Chapter 72 Are you going back to eat... or?
Li Fei's words were completely righteous from the historical perspective of the Tang Dynasty.

And not only that, looking at history and having God's perspective, who else in this era knows better than him how things will go next?
Tubo had just unified and had no guts to go to war with the Tang Dynasty.

But in the room, Li Er and Changsun Wuji, including Cheng Yaojin, Yuchi Jingde and Qin Qiong, were all shocked by these words.

After thinking for a moment, Li Er shook his head and said, "Little doctor, what you are saying is no different from Lao Sun?"

In any case, doing so would be an enmity with Tubo, so what else does it have to do with it?

Hearing this, Li Fei rolled his eyes and explained patiently: "Can this be the same?"

"One is that Tubo found out that the people were missing, and came to the Tang Dynasty to find the emperor to ask for people. The truth is on Tubo's side."

"The other one is that the emperor discovered that the Tibetan envoys were causing trouble in the Tang Dynasty, and then arrested these troublemakers, and then held the Tibetans accountable. Can you tell me how these two are the same?"

Regarding the relationship between active and passive, Li Fei really felt that these two people might not have gone to school, otherwise they would not be able to understand this basic principle clearly.

With the current status of the Tang Dynasty in the world, not to mention whether it can go sideways, at least it is still very deterrent against Tibet at this stage, right?
After what Li Fei said, Li Er and Changsun Wuji immediately understood.

For a moment, the two of them were so shocked that they completely forgot the purpose of coming to Xiao Qin Village.

"Yes, the doctor is right!"

"Tibet has just unified. It doesn't have enough power to go to war with us, and it doesn't dare to go to war with us. Otherwise, it would not send envoys to the Tang Dynasty, and it also proposed a marriage request!"

"From this point of view, this time may really be an opportunity for us in the Tang Dynasty. Even if we are at odds with Tubo because of this, we can still scare the little ones from all sides and kill two birds with one stone!"

Changsun Wuji was worthy of being Li Er's think tank. He understood the meaning of Li Fei's words in a blink of an eye, and the shock in his heart could not be greater.

This move is a pre-emptive move that can turn passivity into initiative almost instantly, leaving Tubo unable to express his suffering!
"Wonderful, wonderful!"

"What Xiao Langzhong said is that this is simply a national policy. If the current Holy Emperor knew Xiao Langzhong's thoughts, I'm afraid he wouldn't be as troubled as he is now."

Qin Qiong secretly admired him and was busy flattering him at this moment.

And in his own opinion, this flattery was just right.

In terms of relationship, these two are father and son in the true sense. Who will follow whom?
Looking at the expressions of His Majesty and Changsun Old Fox, it is obvious that they were moved by Li Fei's words. So this matter is considered resolved?

Li Fei drank all the water in the tea cup, smashed it in his mouth a few times, and then said, "That's Li Er's business. It has nothing to do with us. Now we are still very suspicious, hey!"

Thinking of his previous conspiracy with Lao Li about this matter, Li Fei felt that it was a mistake.

I was naive at first, and they conspired with Lao Li not long after they met. It was unreliable no matter how I looked at it.

Of course, this is not entirely Li Fei's fault. After all, under the attention of caring people, if he had not discussed the matter with Li Er frankly, he might have been controlled by this time.

After all, there is still another eldest grandson Wugou who is a victim.

With a frown on his face, Li Fei looked at Old Li and asked, "Old Li, can you tell me a little bit about the officials you know? What is their official rank?"

"Is it from the Ministry of Punishment? If we two go in together by then, are we sure we can fish it out?"

"You said that Persimmon and I were all alone. What would Persimmon do if even I got in?"

"There is also Aunt Sun's illness. In a few days, another prescription will need to be changed. Without me, it will take a long time..." Li Fei rambled while quietly paying attention to Lao Li's demeanor.

Sure enough, when he talked about the little persimmon, Lao Li's expression changed.

Then when Aunt Sun was mentioned again, Lao Li's expression became extremely serious, and he said: "Young doctor, you can rest assured about this. Lao Sun and I have dealt with people from the imperial court a lot, and we still know many people. reliable."

"As long as you didn't do this, even if I have to hold you accountable today, I will do my best to protect you!"

Hearing these words with great assurance, Changsun Wuji and Cheng Yaojin immediately turned their heads and couldn't bear to look directly at him.

This is really a good show, why should the emperor hold you accountable?
The emperor is right in front of us, how can he be held accountable?

"Blow hard!"

The first sentence was okay, but as soon as the latter sentence came out, Li Fei couldn't bear it anymore and said disdainfully: "You can just brag about this like me. If Li Er really pursues it, can you, Lao Li, move out the King of Heaven and me?"

"But having said that, there is no proof of this death. What if the superiors insist that I did it?"

Seeing Li Fei's disdain, Li Er was stunned and immediately felt dumbfounded.

After hearing the next sentence, Li Er shook his head and said: "Don't worry, the current Holy Emperor is not a mediocre person, and he will not directly sin against others in such an indiscriminate manner."

"If it doesn't work, the young doctor will present the countermeasures mentioned before. The Holy Emperor will be very happy when he finds out. Even if he kills Lu Dongzan, it won't be a big deal."

With an idea in mind, Li Er's expression became relaxed, and he drank tea one sip after another.

In this way, not only the matter of the Tibetan envoys was solved, but also the Tibetans could be held accountable. It was really the best of both worlds.

In the past, I was a fan of the authorities and ignored the strength of the Tang Dynasty because of dealing with Jie Li. Now I was awakened by Li Fei's words and my confidence doubled.

"Brother, when are you going to cook? Persimmon is hungry~!"

It had been a long time since I heard another voice coming from the room. Little Persimmon's head popped out of the door and looked at Li Fei pitifully.

She had been hungry for a long time, but when she heard her brother talking to a few people in the room, she endured her hunger and waited until now.

There was finally no movement, and Little Persimmon ran in with a grimace.

"It's time to eat. Oh yes, how are Cheng Molinbao and the others doing?"

Li Fei also woke up and it was already dinner time before he knew it. He remembered that those few people were still busy peeling potatoes in the field and asked.

"Brother Fei, we've got all the potatoes we dug out. There are too many!"

"It's all here. We only transported part of it, and part of it is still in the fields."

In the yard, Cheng Chumo, the three of them and the soldiers were all sweating profusely, and in front of them were several potatoes packed in sacks.

Li Fei, who heard the commotion, also walked out, picked up a potato, looked at it, and nodded with satisfaction.

However, he seemed to have thought of something again, and turned to look at the few people who followed him: "You... go back to eat, or not?"

Lao Li:? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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