Chapter 500 Mission Completed

After Alberts and others got rid of the first brown bear, they have been alerting the surroundings, paying attention to the brown bear's companions who may appear at any time. The only figures left in the woods are the figure of Shiranui Kiritsugu jumping up and down, and a boy who is being beaten by various things. The impotent and furious brown bear teased by a spell.

"Save your strength and fight quickly."

The squad leader was well aware of Shiranui Kiritsugu's mentality. In order to prevent him from being too consumed by showing off his skills and unable to cope with the subsequent battles, he had to give a verbal reminder.

"Okay, monitor!"

"Ice Blade!"

Shiranui Kiritsugu threw the last spell, and a half-meter-long ice pick appeared in the air and pierced the brown bear's body. Shiranui Kiritsugu clapped his hands, feeling a little proud.

"mission completed!"

"Stop yelling, there are more than ten here, get ready to fight!"

Hilt was speechless for this middle school boy.

Sure enough, as Schilt said, the brown bear that originally came upon hearing the call smelled the bloody smell of the same kind when it walked in, and began to run towards the direction of the students.

The four people who went down to fight finally began to become serious. When the bears arrived, the cold light of weapons, the fire of weapons, and the colors of various spells flashed one after another among the bears.

Soon, more than a dozen brown bears fell down, and Xiao Sizi reminded from the tree:

"Save some for us!"

"Exactly four."

Alberts did not forget that they were here to complete the task. Li Fei only said to let them find a way, and their way was to leave the four smallest brown bears for the four partners who were not good at close combat.


Xiu's faint voice came and he activated his speech spirit. Three of the four brown bears were frozen in place and unable to move.

Xiao Sizi was the first to rush down and took out his firearm to kill the released brown bear. Then Xiao Yinyin and Rolanda also completed their tasks in the same way.

Finally, there was only one brown bear left. Xiu slowly walked up to the brown bear, stretched out his finger, and a small cluster of pure white flames ignited on his fingertips, just like a miniature version of Lucifer's angel flame.

The finger burning with pure white flames lightly tapped the brown bear's forehead, and the brown bear suddenly fell down. There was no external injury, and it was indeed dead.

This was a very exciting battle, but the teachers who saw it all with the Mirror Flower Water Moon Technique were discussing another matter.

"This can't be considered cheating, right?"

Song Jiang believed that even if he was present, he would not necessarily do better than the students. At least he did not have the ability to trap four intact brown bears.

Coupled with Li Fei's strict requirements, he was actually a little worried that Li Fei would judge the three female students as unqualified.

"They can barely be considered qualified."

In fact, this was the first real battle for the eight students. Fortunately, the opponents were a group of brown bears with low intelligence. If they were replaced by some intelligent creatures, such as humans, then their battle would expose more problems.

By the time the eight students returned, it was already dark and a fire had already been lit next to the car. "Sacrifice wine, we have meat to eat!"

Shiranui Kiritsugu happily offered several bear paws as their trophies.

Li Fei took the bear's paw and skewered it with branches and roasted it on the fire. While waiting for the meal, he began to rate the students' performance today.

"A-grade, Schilte, Xiu. The performance of the other seven people is all deficient."



The four people who killed the most bears were obviously puzzled by Li Fei's rating. Even Alberts, who had always admired Li Fei, didn't look good.

"First of all, Alberts, you are the squad leader and the captain. When commanding the battle, you did not make reasonable use of the strength of everyone in the team. This shows that you do not know everyone well enough. The abilities of Xiu and Yinyin are not enough for this battle." It is of great help, but you directly isolate them because they are not good at close combat. This not only underestimates the enemy, but also does not trust the performance of your partners. In terms of personal performance, you are first-class, but as a commander For me, you are not qualified."

"Secondly, Adolf and Kiritsugu, one of you is too impulsive, and the other is too underestimating the enemy. As an assassin, impulsiveness is a taboo. I don't need to say more. You understand that without knowing the enemy, you can take action without permission. As a result, the enemy is angered and points are deducted! Showing off your skills on the battlefield is a sign of underestimating the enemy. If the enemy is not a brown bear at this time, but a human or other intelligent creature, during the time when Kiritsugu you are showing off your skills, it is enough. Got killed a hundred times!"

"Rolanda, you don't have the courage to be independent and calm. When you rely on your partners, you also need to be someone they can rely on. You failed to do that."

"Xiao Sizi, this is not your area of ​​expertise today. Let's not comment for now. Yinyin is the worst performer. Your shortcoming is that you keep yourself out of the situation. In fact, when they were fighting, you could take action many times, but You chose not to move. Sometimes on the battlefield, you have to choose to assess the situation and not just follow orders. When the commander makes mistakes in his orders, you must learn to make your own decisions."

"For example, when Alberts left you in the tree, you could have offered to participate in the battle in your own way, but you didn't."

These words not only pointed out the problems exposed by the students in this battle, but also pointed out in disguise the flaws in some of their characters and the areas that could be improved.

I originally thought that this was just a simple mission, but no one could have imagined that Li Fei, who was serving as a sacrificial wine, could see so many things in this mission.

The feeling of excitement for completing the task was instantly poured with a basin of cold water, which made my heart feel cold.

"Of course, overall, everyone's performance this time is very good. The team needs to work together, otherwise I wouldn't take you out of the academy. Why do you come all the way?"

"Think carefully about what I said and look forward to your next performance."

What is this called? This is called carrot and stick, give a slap and then give sweet dates.

After eating the sweet dates, the students finally felt in the mood to eat again.

After resting for a night outside the birch forest, Li Fei took everyone on the road and continued on their way. Further north, not to mention humans, even animals became increasingly rare.

Fortunately, a group of people walked along the coastline and found inanimate animals on land and in the sea. The physical fitness of this group of people was so strong that even if they didn't eat for a few days, it wouldn't be a big problem. That's precisely because In this way, we will not starve to death on the road.

"Tell me, we have suffered so much, how did the spies sent by Li Xiaotai come back alive?"

Chi You endured hardships and hardships all the way, which really gave him a deeper understanding of the four words "hardship and hardship".

(End of this chapter)

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