Chapter 496 Build a car!

Li Fei naturally took into account these concerns of Li Tai. If he asked Li Tai to search for the Mayan civilization before in order to integrate inheritance and expand power, then there is no need to waste too much time and money.

But now, the sacred tree of earth veins is polluted, unknown forces from the cosmic star field hang high above the head like the Sword of Dalmos, and the end of mankind is coming. Then this mysterious Mayan empire must be investigated at all costs. .

"What is the emperor's plan?"

As far as Li Tai is concerned, he will do his best to help Li Fei do what he wants to do, but as he is not only Li Fei's younger brother, but also the leader of a country, he has to consider the common people.

Therefore, if Li Fei insists on strategic expansion, this matter will be really difficult to handle.

"I will take the teachers and students of the college with me."

Li Tai was surprised.

"Without an army?"

In fact, Li Fei was also considering whether to take some of the elite Yin Spirit troops of the Tiger and Ben Army to go there, but thinking that they were going to such a large new continent and facing such a mysterious empire and civilization, it was impossible to do it forcefully. They could only rely on There is no use in outmaneuvering people.

"No, I left the Yinling troops of the Tiger and Ben Army in Chang'an. The march is too slow. We must go back quickly."

Hearing Li Fei say this, Li Tai secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

In the following time, Li Fei took the Noah Academy group to stay in Chang'an for the New Year, and took the time to prepare supplies and equipment.

The journey this time is far away, and the difficulty of the expedition is not comparable to any previous one. Even if the four demigods and a group of special people go there, it will be quite difficult. Therefore, the preparations before the trip must not be careless.

Li Fei was discussing with Du Mingyue and Song Jiang in the courtyard of the Imperial Academy a plan to revise the transportation machinery. A small head poked out of the archway with a face full of joy.

"Father! Mother!"

Li Fei looked over after hearing the sound and found that Li Yao had returned from the palace and waved to him.

"Come on, does Master give you a day off?"

Li Yao walked up to Li Fei obediently. One year had passed. Li Yao had grown a lot taller. He could not climb mountains like he did when he was a child. Li Fei sat on his knees and could only sit on a small stone bench beside him.

It has to be said that the nobility in the palace nourishes people. When Li Yao was first brought back, he was still a thin and shriveled village boy with a timid and sensitive expression.

Now Li Fei could actually see in him the elegant and indifferent temperament of a young prince of the royal family.

"Well, Taifu said that tomorrow is the New Year, and he gave us a month's leave. After the first month, the court meeting resumed, and we went back to class."

"Your master is quite reasonable."

Li Fei thought of his resolute and iron-blooded tactics in the academy, which made all the students with special abilities miserable, and he suddenly felt a little ashamed.

"I want to go to my father's academy."

In the past, Li Yao would never dare to make any demands to Li Fei. Now he dares to speak. This is actually a good thing. It shows that he has accepted his new identity from the bottom of his heart and is full of confidence in himself. He has regained his childhood. nature.

"Huh? Did the Holy One tell you?"

Li Fei raised his eyebrows. Unexpectedly, Li Tai actually told Li Yao about opening a college.

"The Holy One said that as long as I study hard with the Taifu, I can become my father's student in the future."

"Nonsense, father will always be father. You can go to Noah Academy, but not now."

Li Yao was a little disappointed.

"Is it because I'm too young? Auntie and the others can go..." "Yes, you are still too young. Let's wait until you grow up."

Li Fei kind of rejected Li Yao's request, but he didn't reject it completely. After the child was lost for a while, his attention was quickly attracted by the drawings and mechanisms at the hands of Li Fei and others.

"Want to learn?"

Hearing Li Fei ask this, Li Yao's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Yeah. I want to learn!"

"This picture shows an off-road vehicle."

"Father, I only know about ox-carts and horse-drawn carriages."

"It's almost the same. They're all used for carrying people and things, but they don't need oxen and horses to pull them."

"Wow, how do these wheels move?"

"Well, this is it. It's called a gear. Use the gear lever to make it rotate."

Li Yao listened very carefully, and Li Fei also taught very seriously. As his son, whether he is a genius or a mediocre person, he is destined to be extraordinary in the future and will not be constrained by this worldly concept. There are some things that only he can teach. As long as Li Yao is willing to learn, he will never hide anything.

Judging from the abilities of Li Fei and his group, this trip to the Mayan Empire is absolutely impossible if they can borrow tools. Under the current conditions, it is impossible to build a plane to fly there, but it is still possible to build a few off-road vehicles. The engines are complicated. There is no need for special equipment, the special abilities of a few of them are the best motivation.

With transportation, considerable time can be saved on the road.

Before Li Yao came back, the three of them were discussing how to adapt the car to the polar environment of ice and snow, as well as issues such as the loss of battery life.

Fortunately, Li Yao is still young now, and the only things he has learned are the Six Arts of the Gentleman, Ritual, Music, Shooting, and Imperial Books taught by Taifu. Other than that, he is still blank in all other fields.

Therefore, he knew that Li Fei was very powerful and could build a four-wheeled car, but he did not realize that this was beyond his ability of this era, so he accepted it very well.

So, Li Yao happily welcomed his first New Year in Chang'an with a lot of new knowledge.

Early in the New Year morning, Li Yao paid New Year greetings to Li Fei and Du Mingyue and received red envelopes. The family of three went to the palace to attend the New Year banquet.

As in previous years, on the first day of the new year, all the royal family members will enter the palace to pay their respects and attend the palace banquet. It is considered a happy day for family reunion.

Because it was a family dinner, there were not as many rules as in the past, and the brothers and sisters chatted casually.

"I just received a letter from my father this morning, saying that he won't be back for the New Year..."

Li Tai took out the letter Li Shimin gave him, which also included a red envelope for Li Fei.

The moment he saw Hong Feng, Li Fei probably had the same thought as Li Tai. This old man was so playful that he didn't even go home during the New Year.

The two brothers' mouths twitched, they held their foreheads and were speechless. They only felt a headache.

"It's good that he's safe and sound. I guess he feels like there are too many New Year's gifts and he's too lazy to come back and deal with them."

Li Fei could only comfort Li Tai in this way.

The two brothers chatted for a while, and then they heard the crowd starting to boo. It turned out to be parents' favorite part, the children's nightmare part, the talent show.

Originally, such rules were set up at the family banquet to give those clan children who were about to come of age a chance to perform. The boys expected to show themselves at the banquet and win the favor of the emperor, so that they could find a good future for themselves, and the girls also I hope that I can leave a good impression in front of my clan members, gain a good reputation, and have a satisfactory marriage in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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