Chapter 498 The first trial mission!

Hearing that Li Fei was leaving for such a long time, Li Yao's eyes suddenly turned red and tears flowed from his eyes.

Li Fei patiently wiped the tears from his face.

"Don't cry. Listen to your father. After I leave, the Imperial Preceptor's Mansion and the Yinling Army of the Huben Army will be handed over to you. The people in the Mansion and the army will obey your instructions. If you don't understand anything, Wherever you are, you can go to the palace and ask your uncle Huang for advice, and you can ask him for help if you encounter difficulties."

"Although you are only seven years old now, and many children at your age still act coquettishly at the knees of their parents, you are my son, Li Fei, and you are destined to be different from other children. You must grow up quickly."

"It's not that your father doesn't allow you to have the innocence of a child, but that mankind will soon face a huge disaster. Keeping you in Chang'an is to take over the Tang Dynasty for your father. You have to use the power left to you. Help people in need, benefit the people, and never do evil, otherwise, when I come back, I won’t be the first to spare you.”

Li Yao nodded while sobbing. He felt very sad when he heard Li Fei's words, as if he was explaining his funeral affairs. But thinking that these words he told him were very important, he didn't dare to miss a word, and he remembered them all. In my heart.

"Yes, Yao'er remembers it."

Seeing Li Yao's obedient and obedient manner, patting his chest and promising himself despite his grievances, Li Fei patted his head in relief.

"Good boy, I've wronged you."

Li Yao shook his head.

"Don't be wronged. Yao'er should do what he should do. Father and mother will come back as soon as possible."

The child is so sensible, so sensible that it makes Li Fei feel bad.

"Your uncle Huang taught you very well."

"Because Yao'er is his father's child."

He is Li Fei's child. He must bear his responsibilities. He must be precocious and sensible. These are things that Li Tai cannot teach. Although the two are not related by blood, Li Fei alone gives him a new life and gives him a new life. The status is enough for him to strive to inherit all the advantages of Li Fei.

Until they drove away from Chang'an, Du Mingyue was still worried about Li Yao. Li Fei put his arm around her shoulders and hugged him.

"Are you worried about Yao'er?"


The night before, Du Mingyue heard all the conversation between father and son outside the door.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine."

"He is still so young, how can you put so much pressure on him."

"Yao'er was born ordinary and has no bloodline talent. He may be an ordinary person all his life. If there is peace in the world, I would be happy to raise him to be a carefree young master. But now, I hope that he can be safe in the future disasters. Survive."

"Don't blame me for being cruel. This is all for his own good."

Only Li Fei knows that how much hardship he endured as a child will lead to how capable he will be when he grows up. He is not incapable of protecting his child, but he does not want his child to be nothing without him. He even hopes that he can stand alone and stand side by side with him in the future. Combat.

Perhaps this was the difference between father and mother on the issue of raising children, and he did not want to correct Du Mingyue's views.

For the Noah College group, the journey was quite comfortable in the first few days after leaving Chang'an. They could find inns or farmhouses to stay, so they didn't have to sleep in the open.

But the further north you go, the colder the weather becomes and the fewer people there are. Until you leave the border of Datang, it is covered with ice and white snow for thousands of miles.

"Tsk, tsk, it's almost the beginning of summer. Why is it still so cold in the north? The ice in the lake can't even melt."

Shiranui Kiritsugu, who grew up in the tiny land of Ryukyu, naturally had no idea how big the world was and had never encountered such an extreme climate.

"Drink something to warm yourself up."

Li Fei handed Shiranui Kiritsugu a pot of strong liquor. The demigods were okay, and they could withstand the extreme weather. However, this inaccessible place, which was very unsuitable for human survival, would still make several students and The teacher feels uncomfortable.

Thanks to his supernatural body protection, his physical fitness is much stronger than that of ordinary people, otherwise he would have frozen to death on the road. "It should be in Russia."

Chi You went out to explore the road and came back and expressed his judgment.

"There are no living people within hundreds of miles, let alone villages."

In fact, since they left the border of the Tang Dynasty, they rarely encountered human settlements. Even if they did, they were nomadic herdsmen. Their whereabouts were not exposed much, and they always chose sparsely populated routes.

"Is there a birch forest nearby?"


"Go get some blind bears."


"What do you want to do?"

"After traveling for so many days, taking them out, always let them move around, so as not to forget what they have learned and become rusty in their skills."

Chi You and Huang Di immediately understood Li Fei's intention, which was to conduct special training in the wild.

"Little guys, gather together!"

Listening to Li Fei's call to assemble, the eight students seemed to be in a dream, as if they had returned to the days when they were still at Noah College. However, their bodies had already formed a conditioned reflex. Even if they could not figure out the situation, they all got out of the car one after another. Line up in front of Li Fei.

"There is a birch forest ten miles ahead. There are brown bears in the forest, but I don't know how many there are. You go there now, give it a day, and each of you can hunt one back before dark."

This is the first trial task that the students received after leaving the academy. For some students, this task is as simple as eating and drinking, and they regard it as a chance for Li Fei to warm up.

"Note, it's one per person. No matter what method you use, you must abide by this prerequisite."

Li Fei then added that the ones who were tested the most in this trial were Xiao Sizi and Xiao Yinyin. Li Fei's condition was to restrict the other six students from helping them complete the task directly.

After the eight students received the mission and set off, Li Fei and others got into the car, spread out a simple version of the world map and began to plan the next route.

This map was drawn by Li Fei, Huang Di and Chi You based on their memories. In the past few days, they were perfecting some details on the map while traveling.

If you want to frequently communicate with the Mayan Empire in the future, this map will be very important before you build ships that can travel for long periods of time.

"I wonder what happened to those little guys."

Du Mingyue is still more worried about the situation of Xiao Sizi and Xiao Yinyin, but she is not as good as Li Fei and others, who have everything under control.

"You'll know if you take a look."

After that, Huangdi brought a basin of water and stroked his palm on the water. Suddenly, an image appeared on the water like a mirror.

"Alberts also has divinity. As long as you get his consent, you can use the Mirror Flower Water Moon Technique to see everything he sees in his eyes."

Ripples passed through the water mirror, and the picture quickly became clear.

Apparently, Alberts arranged for him to walk at the back of the team, and Li Fei was very satisfied with his arrangement.

He is not only the squad leader, but also the strongest one among the eight. From this position, he can see the situation of the seven at any time, and if there is an accident, he can take immediate action to protect them.

(End of this chapter)

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