Chapter 495 The Mayan Civilization Discovered

Li Fei was worried about this for a while at first, until Lucifer persuaded him.

"I think this is very good. Everyone's energy is limited. You can't ask them to be good at them all. That would be unrealistic. But it is precisely because of their own strengths that they can become each other's most reliable partners in the future."

It can be said that a word awakened the dreamer. Previously, Li Fei only thought about cultivating all-round talents, but such geniuses are rare in a thousand years. They are already considered the best among them, but they still cannot meet Li Fei's requirements.

So why can't we treat them as a team, as a whole? This kind of power should be stronger than a single one.

After figuring this out, Li Fei no longer had any worries and allowed them to delve into the areas they were good at. Even if they had shortcomings, they would have a partner to make up for them.

As a result, Li Fei began to deliberately cultivate their team awareness. After they had initially adjusted well, it was almost the end of the year.

Time flies, and time flies by.

It has been almost a year since Noah College officially opened its doors, and the New Year of the Tang Dynasty is coming soon. According to convention, students should be given a break and allowed to go home at this time.

However, the students of Noah Academy come from all over the world. Except for Xiao Sizi and Xiao Yinyin, the journey home for everyone else is too long, so Li Fei plans to bring all the teachers and students from the academy back to Chang'an for the New Year.

It just so happened that he hadn't been back for a long time. Although he and Li Tai had been exchanging letters, some things still required him to come forward in person and it would be more appropriate to discuss them in person.

When the students knew that they could go to Chang'an, they were all overjoyed. No matter whether it was the New Year or the holidays, as long as they could leave this endless grassland and this square building and go out for a walk, it would be a happy thing.

"Don't be too happy yet. We will be away from the academy for a long time this time. This is also your first trial since you entered school. Treat me well!"

In front of everyone who was curious, Li Fei just gave up and refused to tell the content of the trial. He only said one sentence.

"We'll know when the time comes."

As the new year is approaching, a group of people from Noah College returned to Chang'an in a grand manner and were warmly welcomed by Tang Emperor Li Tai.

A palace banquet of high standard but small scale was held in the Daming Palace. The palace people only knew that the palace banquet was to welcome the national master Li Fei who had not returned to the capital for a long time. They did not know the identities of the other colleges at the banquet.

"Brother, thank you for your hard work."

Li Tai gave the first glass of wine to Li Fei as a matter of course.

"Thank you for your hard work, Your Majesty."

Li Fei retorted, in addition to offering wine to the academy, he was actually a great teacher of the Tang Dynasty. He left Chang'an for a long time for the academy, and many things fell on Li Tai's shoulders. During this time, Li Fei has been carrying great pressure to push Noah The college is on track, and so is Li Tai.

Without Li Fei to help him, even though he had many capable people, he still couldn't avoid being busier than usual.

"Welcome, everyone."

Li Taijing gave the second glass of wine to the students and teachers who had come from a foreign country. Lucifer and others picked up the wine glasses and said loudly:

"Thank you, His Majesty the Emperor."

Then there was another round of etiquette and politeness. After all, there were outsiders present, so Li Tai couldn't be too casual, lest he lose his temperament as the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty and damage the majesty of the Celestial Kingdom.

After three drinks, everyone was full and full. Li Tai saw that everyone began to relax and focused on the song and dance performance at the banquet, so he took the time to chat with Li Fei about business.

"What I said to the emperor in the letter earlier has come to fruition." Li Fei was surprised and raised his eyebrows.

"Oh? News from the other side of the ocean?"

"Yes, the journey this time is really too far, and it took a long time to pass through the polar regions. We sent out many batches of outstanding spies, and then we got the news back. If you don't come back this time, I will also write Let me tell you about this."

"How is the result?"

"There is indeed a very large empire on that continent..."

The continent that Li Tai mentioned was the American continent far across the ocean. Li Fei had told Li Tai about this a few years ago. There was a very mysterious ancient civilization on that distant continent. They were studying mathematics. The calculations and astronomical calendar have reached unprecedented heights for mankind, and they even have the ability to predict.

This is a mystery that even modern people cannot solve. Li Fei thought that if this civilization could be preserved and passed down before it became extinct, then human civilization might evolve to another scene.

"It's called the Mayan Empire."

Li Fei was not surprised or surprised at all. His purpose was to find the Mayan civilization, but he could not tell Li Tai why he knew about the existence of this empire.

At first, he only asked Li Tai to send people to walk along the easternmost coastline until they reached the northernmost point. After crossing a strait, they could reach another continent.

Li Tai had absolute trust in Li Fei. He did what Li Fei said and made an unprecedented move. Under the circumstances where everything was unknown, he deployed a large amount of manpower and material resources to search for Li Fei. The empire that no one knew existed.

In this era of very backward technology, passing through the mainland is more reliable and safer than crossing the ocean. Even if the journey is far away and takes longer, there is no hesitation.

After Li Tai's confirmation, he wanted to go to the American continent, which was a sign of success.

"It's just that, according to the news from the spies, that empire is not as advanced as the emperor said. They don't have wheeled vehicles and travel on foot or riding wild animals. Many of the labor tools we have are not as advanced as theirs. No, it’s still in the most primitive living condition.”

At the beginning, Li Fei only told Li Tai that there might be a very advanced civilization on that continent. If he could use it for his own use or learn a thing or two, it would benefit the future of Datang a lot.

However, the information Li Tai received made him confused. He really couldn't see what this empire, which didn't even know how to use tools, could learn from.

"You don't have to worry about these. It's precisely because we have what they don't have that we have the conditions for negotiation."

Li Tai nodded, feeling that what Li Fei said made sense.

"Then what does the emperor plan? If we want to march there, I am afraid that the power of the whole country will not be enough..."

After all, the Eurasian continent and the American continent are really too far apart. Even if they pass through the Bering Strait, they still need to pass through a long stretch of land coastline.

If there is a march with a scale of tens of thousands, not to mention how many are left to arrive successfully, the materials required will be an astronomical figure.

Even if the Tang Dynasty was powerful, it could not afford it or bear it.

(End of this chapter)

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