Chapter 71 It’s better to just die!

Li Fei's sudden doubts startled Li Er and Changsun Wuji.

Immediately, Li Er realized that he had lost his composure.

In Li Fei's case, he was originally a merchant, and it was normal for him to have some connections with the government in Chang'an City.

But this time because of this matter, one can imagine the troubles in Li Er's heart, and he even ignored some details that he should have paid attention to.

"Huh, if I were from the government, I would have taken people to cast a net and conduct an investigation. Why would I waste time in a place like this?"

Li Er breathed lightly, quickly stabilized his mood, and said with a wry smile: "You don't know, we originally planned to teach these thieves a lesson, and my friends in the government also know about this."

"Now that something like this has happened, although we have a good relationship and know that I, Lao Li, am not such a person, once word gets out, I will definitely not be able to escape the suspicion of being interrogated."

"So, the top priority is to look for clues first and see if we can find the mastermind behind it..."

This was said so seamlessly that Li Fei understood it clearly.

This is indeed what happened. Lao Li had already established a good relationship, which should have come in handy at this time, but something unexpected happened.

Regarding this, Li Fei, the initiator, felt a little embarrassed.

Follow the normal procedures, teach those Tubo thieves a lesson, and then use Lao Li's connections to let him go through the procedures. In the end, everyone will be happy and the matter will be settled.

But now, the matter has become a big deal. In the final analysis, Li Fei is still worried about Lao Li.

What if you get yourself in and can't get out?
"Then what do they say now?"

Li Fei raised his eyebrows and asked.

When such a big thing happened, the Lord of the Tang Dynasty must have been extremely angry. He was thinking of ways to pry the news out of Lu Dongzan, right?
"Well, I heard that Nalu Dongzan refused to plead guilty to death, claiming that he had no knowledge of the matter. Moreover, the fireworks materials had been inspected and were not that powerful, so they are still investigating..."

Li Er also put on a sad face and sighed.

"That's it...then do they know what's going on here?" Li Fei's heart moved.

Now, he felt something wasn't right.

Before the union, the Tubo envoy disappeared, and Li Fei didn't know that Tatu had come here secretly and was accidentally sent away by his test subject.

But Gu Li's disappearance was obvious to all. Once Lu Dongzan revealed the truth, signs of suspicion would immediately turn here.

Not good!

When he thought of this, Li Fei couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

If Nalu Dongzan was not sitting with Li Er, but was also on the stage, he would have been sent away by himself. Why would he have so many worries?

But now, this single flaw seems to be nothing, but in fact it can lead to many problems.

"I don't know yet, but someone from the Tubo envoy disappeared here before. Maybe someone will come over to investigate in a few days. Then, young doctor, just insist that you haven't seen him. That's all."

Lao Li said seriously.

It was no longer interesting to stay here, so they circled around the pothole again and then returned.

In the room, everyone was frowning and thinking about their own thoughts.Li Fei should have been the easiest, but unfortunately there was a little Persimmon beside him. If this matter was revealed, he would most likely take Persimmon out of Xiao Qin Village, or even leave Datang.

Changsun Wuji didn't see what was going on, and thought quickly in his mind, thinking about how to calm the situation quickly.

As for Cheng Yaojin and the others, they are the least worried.

Anyway, in the end, the worst thing is that it will become an internal matter within the royal family. Then it won't be just you and a few of you who need to worry about it, so why bother.

For a long time, Li Fei paid attention to Lao Li's expression and said, "Old Li, this matter doesn't have much to do with you, why does he look so ugly?"

The explosion occurred on the spot, and the current judgment is that it was an accident at best.


Li Er shook his head and said: "Things are not that simple. This Lu Dongzan is a time bomb. If it is not good, I am afraid that the Tang Dynasty will go to war with Tubo and the people will be in dire straits again... "

Hearing this, a ruthless look flashed in Li Fei's eyes and he said: "Yes, if this Lu Dongzan dies, Tubo will be fully responsible for this accident anyway. At that time, not only will Tubo have no reason to ask for people, but they will also come to the emperor." Please forgive me, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Li Er and Changsun Wuji were shocked!
What a ruthless means!
But after thinking about it for a moment, the truth behind these words is sobering!
"Little doctor, I know what you mean. If this Lu Dongzan dies, the Tubo side will die without any evidence, right?"

"At that time, even if Tubo Zampu learns about this and wants to ask me for help from the Tang Dynasty, there will be no reason for him, right?"

Changsun Wuji listened to Li Fei's words and pondered for a moment, then a wise light flashed in his eyes and he said.

This idea coincides with Changsun Wuji's considerations.

However, Li Fei waved his hand, picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup.

After drinking some water, he talked a little too much today. After his mouth was dry for a while and his tongue was moisturized, Li Fei looked at Changsun Wuji in surprise and said, "Old Sun, what's the matter with you? Why do you think so?"

Seeing the surprise on Li Fei's face, Li Er was also stunned: "Isn't that the case?"

Seeing the expressions of these two shrewd-looking businessmen, Li Fei shook his head speechlessly and said, "You really only think about making money, don't you care about the world situation at all?"

World pattern?

Li Er and Changsun Wuji were speechless for a while. Apart from others in the Tang Dynasty, who else dared to say that they did not care about government affairs?
But what does Xiao Langzhong mean by this?
"You guys..."

Li Fei seemed to hate the fact that iron cannot become steel. He shook his head and said, "Let's put it this way, Lao Li, you usually have dealings with businessmen from the Western Regions, right?"

"What's the economic strength there? Compared to Datang's economy, which place is stronger?"

Li Er was stunned for a moment when he was asked, and subconsciously took over: "Of course it goes without saying that the economy of the Tang Dynasty must be strong, and the interests of merchants are higher."

This is an obvious thing. If the Western Regions become more prosperous, it will be the people from the Central Plains running to the Western Regions, rather than the Western Regions always thinking about taking over the Central Plains.

"Isn't that what it is?"

"I'll give you an analysis. Although our country, the Tang Dynasty, is still cultivating its health, its national power is still several times that of the small countries in the Western Regions. Why did you just say, Lao Sun, that Tibet would come to hold the Tang Dynasty accountable?"

"In my opinion, Lu Dongzan will definitely die. Li Er will not let him go back alive. Either one of them will die, and the whole group will die, so it is better to let them all die!"

"Moreover, taking this opportunity, as long as Li Er can raise an issue, he can blame Tubo as to why such an accident happened. Does Tubo have the confidence to go to war with the Tang Dynasty?"

(End of this chapter)

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