.

"What's going on? You held him like this and made him vomit. He just finished a bowl of milk soup!"

When Du Mingyue saw this strange father and son entering the door, he quickly went up to snatch Li Yao from Li Fei's hand and put it gently on the ground. Li Yao seemed to prove that what Du Mingyue said was true, and even hit him when he landed. Loud burps.

Du Mingyue was so frightened that she quickly touched his back to comfort him, but left Li Fei alone.

"A bit like a mother-in-law."

Li Fei couldn't help but tease Du Mingyue, making her blush.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Food and bath water have been prepared for you. Should you eat first or wash up first?"

Li Fei looked back at Huang Di and Chi You. Since he had arrived at his home, he must take care of his guests first.

"Let's take a shower first, it's almost rancid."

Huang Di raised his hand and smelled his sleeves, looking very disgusted with himself, so the three of them decided to wash themselves and change into comfortable clothes before eating.

The Imperial Prefect's family has a big business, so there is no shortage of people to serve them. Du Mingyue arranged separate small courtyards and servants for Huang Di and Chi You, while Li Fei did it herself.

"Why did Yao'er come to the house?"

Du Mingyue was waiting for Li Fei to undress and undress, and the two people who hadn't seen each other for a long time started to make housework.

"The Holy One said that if you are not in Chang'an, he will be the young master of the house. Send him back to stay for a while from time to time. This will save no one from knowing him."

Li Fei instantly understood Li Tai's intentions, and a warm feeling surged into his heart. As the king of a country, not only working day and night on state affairs, but also worrying about his family affairs, he was also a very considerate person.

(End of this chapter)

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