Chapter 506 Looking for the destination

Before Li Fei and others left the tribe, they specifically inquired about the Mayan Empire, but even the chief was clueless.

"Maybe it's just too far away."

"Being behind is also the problem. Looking at their living conditions, they are no different from our time."

"This means that at this time, the American continent is two to three thousand behind us."

Thinking of modern times, the most beautiful country in the world, Li Fei couldn't help but sigh.

"War is indeed the main culprit that restricts the development of human civilization."

“A visionary leader is also very important.”

Li Fei and Huang Di Chi You talked about the development of human civilization. In the end, the two patted Li Fei on the shoulder, which meant that all these burdens now fell on Li Fei.

"Hey, let's solve the most important problem at hand first. If something happens to the earth line, there is no need to talk about other things."

After staying in the tribe for a whole day, Li Fei and the others packed up and set off again. This time they replaced their means of transportation with wolves and built a simple trailer to hold some heavier things.

The tribe's indigenous residents gave them a lot of food before they left, the most of which were some dried beast carcasses.

It's a corpse, not meat, because the people here don't even know how to peel the skin, bleed, and remove the internal organs. It's okay to ask them to eat dried meat, but it's unacceptable to ask them to eat mummified corpses, even though there is no essential difference between the two things. .

The biggest difference is that Li Fei and others come from a highly civilized world that has long since left the era of living rough and drinking blood.

But even so, Li Fei still accepted them. These were the sacrifices offered by the indigenous residents to the gods. Only by accepting them could the villagers feel at ease and believe that they could continue to receive the protection of the gods.

"Come on, the wolves have enough food for a few days."

"Then this group of wolves is amazing. They have enjoyed tributes."

Ha ha.

For the next journey, Li Fei and others learned from the previous lesson and deliberately chose a route to avoid crowds. After all, on this continent, there are all kinds of strange customs. Who knows that the tribe they meet next will treat them as gods and gods. Still, he was caught as a monster.

Time is tight and I don't have time to deal with these trivial matters.

In addition, there are wolves clearing the way. In this place where even weapons cannot be used, such hordes of wild beasts are a considerable threat to humans. Even if ordinary people accidentally meet Li Fei and others, they will Be wary of the wolves and go around them.

Since they had no means of transportation, Li Fei and others just followed the Romans. Because there was a druid around, they never lacked mounts.

From riding wolves in the beginning, to riding lions, leopards, black bears, antelopes, and when walking on waterways, we also experienced riding crocodiles. Later, the younger students became more playful.

If they catch large beasts on the road, they ask Silt to get them as mounts.

"This is wrong for you!"

Schilter, who loved nature, finally couldn't help but condemn them.

"What's wrong? I suddenly became angry."

"I'm not angry! These beasts volunteered to help me find mounts for you, but if you see them riding one by one, this is simply trampling on their dignity. Although we are stronger than them, we shouldn't insult them like this!"

Shiranui Kiritsugu was the one who was having the most fun, and immediately pouted.

"It's not as serious as you say. I'm happy to be friends with them, okay?" "Huh! I won't help you anymore anyway!"

"Okay, okay, if you don't help, I won't help. Don't be angry, ah."

After saying that, Shiranui Kiritsugu patted the lion beneath him. Apparently he was very satisfied with this golden lion mount and decided not to change it.

"If you ask me, riding a panda is the most exciting thing."

Everyone knows that in ancient times, Chi You's mount was a panda. He was not even used to riding a horse, so when choosing a mount, he settled for the second best and chose a black bear, which is similar to the panda.

At this time, seeing Shiranui Kiritsugu and Hilt arguing about the mount, he couldn't help but move his buttocks on the black bear's back, and even got angry.

Although all the teachers in the college knew that he was bored after traveling for a long time, this behavior of irritating the students still made everyone couldn't help but cover their faces.

"Really? Mr. Chi You, when will you take us to ride pandas?"

"That's no problem. There are many of them on Shudi Mountain. I'll catch a few and raise them in the academy for you to play with. When pandas were young, they looked like sesame dumplings. They were round and round, which was fun."


Hearing Chi You's description, Shiranui Kiritsugu felt a little disappointed. Why didn't this panda sound tall and majestic at all? So what's so exciting about riding a fur dumpling?

As a modern person, the education he received since childhood was that pandas are national treasures, so when he heard Chi You say this, Li Fei couldn't help but interrupt.

"Take it easy, don't accidentally endanger yourself..."

"How can you do that? In a thousand years, you won't be able to play anything if you want to. You have to buy tickets to see them. There are so many now, so don't worry about the children. By the way, you haven't raised a panda before, right? Don't you just want to have fun?"


He was despised by Chi You.

But I have to say that Li Fei is still a little excited. It seems good to raise a group of national treasures in the academy?
Seeing that Li Fei actually compromised, Shiranui Kiritsugu became interested again.

"Jiejiu, what on earth is this panda? A bear or a cat?"

"Well... you will know when you go back and see. It is a species only found in the Tang Dynasty. It is not surprising if you don't know. If other countries want to raise a few, they have to spend money to rent them. Mr. Chi You is an expert in raising pandas. , if you follow him this time, you will definitely make money."

"So powerful?"

Therefore, in the mind of a simple young man, he imagined a big hairy dumpling with a body as big as a mountain. He could shoot away an army of 100,000 people with just a raise of his hands and feet when he put it on the battlefield.

Li Fei and others didn't know how big the imagination of the middle school boy was. They only knew that they had finally crossed the vast plains and were about to enter a huge rain forest.

Taking out the map and checking the direction, Li Fei was sure that they were very close to their destination.

"Through this rainforest, we should reach the territory of the Mayan Empire."

"It's not easy."

Everyone wiped the sweat from their foreheads and couldn't help but sigh.

When they set out from the Tang Dynasty, it was just March, and they actually spent more than a year on the road. Now it is about to enter midsummer. Even a group of demigods and superpowers with strong physiques cannot withstand this tropical climate. of baking.

(End of this chapter)

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