Chapter 505: Serving as a God
The worship of nearly a thousand people suddenly overwhelmed Li Fei and the others, and Huang Di, who had always been calm, was frightened and stuttered.

"What...what's going on?"

Before Li Fei and his party could react, a group of people close to the inner circle, led by the opponent's chief, began to crawl towards Li Fei and his party.

There is indeed nothing wrong with crawling, because at this time they were in a state of crouching on the ground and could not stand up straight. If they wanted to get close to Li Fei and others, they could only crawl forward using their hands and feet.

It has to be said that they climbed quite fast. In a blink of an eye, they all climbed to the feet of Li Fei and others. They all stretched out their hands and rushed to grab the boots of Li Fei and others. Their posture was the same as that of uncles and aunts grabbing supermarket specials. I'm afraid that if I move too slowly, I won't be able to touch anything.

What’s even more frightening is that this group of people were so crowded that they not only touched their feet, but also brought the hands that touched their feet to their mouths, as if they were inhaling athlete’s foot as fairy air.

Li Fei guessed that this might be some strange custom in the tribe, but he couldn't accept it and had goosebumps all over his body.


In order to drive away this strange group of natives and prevent his group's shoes from being scratched, Li Fei took on the posture of a Tang Dynasty Imperial Master, looked evil, and scolded them angrily.

In order to let this group of indigenous people who could not understand what they were saying feel his emotions, he even made his angry expression slightly larger.

Sure enough, it worked. After being angrily scolded by Li Fei, the crowd that had originally surrounded them dispersed like a tide, returned to the outside of the brazier circle, and began to kowtow.

Their kowtowing is different from the kowtowing of the Han people in the Tang Dynasty. They kowtow not on the ground but on pillars. There are many stone pillars with the totem patterns of the painters scattered in the tribal villages. These natives still kneel on their knees and keep looking at Li Fei and others. After bowing once, you will kowtow to the pillar once, which seems to be a cycle.

Although he didn't know what these aboriginals were doing, Li Fei could feel that these aboriginals were kowtowing to death and their heads were bleeding. It was because of his angry rebuke just now. Li Fei suddenly panicked, fearing that they would continue to kowtow. It will kill people.

"Lucifer, make them stop!"

When Lucifer heard this, he directly imagined twelve wings, rose into the air, and fanned the light wings, and a golden mark appeared on Lucifer's forehead. This was a manifestation of his using his mental power to the extreme.

Suddenly, the holy light poured down, covering the entire tribe and shining on all the indigenous residents. Lucifer's order was also conveyed to everyone's heart through this method.

The kowtowing behavior finally stopped.

However, these natives still lay on the ground and did not dare to raise their heads. Li Fei noticed that including the chief's son, the natives who came up to talk to them when they first entered the tribe suddenly changed their attitude towards them and became very angry. Respect and fear.

Li Fei held his forehead helplessly and had no choice but to ask Lucifer to take action.

"Please communicate."

If it weren't for Li Fei being here, given Lucifer's character, he might have knocked out the people in this village and walked away.

"You, get up and talk!"

Lucifer's spiritual cultivation is much stronger than Xiu's. He does not need physical contact, but only communicates through words to achieve the same communication effect.

When the chief heard this, he straightened up and kowtowed for a long time.

"Dear Lord God, do you have any instructions?"

Lucifer used some small means to connect to the spiritual world of everyone in Noah Academy, so that he no longer needed to communicate in the middle, and everyone could directly understand what the chief said.

"Why do you think of us as gods?"

The chief chattered a lot, but fortunately there were smart people present, so they could barely understand what he meant.

This roughly means that they can tame and drive wolves, make transportation tools, and look and dress differently from them. This must be the arrival of gods. "I never expected that their god system would be so lax..."

Shiranui Kiritsugu can be considered a young man who has traveled around the world and gained knowledge. He knows that whether it is the Tang Dynasty, Japan, or even Lucifer's place, there is a rigorous system of gods. Every god has a name, and there are Appearance, it’s not like just picking up any wild god and worshiping it.

Li Fei's mouth twitched when he thought about it. What should he say? This chief is indeed a chief. I don’t know if he can really communicate with the gods or what. Anyway, this mistake is not a mistake. In this group of people, there are five demigods, including names, surnames, and believers. There were only three and a half for Incense, and Li Fei barely counted half.

"Aren't you worried about admitting your mistake?"

The chief shook his head tremblingly.

"No, as soon as the gods entered the tribe, I felt the call of the gods."

Unexpectedly, this fat-headed, big-eared, and oil-painted chief really has something. Although I don’t know how he did it, he did feel the ‘divinity’ in Li Fei and his group, so he dared to be so determined and carry it with him. The whole village came to worship.

"We were just passing through on this trip."

The implication is, don't mobilize troops and crowds to welcome and entertain.

The chief bowed again.

"Ask the gods for their blessings and protect the tribe!"

After all, their tribe has never really seen a living god since ancient times. People are like this. They believe in gods and worship them, hoping to get some benefits.

Li Fei also knew that if he didn't give them some benefits, it wouldn't be so easy.

"That car is for you."

After saying that, a group of people behind Li Fei covered their faces, thinking that Li Fei was really giving people crappy things they didn't want in the first place, and he looked so generous.

Unexpectedly, the chief felt like he had received a treasure and kept kowtowing to express his thanks.

In this way, the group of people enjoyed the divine treatment in the tribe for a day, and also learned a lot of things from the chief.

Their tribe is a relatively large tribe around this mountain range. It is rich in materials and relatively wealthy. If it were not constantly harassed by wolves, they would have launched an invasion and annexation of the surrounding small tribes.

At present, Li Fei and the others have helped them solve their major problems with a casual move, and their future strength is just around the corner. How can I not be grateful for this.

"How can they still talk about this small-scale village fighting in a decent way?"

Chi You expressed everyone's feelings.

"There is nothing we can do. If the boss hadn't beaten you into submission at that time, we descendants of China might still be in the stage of fighting among the villagers."

Li Fei demonstrated what it means to be merciless, and revealed the key to the development and growth of Chinese civilization in one sentence. Huang Di himself didn't think it was important. Current events only create heroes.

"Hey, hey, you don't want to hit someone in the face, especially hitting me in the face in front of the boss, you are not kind."

"Who told you to laugh at others?"

Huangdi chuckled. Thousands of years have passed. The grudges and battles of the past are nothing more than jokes in the era of vigorous development in China.

(End of this chapter)

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