Chapter 501 Demigods of the Mayan Empire

"The power of belief is very powerful. They have been loyal to the Tang Dynasty and to the Holy One throughout their lives, even if they use their own flesh and blood to pave a way."

"And they don't move as fast as we do. It's not too difficult to find a place with supplies to rest and resupply."

Although Li Fei explained this, he also admired those who opened the way from the bottom of his heart. Perhaps looking at the entire world for thousands of years, only the descendants of China can possess such resilience and perseverance.

The same goes for the Noah Academy group. They are even more desperate than the spies. They have a clear purpose for their trip and focus on their journey. They usually only stop for five or six days to rest.

The rest camps always choose places where there are living things, either animals or plants. Along the way, you can see what species diversity is.

Many species had never been seen in the Tang Dynasty, Persia, East Asia and even Western Europe, but they saw them all on their way across the continent and ocean.

Soon, the group finally arrived at the Bering Strait.

It was summer in the northern hemisphere, the ice in the Bering Strait had already melted, the sun was shining brightly, and the sea was calm and calm.

"Sacrifice wine, this, this, are we going to get there?"

Looking at the vast sea in front of him, Shiranui Kiritsugu was a little at a loss. They had traveled by land all the way, and they were running quite fast in a four-wheeled car. It was good now that no one told him that they had to cross the sea.

So, in front of everyone's surprised eyes, four vehicles called "off-road vehicles" that were actually machines were combined together. Du Mingyue activated the machine, and the appearance of the vehicles changed. The wheels turned into propellers, and the body It became a cabin.

A strange-looking ship appeared in front of everyone.

All the students present had also learned mechanism skills from Du Mingyue, and it was self-evident how much ingenuity was required to create such an ingenious design.

I heard exclamations coming and going, and everyone was in admiration.

"Come on board."

With curiosity and even curiosity, the students boarded the boat one by one, looked around and touched every ingenious part on the boat, wanting to take it apart and study it carefully.

If Du Mingyue hadn't stopped them, the ship might have been dismantled as soon as it set sail.

At first, everyone was not very interested in machine skills, and they didn't understand why Li Fei insisted on arranging this course. In order to complete the academy's courses, they reluctantly learned it. Without any intention, they could only learn some superficial knowledge. .

Now that I saw this scene of a big transformation of the ship, I was really impressed by Du Mingyue, and I was also in awe of the Mohist machine skills from the bottom of my heart.

"Teacher Du, you never said in class that the mechanism technique is so powerful."

Indeed, when Du Mingyue was in class, he started with some very small mechanisms. For example, the grappling hook in the sleeves they used in the woods was one of them. Everyone made their own sleeves.

Students have always believed that these small mechanisms are too simple, even so simple that they are useless. Take climbing a tree as an example. Even without the assistance of a grappling hook, everyone has their own method to do it.

"Is it because I didn't talk in class, or because you didn't listen carefully?"

Du Mingyue asked the students with a smile. This question made everyone feel guilty, because Du Mingyue has always been gentle and virtuous, and as a teacher he is not very strict.

The students naturally seemed less serious when studying the courses she taught.

Seeing everyone stunned, Du Mingyue chuckled.

"Why are you nervous? I really didn't tell you anything."

The students breathed a sigh of relief.

"The Mohist Mechanism Art is a complex and advanced craft. Unless you are very persistent in this craft, it will be difficult to achieve great success. You have never been exposed to the Mechanism Art before, and it took me a year to reluctantly lead you. Just come in. The manufacturing of this ship is considered a master-level craftsmanship of the Mo family. With your current level, even if it is completely dismantled, you still can't understand it." "Sister Yue, you are looking down on us, huh!"

Xiao Sizi has a good relationship with Du Mingyue and often watches her making mechanisms, so her understanding of mechanism techniques is the deepest in the academy.

"I'm not looking down on you, but I want to tell you that as long as you are interested, I will teach you seriously. As long as you study seriously, it is not impossible to surpass me in the future and make more sophisticated machines."

Boys' fresh energy always comes and goes quickly, and the one who took Du Mingyue's words to heart the most was Rolanda.

She originally likes to study and has a calm temper, so she is most suitable for learning the art of mechanism. Unfortunately, she did not have the opportunity to experience the real Mohist art of mechanism during her one year in the academy, so she was never attentive enough when learning.

Now that I finally saw it, I would find new questions every day and pester Du Mingyue to help her solve them.

After all, sailing at sea was boring, so the six teachers simply held classes on the ship and spent all their time answering questions for the students.

The Bering Strait is not long, so it took only two or three days of sailing to reach the other side.

"Finally set foot on the American continent, brothers!"

Chi You held Li Fei and Huang Di's shoulders and sighed.

"Yeah, who would have thought that we were here before Columbus?"

"Shh, don't make it public, this is a secret."

After saying that, the three of them laughed happily.

These three people often get together and say things they don't understand. Everyone is used to it, and they don't intend to delve into what they are talking about. Based on past experience.

You may not be able to tell them if you ask them, and you may not understand them even if you tell them, so why bother.

"There is still a long way to go before the Mayan Empire. It is best for everyone to be mentally prepared."

Li Fei seemed to have been here many times and was very familiar with this strange continent. Everyone was not surprised. It would be strange if one day Li Fei said that he didn't know or didn't know.


Huang Di suddenly made a confused sound, and Li Fei couldn't help but ask when he saw his face was a little solemn.

"what happened?"

"I feel like there are demigods on this continent."

"Are you sure? Do we know each other?"

"Definitely not. This energy has not established contact with us, or even come into contact with us, so I only have a vague feeling."

"Who could it be?"

A lot of question marks suddenly appeared on the heads of Li Fei, Huang Di and Chi You, and they even called Lucifer to discuss it together, but the latter also had no clue.

"In fact, it's not surprising. Although the Mayan civilization later became extinct, it did exist. It's not surprising that some people reached the realm of demigods during their existence."

"After all, the Mayans are indeed smart, but such a high-level civilization was completely extinct. Don't you think it's weird?"

(End of this chapter)

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