Chapter 497: Awarded the title of Crown Prince!

7. In addition to the transcendental status of the emperor's immediate family members, the collateral members of the Li family also have rare opportunities to meet the emperor a few times a year, so they must seize them.

But what no one expected was that while all the half-grown men and half-grown girls were humbly giving each other a favor over who could go up first, the prince walked to the center of the hall first with his chubby short legs and performed immediately. Recited a thousand-character essay.

Suddenly, the sound of patting horses could be heard.

"Okay, His Highness the Crown Prince is smart and extremely talented. He is a great blessing to the country."

Everyone doesn't like to hear people praise their children. Li Tai suddenly became very happy and gave a bunch of rewards to the prince who looked like he didn't know what was going on and the queen who was smiling from ear to ear.

"Yao'er has learned swordsmanship well. Would you like him to dance for you?"

This actually surprised Li Fei. He had been absent from the capital for a long time and had missed a lot of his children's growth and learning. He actually had to be reminded by Li Tai to find out.

"Okay, I haven't seen it yet."

Li Yao did not expect that he would also have the opportunity to perform on stage, but he had long wanted to find an opportunity to show Li Fei what he had learned this year, and now that he had received Li Tai's permission, it was just what he wanted.

Taking the tailor-made dagger, Li Yaoshi walked to the center of the hall and began to dance with the sword to the sweet sound of silk and bamboo.

"Don't tell me, it's really impressive."

Li Fei was very happy when he saw Li Yao dancing with sword in full swing.

"It's just a bit of a showpiece and of little practical use."

Li Tai couldn't help but raise his forehead when he saw that Li Fei was happy and soon started to find fault with his son.

"How can we really teach them how to fight in actual combat? How old are they?"

Li Fei glanced at Li Tai, feeling a little disgusted.

"I'm not young anymore. I remember that the commander of the Royal Forest Army is a good swordsman. Yao'er will ask him to teach him in the future. He must teach you real skills and don't do these fancy tricks."

"What should I do if I'm injured?"

"I don't even feel sorry for my son. Why do you feel so distressed?"

"Okay, you have the final say."

Li Yao didn't know that his talent in swordsmanship, which was praised by his martial arts master as unparalleled in the world, was actually just a show of talent in the eyes of his father. After finishing the song, Li Yao put his sword behind his back and looked at Li Yao expectantly. fly.

No matter how strict Li Feirao is, he will not undermine the child's self-confidence. He will praise him when he deserves it.

"Yes, I learned swordsmanship very well."

After being praised by his father, Li Yao almost burst into laughter, and then he heard Li Tai ask him.

"What reward does Yao'er want?"

To be honest, Li Yao's treatment in the palace is similar to that of the prince. Except for some etiquette regulations, which are slightly lower, he has everything else that the prince has. For a while, he really can't think of anything missing. .

"Uncle Huang, Yao'er wants his father to stay in Chang'an for a while."

Li Yao learned the etiquette of a king and his ministers from the Taifu, and knew that Li Tai was the king of a country and Li Fei was a minister of the king. He thought that Li Fei was busy all year round just to run errands for Li Tai, but he didn't know that Li Tai couldn't do it. Li Fei's master.

"I'm afraid your father has the final say on this."

Seeing that Li Tai did not agree, Li Yao also knew not to embarrass his elders. "Then Yao'er won't be lacking anything."

"Come, come to Uncle Huang."

Li Tai called Li Yao to him, took a piece of jade from the eunuch behind him and placed it on Li Yao's waist.

"Yao'er is so dignified and polite, and has both civil and military skills. He is really the son of my Li family and deserves to be a heir apparent."

As soon as Li Tai said this, not to mention all the clan members, even Li Fei was surprised. After all, what Li Tai said was an imperial edict. Saying such words in front of the clan members was equivalent to giving Li Yao a crown prince. After Li Fei's identity, Li Yao would be a serious prince a hundred years later.

If it were another person, he would definitely be dissatisfied with Li Tai's practice of deciding the heir for others without authorization, but these are trivial matters to Li Fei. After a brief moment of surprise, he did not object. Instead, he reminded Li Yao:

"What are you doing standing there and not thanking me?"

"Yao'er thanks uncle Huang for the reward."

At this time, Li Yao didn't understand what the title of Crown Prince meant, but he just thought that the jade that the emperor's uncle gave him was very beautiful.

"Every prince will be given an heirloom jade when he gets married. Because the emperor's brother lived abroad when he was young, the father did not prepare it for you. I found a piece of jade with excellent quality earlier, so I ordered Someone beat up a piece of jade and brought it out, please don't blame me for taking matters into your own hands."

After Li Yao received the reward, Li Tai explained to Li Fei.

"How could it be? You are doing it for us, father and son. How could I not know your painstaking efforts?"

Once Li Fei embarks on the journey to the Mayan Empire, he will leave for who knows how many years. When the time comes, there will be no one in charge of the affairs of the Imperial Prefect's Office, and Li Yao will inevitably suffer some injustice.

No matter how good Li Tai was to him, he would still encounter situations where it would be inconvenient for him to come to protect him. This was one of the reasons.

The other is that they are afraid that Li Fei will disappear for too long, and the people of the Tang Dynasty feel that the Imperial Preceptor's Office is going to be disbanded, leaving a little master behind to calm people's hearts.

Li Fei can understand these reasons with just a little thought, so he fully understands Li Tai's intentions, let alone blaming him.

After spending the first month in Chang'an and resting and preparing for more than a month, Li Fei led a group of people from Noah College to build four 'off-road vehicles'. Although these vehicles were based on the functions of modern off-road vehicles, after they were actually made, Except for the four wheels and one compartment, everything else is completely different. From the outside, it actually looks more like an armored vehicle.

This was also a drawing that Li Fei and Du Mingyue discussed for a long time before settling on it. Li Fei initially thought that lightness was the priority, as long as it could run, but women were more careful after all. For the convenience of traveling, many opening and closing mechanisms were set up on the car body. There are even some mechanisms with offensive or defensive functions.

In the end, when all the mechanisms were put away, the finished car looked more like a wooden box wrapped in iron sheets, which made Li Fei shake his head.


I miss Hyundai's beautiful and streamlined sports cars.

"You have a lot to do, and practicality is the most important. It's such a short time, so it would be great if you can get it done."

Du Mingyue pouted, expressing dissatisfaction.

"Yes, yes, you are right, my baby Yueyue is the most powerful."

After getting everything ready, it was already the end of February, and Li Fei and others were ready to wait until early March when the spring flowers bloomed before setting off.

In this way, as they headed north, the weather got warmer, the ice melted and the snow melted, and the road became easier to walk.

On his last day in Chang'an, Li Fei specially took Li Yao back to the Imperial Prefect's Mansion and had a long talk with him.

"Father will leave Chang'an tomorrow. It will take a long time to come back after this trip. It may take two or three years at the earliest, or three or five years at the earliest. By the time I come back, you will be a big boy."

(End of this chapter)

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